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 Help.... Burial Glen MD portal

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kuje Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 04:59:44
I've looked through the Grand History, the Fall of MD, and the campaign box sets and I don't see a year that the Knight's closed this portal. I know there are a few references to it by Ed and or THO but I was being lazy and not digging through my files.

So, does anyone have the date or at least the year that the portal was closed? I figured it had to be between 1348 because the Knight's were chartered in 1348 and Bane died in the ToT's in 1358.
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Kuje Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 06:35:09
Blah but alright, figured that was what it was going to come down to but I was hoping that there was a date published so I didn't have to bother Ed. Ah well.
The Sage Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 06:21:50
Hmmm... I don't actually recall seeing a date or year referenced. I also looked over the references in Ed's replies and neither a specific date nor year are mentioned.

You'll probably have to ask Ed.

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