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 Doubt about Athkatla

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Varda Posted - 18 Nov 2007 : 08:27:40
Hello, i have a doubt about Athkatla's background, and i couldn't find information in my Forgotten Realms books (and in the internet i only found info about the Baldur's Gate II...). Well, i was looking for information about magic in Athkatla. I know that magic is "forbbiden" in some way, but i'm confused about the info i got at the Baldur's Gate II about the Cowled Wizards. I dind't obtain so much information about that organization in the book "Land s of Intrigue". What books you recommend about Amn and Athkatla? Exists some school of magic in the capital city? (or something like that?). I appreciate your help, thanks.
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 23:59:53
Originally posted by The Sage
I don't recall there being an entry for Hordes of the Underdark.

Yeah, Brian said there wasn't one. That was disappointing for me, but oh well.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 23:58:45
Originally posted by Kuje

However, that doesn't stop you from adding the plots from the computer games into your FR.

Very true. The computer games, in my opinion, tend to have a great Realmsian atmosphere even if they don't always get official lore quite right. And yes, they also tend to have some memorable plotlines and quests.
The Sage Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 06:34:07
Originally posted by Kuje

I believe some of the other games have passages about them now as well, which is in the Grand History.
Undrentide was marked on one of the maps in Grand History. And the Wailing Death is apparently canon now, given it's reference in Grand History, under the 1372 DR entry. I don't recall there being an entry for Hordes of the Underdark. And I remember Brian suggesting that may be due to the ending of the expansion being difficult to canonise.
Kuje Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 05:55:28
Originally posted by Varda

Thanks por your help. But i've a new doubt. It seems that i cannot take the information about oficial games such as Baldur's Gate saga or Neverwinter nights as oficial information. Is it true? It is very confusing (and difficult) sometimes to look for urban descriptions (including social costums) of some cities. I'm writing something for my Neverwinter Nights RPG community and i'm completely lost :p. Thanks for your help again, i will take a look the old FR books.

Unless the material from the games has shown up in sourcebooks/novels/Dragon/Dungeon, then it's usually not considered official canon. The BG events are since they have novels and or other material written about them. I believe some of the other games have passages about them now as well, which is in the Grand History.

However, that doesn't stop you from adding the plots from the computer games into your FR.
Varda Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 05:36:41
Thanks por your help. But i've a new doubt. It seems that i cannot take the information about oficial games such as Baldur's Gate saga or Neverwinter nights as oficial information. Is it true? It is very confusing (and difficult) sometimes to look for urban descriptions (including social costums) of some cities. I'm writing something for my Neverwinter Nights RPG community and i'm completely lost :p. Thanks for your help again, i will take a look the old FR books.
The Sage Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 02:18:38
As for lore on Athkatla beyond what was published in Lands of Intrigue... see Ed's comprehensive coverage in the Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II tome.
The Sage Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 02:15:23
To be clear, the depiction of the Cowled Wizards in Baldur's Gate II is competely inauthentic.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 01:31:04
And, if I recall correctly, the Cowled Wizards aren't affliated with the Amnian government as they are in BG2.
maransreth Posted - 18 Nov 2007 : 09:17:32
I would recommend the old FR3 supplement Empire of Sands to understand the view of magic in Amn and the cowled wizards.

There is no school of magic in Athkatla due to the restriction on magic. It is only the Cowled Wizards who practice magic.

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