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 The Soul

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mirza Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 00:23:48
I have a question about the properties of the soul in the Forgotten Realms.

If I remember those few books surrounding the ascension and reign of Cyric correctly, a soul can only be destroyed by the hand of a god, a being of great power (such as Kezef), or a place of complete corruption. However, in Sacrifice of the Widow, it says that priests of Vhaeraun trap souls and use them to re-energize magical items, annihilating the soul in the process.

Is there anything in the official canon about the ways to destroy a soul? And, if so, are the writers missing that crucial element, or are they free to re-invent new ways of accomplishing it's destruction?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chataro Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 15:32:27
not to mention that Mystra didn't exactly needed agents from what I read, its more like she was just trying to protect Faerun
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 06:27:33
Originally posted by Mirza

Is any soul safe from such a fate? How about the individuals in service to certain deities? Would their god/goddess protect them from such destruction?

I think so. But even these souls are in trouble if their protector god/goddess is destroyed and their realm annihilated. There is a scroll here elsewhere in Candlekeep about what will become of the petioners if their plane/realm cease to exist.

€dit: Elminster in Hell was not a mere soul, but the whole living being, so it seems to me that his rescue was a little more difficult.
Hawkins Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 23:21:39
Originally posted by Mirza

Is any soul safe from such a fate? How about the individuals in service to certain deities? Would their god/goddess protect them from such destruction?

Well, there are spells that protect against having your soul ripped out (at least, I am pretty sure that there are, and if there are not, then I would rule that spells that protect against possession would work against soul-theft as well), and I am sure that if you were an extremely valuable individual to you deity they would attempt to retrieve your soul. But even Mystra had to work through other agents to save Elminster from Avernus (during the events of Elminster in Hell).
Mirza Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 23:12:33
Is any soul safe from such a fate? How about the individuals in service to certain deities? Would their god/goddess protect them from such destruction?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 19:02:54
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Just in case any one cares, I house ruled the Book of Vile Darkness rule for using souls for XP in spells and item creation (in BoV it says that one soul is worth 10 XP).

My house rule is that XP granted is equal to the Challenge Rating (CR) of the captured soul squared times ten. (i.e. XP = (CR x CR) X 10).

Therefore you get 10 XP for CR 1 (or less) person, but 250 XP from a CR 5 person.

It makes sense... Souls from more powerful people should be worth more.
Hawkins Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 17:16:26
Just in case any one cares, I house ruled the Book of Vile Darkness rule for using souls for XP in spells and item creation (in BoV it says that one soul is worth 10 XP).

My house rule is that XP granted is equal to the Challenge Rating (CR) of the captured soul squared times ten. (i.e. XP = (CR x CR) X 10).

Therefore you get 10 XP for CR 1 (or less) person, but 250 XP from a CR 5 person.
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 17:04:27
The Devourer in MMI uses a trapped soul to sustain his unnatural life and to power his spell-like abilities until it is utterly consumed. So there is clearly a mechanism to destroy a soul by using it as "fuel" for spells and the like.
Hawkfeather Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 13:31:59
There's a banite spell described in the 2nd edition book "Faiths & Avatars" that would destroy a soul of a recently dead foe.
Kheris Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 13:16:55
Originally posted by Mirza

I have a question about the properties of the soul in the Forgotten Realms.

If I remember those few books surrounding the ascension and reign of Cyric correctly, a soul can only be destroyed by the hand of a god, a being of great power (such as Kezef), or a place of complete corruption. However, in Sacrifice of the Widow, it says that priests of Vhaeraun trap souls and use them to re-energize magical items, annihilating the soul in the process.

Is there anything in the official canon about the ways to destroy a soul? And, if so, are the writers missing that crucial element, or are they free to re-invent new ways of accomplishing it's destruction?

I believe the Book of Vile Darkness covers exactly what you're looking for. It's not in front of me at the moment, but I believe that souls can be used for Vile spells or rituals which drain energy from them, ending in the souls' destruction. I believe the mechanics have to do with everything from actually using souls as material components to powering metamagic style effects with them.
Aravine Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 13:11:57
Sphere of annilation!

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