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 Twisting D&D Cliches thread

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Charles Phipps Posted - 28 Oct 2007 : 22:45:24
Here's where you offer a twist on time honored D&D stories.

Plot 1# A Dragon is menacing a nearby village.

A. The villagers have stolen the eggs of the local Dragon to sell to market.
B. The villagers are in cahoots with the Dragon to send it warriors to slaughter.
C. The village is actually inhabited by ghosts of the Dragon's attack.
D. It's all a hoax and the PCs are now involved in the REAL plot to kidnap them by their worst enemies.

Plot 2# A Beautiful Princess has been kidnapped by an Evil Wizard

A. The Wizard is doing his best to keep the spoiled brat out of the succession.
B. The Wizard is trying to distract the country from its current war preparations against a helpless nation.
C. The Princess is under a terrible enchantment that turns her into a rampaging Dragon three days a month upon reaching puberty.
D. The Wizard is her twin sister that's been kept imprisoned all this time in the Tower.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sparhawk42 Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 12:31:39
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Charles Phipps

C. The Princess is under a terrible enchantment that turns her into a rampaging Dragon three days a month upon reaching puberty.

I didn't think an enchantment was involved, in this one.

Yeah I was gonna make a comment similar to that but my wife knocked the crap outa me first!
Brynweir Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 02:50:58
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Charles Phipps

C. The Princess is under a terrible enchantment that turns her into a rampaging Dragon three days a month upon reaching puberty.

I didn't think an enchantment was involved, in this one.

I . . . um . . . no comment.

Hey! I resemble that remark.

Plot 1# A Dragon is menacing a nearby village.

E. It was a ruse to get fresh meat for a tribe of cannibals.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 00:08:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Charles Phipps

C. The Princess is under a terrible enchantment that turns her into a rampaging Dragon three days a month upon reaching puberty.

I didn't think an enchantment was involved, in this one.

I . . . um . . . no comment.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Oct 2007 : 23:53:37
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

C. The Princess is under a terrible enchantment that turns her into a rampaging Dragon three days a month upon reaching puberty.

I didn't think an enchantment was involved, in this one.

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