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 shade physiology

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Arion Elenim Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 22:36:01
Can somebody clue me in to where I can find some stats on the physiological makeup of shades?

Specifically, I'm looking for things like body temperature, metabolism, and more basic things like sweating, eating, etc. I don't believe they're all that different than your average run-of- the-mill human in those respects but I'd like to know for sure.

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scererar Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 01:14:32
Originally posted by Dagnirion

-I would ask Paul Kemp what he thinks. Mind you, the information isn't there anywhere, so it's up to everyone to make it up, but I would think he has some insight and interesting ideas concerning Shades.

Well Kemp does describe Cale casting spells of protection from the cold temperatures of Cania. I do not recall him casting spells while on the plan of shadows.
His novels also depict day time vs night time, or while in shadow powers.

Funny what the other poster indicated about desert, due to Netheril. However, that has been slowly changing over the past 100 years of FR time line.
Lord Karsus Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 16:51:01
-I would ask Paul Kemp what he thinks. Mind you, the information isn't there anywhere, so it's up to everyone to make it up, but I would think he has some insight and interesting ideas concerning Shades.
Kilvan Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 15:39:59
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Originally posted by Pandora

...probably couldnt really stand the sun or a desert climate...

Wonder if someone should have mentioned this to the Shadovar...

Haha , sweet, sweet irony.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 15:38:08
Originally posted by Pandora

...probably couldnt really stand the sun or a desert climate...

Wonder if someone should have mentioned this to the Shadovar...
Pandora Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 07:29:50
At first glance I would say that Shades should have the same physical characteristics regarding body temperature as the base creature, but when I apply my "RL logic" I would say they need to be different. Why? The Shades have lived on the Plane of Shadows for some time and there is no sun there. The sun does help with the surrounding temperature a lot, thus their bodies are probably used to a lot colder temperatures and probably couldnt really stand the sun or a desert climate. The difference might not be that great, but maybe comparable to the sunburn which people with very light skin are prone to get when they expose themselves to the sun without appropriate protection. So there might be some special protective clothing the Shades could have developed ...
Dalor Darden Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 04:18:12
Guess I hadn't read enough on Shades in 4e...they are VASTLY different from Shades in earlier versions...
scererar Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 02:57:29
Without getting into the entire template, here is a bit from the 4E FRCG page 260

"A shade retains its original appearance, but with a gaunt, drawn look. Its skin takes on a dull hue, and its eyes become slightly luminous. It no longer needs to eat or sleep, and its aging slows to a crawl. As a shade grows older, its appearance becomes darker and more monstrous, with strange features such as sharp teeth. “Shade” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature; most shades were once human. A shade can fill any role or be a member of any class."

From the 3E FRCS Version page 314

"Shades were once humanoids, but they have traded their souls for the essence of shadowstuff. Most shades appear as humanoids of their former height and appearance, but with grayish or nearly black, dusky skin and veiled eyes. They are often thinner than normal for their races. They favor somber clothing and wear armor if they so desire. Shades can speak whatever languages they knew before their transformations. Shades have an affinity for shadow, and their capabilities are linked to the light conditions around them. They gain powerful abilities any time they are within shadows or darkness, but in bright light they are all but ordinary mortals.

I have hopes that we will see more detail on Shades from DDI or other power options sources that are slated to come out.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 02:47:54
I'd assume that in most regards, Shades are similar to humans. Their dietary needs would likely be somewhat different, but I think that that would be the major difference (aside from the shady thing, of course).
scererar Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 01:55:29
Originally posted by Arion Elenim

Cool...uncharted territory for me to explore.

I'm putting together a novel of sorts for the 'Keep (in..sigh....4th ed...) in which the shades factor in pretty heavily, and I'm trying to do a grittier examination of them, so...hopefully my leaps of faith on how they sweat and whether or not they get cold won't disappoint.

Thanks guys!

The 4E FRCG talks about Shades briefly, as well as the 3E FRCS. The FRCG has a power option template that can be used. Nothing on make up of the Shade as a whole. It does indicate that the Shade is as it's race, prior to becoming a Shade, and that not all shades come from Netheril.

Additionally, Paul Kemp's novels surrounding Cale, as well as the RothAW trilogy, have some insight on Shades.
Arion Elenim Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 00:49:58
Cool...uncharted territory for me to explore.

I'm putting together a novel of sorts for the 'Keep (in..sigh....4th ed...) in which the shades factor in pretty heavily, and I'm trying to do a grittier examination of them, so...hopefully my leaps of faith on how they sweat and whether or not they get cold won't disappoint.

Thanks guys!
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 22:55:25
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I don't know that any non-third party book has gone into that much detail for any race.

From the time of 1st Edition Shades (Monster Manual II, pg 108) Shades go through substantial changes...but like Wooly said, NOTHING like what you are asking for.

In first edition they would actually regenerate lost limbs (all but the head that is); and they would live forever if not killed (being also immunie to disease).

They are not undead however, and they eat, drink and even breed; though I would say that their children are NOT shades.

My wizard (Dalor Darden) became a Shade a LONG time I'm a little fuzzy on what we talked about back then; but really, the information hasn't changed a great deal on them.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 22:44:25
I don't know that any non-third party book has gone into that much detail for any race.

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