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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ilztfryn Claddghym Posted - 27 May 2008 : 00:59:23
Hey all,

I have noticed on the board that many of you participate in pbem games but few of you are involved in pbp. What is the difference between the two?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hoondatha Posted - 27 May 2008 : 16:51:22
I've never done PBEM, only PBP, and one thing I like about PBP over regular sit-down-at-the-table role-playing is that it's a lot easier to handle people going off on tangents. I'm in a PBP Shadowrun game, and I don't think all of the PC's have ever been gathered together at the same place at the same time. We're all on the same day, but PC's A and B will be in the morning, while PC C, who's off doing his own thing and posting a lot, will be in the afternoon. That's much harder to deal with in person.

Of course, combat takes for-freaking-EVER.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 27 May 2008 : 16:30:46
As a player in Kuje's game, I can attest to what he says, and based on my experience I vastly prefer pbem.

Pbp games can get hard to keep up with if the same few people are posting all the time and there are no restrictions on that. I haven't found Kuje's game hard to keep up with.
Kuje Posted - 27 May 2008 : 16:13:53
Well, speaking as a DM that has run PBP/chat games and PBEM games, I prefer PBEM.

The difference to me is that I can write the story as a email game much easier and keep up with what is going on verses a pbp game, which might have some posts out of order.

Beyond that, really there isn't much difference. It's just which ever you prefer. I've seen some pbp games that are just as slow as email games....
Pasta Fzoul Posted - 27 May 2008 : 04:40:07
Actually, my sole RP outlet is pbp. I've never actually done pbem, but I can only imagine it would be much like pbp, only even slower

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