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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Xaralin Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 01:40:21
This is so hilarious, everyone who has ever played D&D must watch this video. When at the web page click Watch The Movie.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 04 Jun 2003 : 12:24:09
Mournblade, both the Bookwyrm and I are working hard to resolve this little problem. For more details, please look at this scroll.

May your learning be free and unfettered

Mournblade Posted - 04 Jun 2003 : 00:24:35
Ok my friends...

Sage and Bookwyrm you talk privately with each other often. Now I do not have a problem with this, but from my corner of the library where I am reading up on the strategies of mounted warfare, I see the two of you talking, and it is very difficult to distinguish WHO IS WHO. You both wear the SAME cloak, Have the Same Beard, and a similar Nose. Since you are always whispering it is difficult to distinguish the two of you apart Can ONE of you change your cloak perhaps?

The Sage Posted - 03 Jun 2003 : 07:31:45
I was just thinking the same thing. I am composing the message now, along with some thoughts on this internet problem you are having.

Bookwyrm Posted - 03 Jun 2003 : 07:24:11
I'm 56k slow, and it's 44kbps, if that's what you're asking.

If you think you can help me, why don't you email me. That way we don't get Alaundo upset at us.
The Sage Posted - 03 Jun 2003 : 07:14:17
What's your connection speed, and tranfer rate for your internet connection?.

Bookwyrm Posted - 03 Jun 2003 : 06:52:22
I click on the link, the window pops up, it says it's loading, nothing else happens. I checked my connection tab, and it showed no information coming over the link.

That's about all I can tell you, though . . . this dragon might look like a computer geek, but he ain't.
The Sage Posted - 03 Jun 2003 : 06:34:21
I am willing to help you Bookwyrm, just let me know exactly what is happening when you try to access the link, and I'll work it from there .

May your learning be free and unfettered

Bookwyrm Posted - 03 Jun 2003 : 05:33:57
Anyone know why I can't download it? I assume that there are some Flash settings that need resetting . . . . but as one might guess from the vocabulary I just used, I wouldn't know what.

[Bookwyrm, the shapechanged dragon sage, master of many magics, ruefully pokes at his computer with a stick, not knowing what to do. "I knew I should have bought more ranks in Knowledge (computer programming) . . . ." ]
Yasraena Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 19:41:18
Yeah, an oldie but a goodie. I came accross that about two years ago while searching Napster (remember them?) for D&D. The Dead Alewives also did a 'sequel' to that, not surprisingly called "The Perils of AD&D II", which is even funnier than the first one. You can probably find both MP3's on any of the P2P sites out there.
Malice Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 13:23:12
::surreptitiously dies of laughter:: That was great!
The Sage Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 12:28:17
This was great! .

It sort of reminded me of my early 1e D&D gaming sessions.

May your learning be free and unfettered

Edain Shadowstar Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 04:05:49
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and collector's coffee mug. But, seriously, that was incredibly funny. I love the guy in the kitchen...just priceless. By the way, you actually paid to see The Matrix: Reloaded? Wow...
Bookwyrm Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 03:36:32
It doesn't work for me. It just stalled when I got the 'loading' page.

And Mournblade -- $9? What sort of a robbery was that? I only paid $5.50.
Mournblade Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 03:26:10
That was AWESOME!!!! That was quite possibly better than the Matrix reloaded and I did not have to pay $9 for it.

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