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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 04 Jan 2009 : 23:10:03
I've seen the Realms possess so much lore in all sorts of places to the point where it has a history book released for it.

My question is, is there anyone undertaking the cosmic task of putting together a full-blown FR Encyclopedia? That would be awesome to see.

I've seen FR Wiki, is that anywhere near complete?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Karsus Posted - 15 Jan 2009 : 18:09:46
Originally posted by George Krashos

Ed mentioned at GEN-CON 2007 that there was talk of an "official" FR Wiki to be organised and run by WotC but I'm guessing that nothing has come of this.

-- George Krashos

-Neither Rich Baker nor Bruce Cordell have mentioned anything of them since. That's definitely something to bark up the tree about, though. Given WotC's problems with their online stuff, though...
Razz Posted - 14 Jan 2009 : 16:00:06
Would said FR Wiki be as detailed as "There are frostfolk living in the Land of Snow Demons as mentioned in the novel Frostfell"?

That's the kind of encyclopedia I mean.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 12 Jan 2009 : 17:55:01
Damn, I think Wooly just gave them the next RSE.
ErskineF Posted - 12 Jan 2009 : 17:32:02
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

"The city of Baldur's Gate was accidentally destroyed by Bahb the Fighter in an incident involving three pixies, a deepspawn, and a dire werechicken, as told in the novel Bahb's Big Oops. For further developments, see Bahb Strikes Back, coming in July 2009."

Dude... don't give them any ideas.

George Krashos Posted - 12 Jan 2009 : 06:27:59
Originally posted by Portella

An official wiki would never happen as wiki are place for free information, well detailed etc. with that the FR wiki would not be really good as all the information about the realms is copyrighted. So you would get half baked facts with a lot of gaps every where. so if you want to know what happen when myth drannor was formed again with the help of the high elf that the name escapes me, You have to buy the book as book charring is also against copy right.

As I understand it, the term "FR wiki" was a placeholder for a web design hosted on the WotC site that would be exactly like a fleshed out FR wikipedia grouping but hosted (and controlled) by WotC. Fans would be allowed to do entries but such entries would be vetted by the keepers of the quasi-wiki and the public would be unable to change stuff etc. In other words, they wanted to set up something of their own, much like FR Wikipedia, but presumably better.

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jan 2009 : 00:12:02
Originally posted by Portella

An official wiki would never happen as wiki are place for free information, well detailed etc. with that the FR wiki would not be really good as all the information about the realms is copyrighted. So you would get half baked facts with a lot of gaps every where. so if you want to know what happen when myth drannor was formed again with the help of the high elf that the name escapes me, You have to buy the book as book charring is also against copy right.

But the people holding the IP are free to share it, if they wish. And saying "This city was founded by Bahb the Fighter, as told in the novel Bahb Kills Some Bad Guys And Does Some Stuff" conveys information without sharing anything they want you to spend money on. If they control access to who can post, and put a release date on info from the novels, then it could work. So if Bahb accidently destroys Baldur's Gate in book 2, they could wait 4 or 6 months after the release of the novel before saying in the Baldur's Gate entry "The city of Baldur's Gate was accidentally destroyed by Bahb the Fighter in an incident involving three pixies, a deepspawn, and a dire werechicken, as told in the novel Bahb's Big Oops. For further developments, see Bahb Strikes Back, coming in July 2009."
Portella Posted - 11 Jan 2009 : 20:22:33
An official wiki would never happen as wiki are place for free information, well detailed etc. with that the FR wiki would not be really good as all the information about the realms is copyrighted. So you would get half baked facts with a lot of gaps every where. so if you want to know what happen when myth drannor was formed again with the help of the high elf that the name escapes me, You have to buy the book as book charring is also against copy right.
George Krashos Posted - 06 Jan 2009 : 11:14:01
Ed mentioned at GEN-CON 2007 that there was talk of an "official" FR Wiki to be organised and run by WotC but I'm guessing that nothing has come of this.

-- George Krashos
Steven Schend Posted - 05 Jan 2009 : 23:14:45
Originally posted by ErskineF

Back in the late 90s TSR was going to produce just such a product. They got a bunch of volunteers to sign up for the research, but I'm not sure what became of it. I think at one point they had decided that it would just be used for in-house research, but I don't know if it was ever completed even for that purpose.

It never made it beyond preliminary note stages, as it was determined that it'd be too costly to develop even just for in-house use. (It would have taken the 12 helpers/interns/"minions" and 3 full-time staffers at least 3 years to do it properly for print or no less than one year just for in-house reference, so the project was scrapped after its initial setup, much to my chagrin.)

who once rode herd on the merry band of scribes what compiled all the data
Gelcur Posted - 05 Jan 2009 : 13:11:36
Try this I've found it useful in the past:

It still requires you to have all the old resource books BUT you can figure out which ones to look in.

I've done something similar for myself. I've got most of my FR books scanned/OCRed in my computer and I wrote a Perl script to go through them looking for keywords. Its a matter of finding the time to OCR the rest of them.
Gang Falconhand Posted - 05 Jan 2009 : 12:24:35
Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

Originally posted by Razz

I've seen FR Wiki, is that anywhere near complete?

The FR Wiki is nice for at a glance stuff, but the problem with wikis is that subjectivity may creep in. I personally wouldn't trust it as an accurate research tool... just as a jumping off point.

Absolutely. It's most useful if it's fully referenced so you can easily find the source material. I've added and amended a couple of things on there myself.
Fillow Posted - 05 Jan 2009 : 05:37:51
With all its loremasters and sages, this forum is such an Encyclopedia !
ErskineF Posted - 05 Jan 2009 : 03:13:28
Back in the late 90s TSR was going to produce just such a product. They got a bunch of volunteers to sign up for the research, but I'm not sure what became of it. I think at one point they had decided that it would just be used for in-house research, but I don't know if it was ever completed even for that purpose.
Nerfed2Hell Posted - 04 Jan 2009 : 23:27:43
Originally posted by Razz

I've seen FR Wiki, is that anywhere near complete?

The FR Wiki is nice for at a glance stuff, but the problem with wikis is that subjectivity may creep in. I personally wouldn't trust it as an accurate research tool... just as a jumping off point.
The Sage Posted - 04 Jan 2009 : 23:13:32
Candlekeep does have an Encyclopedia Project in progress -- whereupon the content of each tome will be summarised according to chapters and important entries catalogued. But any activity on it has kinda halted for the time being. In fact, there hasn't been any particular work on it since May '07.

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