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 Party Lines: Fractions within the Powerbrokers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Foxhelm Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 13:28:19
I am trying to see what I can do with creating fraction within the powerbrokers of Faerun. Things like the Harpers and Red Wizards, the Twisted Runes and the Unseen.

Most of this was inspired by an episode of a Canadian Show called Beyond, a show about paranormal and controversial topics. They had a show on the Masons (linked to the Holy Grail and the DaVinci Code), which mentioned the difference between the normal masons who are mostly beign and the Clandestine Masons (like Skull and Bones or P2) who are more like the evil mason image.

The First fraction I made was a clandestine group of harpers, The Harpers at Midnight, who are like to the harpers what Clandestine masons are to the Freemasons.

Feel free to add your fractions and groups within the larger groups of Faerun as I would love to see them. Thanks and Enjoy!

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The Sage Posted - 02 May 2008 : 03:12:52
See Ed's Code of the Harpers tome. There's also some brief bits in Cult of the Dragon [available as a free PDF download at WotC], and Steven Schend's Blackstaff.
monknwildcat Posted - 02 May 2008 : 02:12:23
I'm thinking that, on an organizational level, this runs into problems; on a smaller scale, it's intriguing....

I have no tomes tonight, but I recall in novels (Shakti Hunette of Menzoberranzan) if not in the Demihuman Deities that Vhaerun openly recruits clergy of other faiths to subvert them. It also seems logical for him to need inside info on Harpers in the Dales and Cormanthyr.

It also seems feasible that Gargauth might impersonate a Harper's patron deity and, over time, subvert them, perhaps offering further abilities to aid (initially) the cause of good and win prestige for an ambitious Harper--until he signs that Faustian contract.

I don't know if Moander's got it in him from the astral, and ol' Mo's my least favorite option, but Mo did corrupt that half-elf bard lady at Finder's trial with nobody noticing, suggesting, with deific aid, it's plausible.

Lastly, is Finder ok with the Harpers? Would he have interest in placing spies within the Harpers, perhaps to do a less evil-focused but organizational transformation? Perhaps returning some of the bardic Harpers back to their art in keeping with Iriaebor/Garnet's idea?

Is there lore regarding the Harpstar Wars?

Thanks, Fox, for the ideas!
Ladejarl Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 21:12:51
Besides he's allready using the Knights of the Shield to further
his goals.
The Sage Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 16:34:34
Originally posted by Foxhelm

Well, maybe my original idea might work better. It involved a group using the name of the Harpers as a cloak to mask their true identity. Even going as far as to create false Harper items and using specialized magics to hid their identity like the Veil of Cyric in the Waterdeep Accessory.
That may be the more appropriate alternative.

After all, with gods like Mystra, Azuth, and Oghma watching over the Harpers, I find it difficult to believe that Gargauth would be capable of carrying out this deception for any real length of time.
Kuje Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 16:07:40
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I don't think that would work. The Harpers, as a group, have patron deities that watch over the group. I think that if a Harper turned to an evil deity, even one in disguise, they'd quickly loose all the divinely-granted Harper benefits. And that, of course, should cue them in to something not being right. It's also likely that some manifestation would be sent to tell the errant Harper they're on a seriously wrong path.

Plus, like the secrets of the Chosen, most people don't really know that the finer workings of the organization. Hells, even sometimes the rank and file of the group don't even know that info.
Foxhelm Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 15:36:57
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I don't think that would work. The Harpers, as a group, have patron deities that watch over the group. I think that if a Harper turned to an evil deity, even one in disguise, they'd quickly loose all the divinely-granted Harper benefits. And that, of course, should cue them in to something not being right. It's also likely that some manifestation would be sent to tell the errant Harper they're on a seriously wrong path.

Well, maybe my original idea might work better. It involved a group using the name of the Harpers as a cloak to mask their true identity. Even going as far as to create false Harper items and using specialized magics to hid their identity like the Veil of Cyric in the Waterdeep Accessory.

I might go back and rewrite the "Harper" at Midnight later, when I have more energy for it. Thanks for the comment.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 15:33:34
I don't think that would work. The Harpers, as a group, have patron deities that watch over the group. I think that if a Harper turned to an evil deity, even one in disguise, they'd quickly loose all the divinely-granted Harper benefits. And that, of course, should cue them in to something not being right. It's also likely that some manifestation would be sent to tell the errant Harper they're on a seriously wrong path.
Foxhelm Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 13:29:08
The Harpers at Midnight

A secret group which is as related to the main stream harpers by name alone, this groups has is a dark shadow which has been created by those with goals of control governments and world powers. They believe the world is run by those not smart or wise enough to control the masses and have taken it upon themselves to take control of nations and groups which can move nations for 'The betterment of the races'. Whether the masses want it or not.

The Harpers at Midnight starts off as a group just using the name of the harpers as a mask to commit their acts, since Harpers have been known as manipulators of fates. Yet time and dark gods have been known to draw shamed and traitorous harpers to the group with the knowledge the contain on the True Harpers.

Many of the Master Midnight Harpers tend to use agents which can be disposed of at a moments notice while at the same time harming the name of the true harpers. Examples of this are special designed badges which can imitate the common magical badges of the real group.

The HM leadership is rare to find true Midnight members, watching them for years to judge or shape their mindset before introducing them to the 'true' harper ideology. However, it then tests these agents ruthlessly to make sure they are strong enough to rule. Then they are positioned into the hierarchy of the world powers to be the eyes and ears of the group.

Religion: The main god behind this group of false harpers is the deity of Gargauth, who may have influence the creation of the group around the time of the Harpstar War. The majority of his clerics in this group are either lawful neutral or imitate those of a lawful neutral alignment. It is also common for 'True Knowledge' sects of the faith of the gods who created the harpers (Read it as heresy) to fill the rank of the clergy with hidden teachings with reflect the groups understanding of the world.

Two gods added to this 'Harper' Pantheon is the Red Knight and Siamorphe, neither of these goddess true support the group and are replaced with heresies.

Alignments: The majority of the Leadership is Lawful Neutral since they believe in the creation of lawful societies they can control by any means necessary. A few of them are lawful evil, being corrupted by the power of Gargauth. A tiny minority are lawful good, believe they are helping society by guiding it under an orderly benign hand.

Interesting Note: It should be noted this group of Harpers can sometimes be mistake for the Moonstar fraction of the Harpers. This is due to some similiarity of actions for their goals. Yet the Midnight Harpers are more willing to use darker methods to make their goals a reality. This has been known to give the Moonstars a black eye because of the more negative deeds of the Midnight Harpers. Currently, there are Moonstar agents keeping a covert eye on some members of the Midnight Harpers and vice versa.

It is also hinted the Midnight Harpers may have created the Harper Schism or at least used it to their own benefit against the Moonstar.

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