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 Shortcut to power

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 14 Nov 2007 : 23:03:22
What are the shortcuts to power for the various charachter classes. Please feel free to cite actual examples from the Forgotten realms.

For a Cleric to become a powerful Priest. Performing a special extemely difficult and rewarding service for his God? Or I guess simply becoming "Chosen"?

For a fighter or a Thief? Not sure if there are any shortcuts other than loads of practice... Would a spell of permanancy cast on a potion of Super heriosm imbided by a fighter grant an everlasting effect?

For a Mage to make the leap to Arch Mage. Certain grimours allow this correct? Also there are certain extremely rare gems that store troves of Spells and other secrets the could launch the Spellcaster into a new Statosphere of power without having to spend decades adventuring and/or studying?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
crazedventurers Posted - 17 Nov 2007 : 14:58:19
Originally posted by jordanz

What are the shortcuts to power for the various charachter classes.

make good friends and allies and stay loyal to them

Dead easy

Gelcur Posted - 16 Nov 2007 : 17:37:47
My favorite way of getting powerful in a campaign is skills like diplomacy and appraise. Find NPCs of similar alignment and make them friendly to you. Use these skills to become a figure in a town or city at this point you yourself do not have to be amazingly great you have friends you can call in favors from and resources at your disposal.

Plus its all RP based!
Skeptic Posted - 15 Nov 2007 : 15:11:19
You can ask your DM to start a campaign directly at high level ?

The DM could do it in every way he wants if the goal is to retire the now "powerful" PC as a NPC.

Otherwise, D&D is not the best game to do an "Erevis Cale" except maybe in a solo-player campaign.
Wenin Posted - 15 Nov 2007 : 15:02:56
Aravine, I'm guessing that was posted in the wrong thread? =)

As for the original poster, in what parameters are you talking about? In game mechanics, you do need to go to the Character Optimization forum, but nothing you've mentioned would be found there really.

If you are talking about from a roleplaying sort. The shortest way to power is to stumble upon a dragon hoard, or marry into a royal family.
Aravine Posted - 15 Nov 2007 : 12:55:52
unless of course your school has blocked the link
Hawkins Posted - 15 Nov 2007 : 00:20:46
It may be just me, but this sounds more like a question for the WotC Character Optimization boards.

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