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 Non-FR's and Core products????

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IronHammer Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 01:50:20
Do you use a lot of non FR's and core products in your realms game? I personally(actually we) do. Monster Mythologies was a staple as well as the Van Richtens guides(I love those things)..In fact I still use them. Theres nothing like a Patriarch/Necromancer Vampire for a "Boss" NPC. What non FR's stuff do you like to use?
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Jamallo Kreen Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 18:59:59
I am churlish about this, so let me be unsurprisingly blunt: I think that most WoTC books published in the past few years outside of the Realms line are utter garbage.

I stupidly permitted two players (simultaneously, ye gods!) to come into my FR campaign with characters built according to OFFICIAL non-Realms book rules, and it was a nightmare! ("Hi, I'm Bob. I'm a half-giant greenblood tiefling dragonblood mineral warrior fighter with one level of sorcerer so that I can cast true strike using my chosen weapon, which is so groteesquely overpowered that it is only described in the Monster Manual 4. DIE ELMINSTER! Larloch, you're next!")

I have put my foot down and will now only allow Realms prestige classes and those from a (very) few select other books of which I approve.

Chosen of Moradin Posted - 25 Oct 2007 : 11:17:48
I use most of the WoTC books in my campaigns. Everytime that I see something that could be interesting in my campaigns, I put it to work.
Ergdusch Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 16:25:00
Actually I find the informations and choises given in the many FR books very satisfactory. Therefore I rrefuse to be confused by all the many more options the other books have to over. I try to avoid their influence in my game, except the core material of course (such as the PHB, DMG, MM 1 & 2, Fiend Folio). I own the Epic Handbook and the Manual of the Planes as well, have not used them yet,though.
Varl Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 15:55:02
Originally posted by IronHammer
What non FR's stuff do you like to use?

d20 monster tomes primarily.
Matthus Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 15:47:31
To get ideas for our ongoing campaign I use a lot of Dungeon Magazine and other adventure sources. As for fleshing out the encounters and trying to surprise my players I use very core material that can be “pressed” into our play.
sirreus Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 15:34:41
i use all the complete series, races of..., unearthed arcana, book of exalted deeds and vile darkness. i also use the enviroment series alot as well as the Dragon (mag) compendium.
Alisttair Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 15:08:03
Most 3rd edition books such as the complete books
Haman Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 14:42:43
Things I use often while DM-ing:
-Libris Mortis
-Book of Vile Darkness
-Spell Compendium

Then again, I'm running a very evil-based campaign, more into the undeadly horrors and whatnot.
Jorkens Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 06:50:20
There are to many old TSR products to mention that I borrow pieces from; those you mention are good examples, in addition there are modules old Known World products, the Handbook series etc. I have not found the same use for those 3ed. books I have bought though.
scererar Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 02:57:32
In addition to my realms stuff, I have most of the 3E and 3.5 material. We use what we like and omit the rest.

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