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 Most dangerous places in the realms?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 00:27:52
What would you guys say are the most dangerous "locations" in the realms? Please name specifically unclaimed or "wild" areas.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kheris Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 20:49:10
The business side of an angry DM

Aside from that?

Klauthenvale more than a week after the old beast has been seen about.

Icewind Dale, aside from two or three days of "summer".

Blackstaff Tower after Khelben and Laeral get into a tiff.

Zhentil Keep when they're short on "volunteers" for Bane's Midnight Murder Mass (TM).

Aglarond, on "Talk like a Pirate Day".

A Thayan/Halruuan co-op Magefair.

Anywhere within five miles of the Simbul when you hear: "That old gigolo has been dodging me for a week, now!!"

Sembia on tax day.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 19:28:18
Underdark & Undermountain ...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 15:29:39
Originally posted by Matthus

Once mentioned, and so I would second the Great Glacier for the most dangerous "wild" area.

To think about undermountain, I believe with Halaster gone, it won't be the same place in the future, even with all the gates left to dump the monsters in it will be felt in short time that the "loving" hand of the mad mage is missing

But until the floors are cleared - a hell of a dangerous place

I'm convinced that in some way, Halaster will still be around.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 15:28:33
Originally posted by turox

Originally posted by MerrikCale

storm silverhand's bedroom

If your going to have to die, at least die with some dignty and ALOT of happiness?

"Oh, please? Just a little peril? I can handle it!"
Matthus Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 14:45:17
Once mentioned, and so I would second the Great Glacier for the most dangerous "wild" area.

To think about undermountain, I believe with Halaster gone, it won't be the same place in the future, even with all the gates left to dump the monsters in it will be felt in short time that the "loving" hand of the mad mage is missing

But until the floors are cleared - a hell of a dangerous place
Firestorm Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 13:10:32
So many people vote the underdark, but the honest truth is, some of the deserts mentioned are without a doubt more dangerous.
turox Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 07:46:41
Originally posted by MerrikCale

storm silverhand's bedroom

If your going to have to die, at least die with some dignty and ALOT of happiness?
Jorkens Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 06:38:40
Originally posted by MerrikCale

storm silverhand's bedroom

I think that would be the one time in my life I would actually defy danger and try to be brave .
MerrikCale Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 04:18:02
storm silverhand's bedroom
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 14:59:09
The most dangerous place in Faerun... anywhere in the company of a group of adventurers...
Brynweir Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 12:04:13
I'd have to say the Underdark... and also the Underdark...and, oh yeah, did I mention the Underdark?
Sian Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 11:58:33
within 30 ft. of two Manshoon's doing the Manshoon wars :p
GRYPHON Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 10:54:00
The Underdark. . .
Hawkins Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 06:26:50
What's that "kingdom of monsters" in the Shining South? Veldorn or something like that. Anyways, the monsters there band together to keep from being driven out.
Xysma Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 04:49:27
Undermountain, the Great Glacier, the Jungles of Chult... of course if you ask my players, anywhere I am running .
Xysma Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 04:45:44
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The most dangerous place in the Realms? Between Azoun IV and a woman willing to bed him!

Nice one Wooly.
sparhawk42 Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 02:21:05
I feel that the almost anywhere in the realms can be a dangerous place for anyone to live or play. Dark danger and hidden evils seem to fill the world (not to say there aren't bastions of good throughout Faerun). This is part of the reason I don't understand the need to add the whole "Points of Light" thing to the realms, its plenty dangerous as it is. Which to me, is a good thing, after all our characters have to have something to do when they aren't getting drunk in the local tavern.
Anyway if I had to vote I think I'll say the entirety of Thay.
freyar Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 01:02:00
Lots of support for Icewind Dale, but wouldn't the Spine of the World be worse?
Alaundo Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 00:42:52
Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong

Candlekeep when Big Al realises that we have stolen some more of his wine and 'borrowed' the dancing girls again.

Excellent, Valdar
Valdar Oakensong Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 00:39:55
Candlekeep when Big Al realises that we have stolen some more of his wine and 'borrowed' the dancing girls again.
Bladewind Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 15:19:26
Originally posted by Daviot

For natural dangers, I'm voting the Raurin Desert/Plains of Purple Dust. It has most of the dangers the Anauroch has, plus dust storms of the titular purple dust (sandstone with manganese for color) that last days and suffocate people in them, and then more unfriendly fauna than any other place I can think of: human nomads, lizardfolk, cloud rays, purple worms, at four types of dragons (blue, sand, brown, and rattelyr). Toss in the Dustwall, Giant's Belt, and other border mountain ranges, and you get more dragons (red, silver, deep, copper, fang), a plethora of giants (athach, cloud, cyclops, eldritch, fire, hill, stone, sand, storm), rocs, perytons, wyverns, and yrthaks.


My next human Turami nomad ranger is going to be one though git, hailing from the Plains of Purle Dust.

Personally I'd stay 10 miles clear of any temple of Talona.
khorne Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 14:16:04
The Deep Underdark, without a doubt. The upper reaches of the Underdark are nothing compared to the bottom...
althen artren Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 23:43:19
Within 15 ft of any of the Chosen of Mystra.

Within 30 of a very hungry terrasque.
Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 21:55:35
I have always thought that the Dragonspine Mts north of the Moonsea are one of the most dangerous areas. Filled as it is with humanoids, connections to the underdark, Zhentarim operations and of course dragons.

I'm sure there are more hostile places...but operating from Phlan or some such place, it quickly turns hostile in those mountains.
althen artren Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 21:12:18
Thats simple, the Simbuls bedroom. Who know what will happen to you in there.
riot the outsider Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 17:47:03
Underdark barnone. icewind dale second,backlands.
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 17:15:00
The Underdark, Thay, Halasterīs Halls, Larloch Crypt, Myth Drannor pre-Last Mythal, and the jungles of Chult (hungry T-Rex are nice things...) :P
Aravine Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 16:10:25
most certainly Underdark
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 16:08:36
Indeed, the Underdark, although Icewind Dale is up there too--it must get really, really cold!
Hawkins Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 15:51:16
Originally posted by Zanan

The Underdark in general. No food, no water, no certain ways, no light and lots of creepy and very hungry monsters ...

...who can see in the dark!

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