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 Epic Level Spells(3E)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aravine Posted - 03 Apr 2008 : 18:08:30
I've heard it mentioned by several scribes here at Candlekeep that Epic level spells are useless. So I put it to the whole community.

Are Epic level Spells useless?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koncopd Posted - 08 May 2008 : 11:31:21
I think in some situations there can be need in these powerful high-costed spells.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 05 May 2008 : 23:59:59
Epic spells are great. Some complain about their cost: I say, as a DM, that the high cost is a GREAT IDEA! That way, I don't have a player bugging me at every game session about a new Epic spell... instead, they take their time, think it through and through, and when they're really sure about it, they come to me so I can review it and approve it. An epic spell is a labor of love, and this should be represented out of game somewhat by all the hard work the player goes through to develop it. The high costs also prevent "low twenties" PCs to get their hands on these, and shunts the whole Epic spell idea more towards levels 30-50, which is great IMHO.

And for those who constantly remind us all that most Epic spells can be replicated or exceeded, damage-wise, by metamagicked spells memorized in 10th, 11th or 12th-level slots via Improved Spell Capacity, I say poo!! Not everyone wants to waste feats on additional spell slots (i.e. a lot of high level casters in my campaign are instead going for things like Epic Leadership, Automatic Quicken series feat, Great Intelligence or Great Wisdom, feats that give you Spell-like abilities, feats that boost your familiar, etc.)
GRYPHON Posted - 05 May 2008 : 14:29:05
Depends on the spell...
Aravine Posted - 05 May 2008 : 13:05:20
Originally posted by BlackDragonKarameikos

I have to say as well, it probably depends on the spell and how it is being used.
It also depends on if the characters are high enough to use Epic-Level Spells or not.

the assumption for a character that can cast epic level spells is that he/she is epic level.
BlackDragonKarameikos Posted - 05 May 2008 : 00:03:34
I have to say as well, it probably depends on the spell and how it is being used.
It also depends on if the characters are high enough to use Epic-Level Spells or not.
sirreus Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 20:42:00
i must say since the day 3.0 came out my party has never even been interested in an epic spell, however a good dm/pc communication could achieve almost anything.
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 15:53:30
I vote for no. Any spell have his use. The DM, or the player, have only to know the when / how / where and why.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 15:12:37
Is there any spell that's truly useless? I think it's a matter of what spells are versatile and what spells are useful only under a narrow set of circumstances rather than a matter of what spells are "useless".
Alisttair Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 13:24:40
Depends on the spell of course.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 03 Apr 2008 : 20:45:32
Yeah, I certainly don't think they are useless, but they are a bit odd to try to use as they stand now. You can do it, but you can easily have a spell that is impossible to cast along with a spell that has some really unforseen and overly powerful repercussions. The epic magic system didn't get used much, so I don't think it got the fine tuning that it could have otherwise.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 03 Apr 2008 : 20:14:58
Who said epic level spells were useless? I didn't get the impression that was a commonly accepted belief, here.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 03 Apr 2008 : 18:46:44
I don't think they are useless, but they really should have a point in a campaign. Their costs are absurd, as are the results.

I think if, say, a villian were trying to do one of these and the PCs are trying to stop it - or if the PCs were helping some allies do something to save a great culture, yeah, go for it. But I think it's a bit dangerous in the hands of PCs.

BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 03 Apr 2008 : 18:15:49
In my opinion :NO.
I mean that it must be spells which are available to characters with epic characteristics..
Jorkens Posted - 03 Apr 2008 : 18:15:22
As I don't play 3ed. I probably should not answer this, but from what I have seen the spells (lacking better words) seem insane. On the other side, the answer to any question like this would wholly depend on the campaign.

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