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 Halloween: Ravenloft Song Parody...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jakk Posted - 18 Oct 2008 : 23:35:15
...with possible spoilers if anybody hasn't played *any* of the Ravenloft adventures (the classic original or "Return to Castle Ravenloft" in particular)...

(co-written by myself and my roommate/DM)

Spoiler space...

Spoiler space ending...

Von Zarovich Picnic (tune of "Teddy Bears Picnic")

If you go out in the mists today,
You'd better not scream or cry.
If you go out in the mists today,
You'd better prepare to die.
For every zombie ever there was
Is gathered there forever because
Today's the day von Zarovich has his picnic.

See him drifting down the stairs
He feeds on blood and tears
His way into all your major veins.
If his zombies grab your hairs
In no time flat they'll chow down on your brains.
Mindlessly they shamble 'bout,
They never cry or shout,
Voiceboxes in disrepair.
At six o'clock the mummies and banshees will wake the living dead,
And then we'll see how the party fares.

If you go out in the woods today,
The werewolves are really bad.
No, don't go out in the woods today,
You'd be better off with Strahd.
He's a vampire, his girlfriend's a ghost,
But still and all, a half-decent host.
Today's the day von Zarovich has his picnic.

See him drifting down the stairs
He feeds on blood and tears
His way into all your major veins.
If his zombies grab your hairs
In no time flat they'll chow down on your brains.
Mindlessly they shamble 'bout,
They never cry or shout,
Voiceboxes in disrepair.
At six o'clock the mummies and banshees will wake the living dead,
And then we'll see how the party fares.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GRYPHON Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 14:45:01
Jakk Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 10:04:14
My DM and I had fun writing it. We've both played through the original Ravenloft as players in different groups, and it was long enough ago for me that I don't remember much now that he's DMing "Return to Castle Ravenloft" in our current campaign.

BTW: Did you know that "Ravenloft" anagrams to "Navelfort" and "Novelfart"? Neither did I until 30 seconds ago.
The Sage Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 00:49:30
Very nice Jakk!

Of course, my two favorite setting-parody songs remains the "Twelve Days of Zarovich" and the "Santa Claus is coming to New Avalon."

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