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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Inwintersshadow Posted - 20 Nov 2007 : 21:13:12
Do you love the Forgotten Realms?

ALFA [url=link][/url] an online role-playing community is looking for people who wish to build and write for our Persistent World version of the Forgotten Realms. Members of ALFA do not just have the chance to play in our Persistent World; they also may put form to the dream that is the world of Toril. Realms they may help create not just through their role play – but through the tools provided in the NWN1 and NWN2 toolsets.

Currently the NWN1 servers are live and may be played in upon acquiring membership. For those interested in sampling game play on our non-member servers we have both OAS1 [url=link][/url] and OAS2 servers [url=link][/url] (NWN1 and NWN2 respectively) up and running.

Those wishing to get in on the ground floor in NWN2 have the opportunity to help create the newest version of our Persistent World using the NWN2 gaming system.

Membership in ALFA is free and contingent on an accepted application or proving one's role playing skills while on the OAS1 [url=link][/url] and OAS2 non-member servers.

Further information may be acquired through the ALFA MySpace website [url=link][/url] as well as ALFA's java-chat system [url=link][/url]. Here, interested individuals might learn firsthand about or community from those who make it such a special place – our members.

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