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 Bhalla / Chauntea

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Na-Gang Posted - 17 May 2008 : 09:52:57
Hi all

A friend wants to play a Rashemi druid of Bhalla and wonders how she is portrayed differently there compared to the more common portrayal of Chauntea elsewhere.

IMO, since the Rashemi are somewhat less civilised (in the traditional 'western' sense of the word) than other cultures who more commonly worship Chauntea I would imagine that they worship her more as Jannath was worshipped in Netheril i.e. a goddess of nurturing and protecting all growing, living things rather than focussing on agriculture and so on.


Is there any published lore on this?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Na-Gang Posted - 17 May 2008 : 12:56:12
Originally posted by Ayunken-vanzan

Given the combination of Chauntea with Miellikki, we can assume that Bhalla is worshipped as goddess of agriculture whereas Mielikki is worshipped as goddess of the wild, uncultivated nature. So Bhalla is not a parallel to Jannath of old Netheril.

Oh yeah, good point.
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 17 May 2008 : 11:27:51
Unapproachable East does indeed have a little notice about Bhalla (in the section “Religion” on p. 139). There it is stated: “Rashemi religion focuses on ‘the Three’—Bhalla (Chantea), Mielikki, and the Hidden One (Mystra)–but also telthors and famous heroes.”

Given the combination of Chauntea with Miellikki, we can assume that Bhalla is worshipped as goddess of agriculture whereas Mielikki is worshipped as goddess of the wild, uncultivated nature. So Bhalla is not a parallel to Jannath of old Netheril.
Na-Gang Posted - 17 May 2008 : 10:45:23
Originally posted by sfdragon

if there is, its in unapproachable east

That's what I figured, but this friend is borrowing my copy so I can't check and he says he's looked.

Is there anything in the 2E Spellbound box?
sfdragon Posted - 17 May 2008 : 10:30:36
if there is, its in unapproachable east

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