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 On Halaster (Spoilers)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hawkins Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 19:21:28
At the end of Elminster in Hell, Mystra gave Halaster a spell to cast his madness on Asmodeus right as Asmodeus was going to kill the Simbul. Also, it is hinted at during the events of Elminster in Hell that she made him one of her chosen. Is there an official ruling by Ed on this? It just seems tragic that he died (mentioned in Expedition to Undermountain and the Grand History of the Realms) so shortly after regaining sanity and gaining the favor of his deity.
22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kheris Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 16:30:35
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

My original idea was of the Manshoon clone that was in Undermountain (henceforth to be called "UnderMan") would gather some pieces of Halaster's soul and merge with them, becoming some sort of Manshoon/Halaster gestalt. Now, however, I'm pondering him returning as some sort of unique undead, specifically tied to and still at least in partial control of Undermountain. I'm picturing this undead Halaster as being something kinda like Syluné was.

I favor the latter option, in particular, because of the way Halaster had everything tied to himself. I'm thinking that the wards and spells and such, being directly linked to him, would have absorbed enough of Halaster's errant bits to at least partially reconstitute him.

I think that's made even more plausible by the adventure hook itself - where anything brought from Undermountain seemed to resonate with his cries and granted visions.

Perhaps a determined few, or the machinations of Deities, could gather enough of those objects in one place for his soul to reconstitute itself in his old home?

Eh... Maybe I'm just grasping at straws since I really didn't like how he got his ticket punched
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 16:24:21
My original idea was of the Manshoon clone that was in Undermountain (henceforth to be called "UnderMan") would gather some pieces of Halaster's soul and merge with them, becoming some sort of Manshoon/Halaster gestalt. Now, however, I'm pondering him returning as some sort of unique undead, specifically tied to and still at least in partial control of Undermountain. I'm picturing this undead Halaster as being something kinda like Syluné was.

I favor the latter option, in particular, because of the way Halaster had everything tied to himself. I'm thinking that the wards and spells and such, being directly linked to him, would have absorbed enough of Halaster's errant bits to at least partially reconstitute him.
Sian Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 15:18:22
Halaster being the new god of magic since he both got loads of it and is insane ... grabbing both Mystras and Cyrics (insanity themed) portfolios ... though ending up either as TN or CN
Neriandal Freit Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 15:06:53
Halaster being back? Yes.

Even if we do factor in the Heart theory that's been provided on this thread, and the fact that Hal was with Shar (and thus enabling Mystra to see into that, but not the other way around) enabled her as a goddess to take the necessary measures to protect magic at the cost of her life (what any true God would do) and the cost of specific mages in Faerun.

Something tells me we are going to be surprised unless we figure this out. I honestly think that alot of this was planned on Mystra's part and Halaster is playing his role now.
Matthus Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 14:57:40
I would like to "reopen" this top with a quote from Wooly who answered my statement in another top:


To think about undermountain, I believe with Halaster gone, it won't be the same place in the future, even with all the gates left to dump the monsters in it will be felt in short time that the "loving" hand of the mad mage is missing

But until the floors are cleared - a hell of a dangerous place

I'm convinced that in some way, Halaster will still be around.

I think that the essence of Halaster spread and was felt over Faerun. Do any off you believe he will be back? Just curious about your opinion

glitter Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 17:38:17
Originally posted by Kuje
Indeed, from what WOTC has said, Halaster's death is related to the Spellplague. I believe they said he tried to stop it.

I will have to check the book again.
But, IIRC, he was working on a spell (or ritual, or more Halaster-like ) and it was a corruption of the magic flow from the Twisted Runes who is the real mishap that killed Halaster, and not the spelplague itself (something that is supposed to happen in 1385).
Hawkins Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 20:47:42
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I just had a thought... Here's some things we know:

Halaster apparently sensed the coming of the Spellplague.

Mystra, apparently, didn't.

Cyric somehow snuck into Mystra's own home and killed her.

Shar has the Karsestone -- the petrified heart of someone who was, for an instant, the deity of magic.

My thinking: Some property of the Karsestone, specifically related to it belonging to a former deity of magic, allowed Shar to use it for the cloaking of various things. Because of it, Mystra was blind to the threat of the Spellplague, and she was blind to another deity entering her realm.

Yeah, I know it's kinda Spider-Man/Venom-ish, but it still seems to me to be plausible.

This might also explain why Halaster knew it was coming, because he had spent some time under Shar's influence, though she was hiding it from Mystra, he might have gotten some sort of insight. It still rubs me raw that he died after regaining his sanity though. I always thought he was cool, and add to that sanity and becoming an agent of Mystra, the possibilities were endless (though not so much anymore ).
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 19:25:40
I'll never like the Spellplague plot, but I think that take on it could make sense.
The Sage Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 03:28:43
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I just had a thought... Here's some things we know:

Halaster apparently sensed the coming of the Spellplague.

Mystra, apparently, didn't.

Cyric somehow snuck into Mystra's own home and killed her.

Shar has the Karsestone -- the petrified heart of someone who was, for an instant, the deity of magic.

My thinking: Some property of the Karsestone, specifically related to it belonging to a former deity of magic, allowed Shar to use it for the cloaking of various things. Because of it, Mystra was blind to the threat of the Spellplague, and she was blind to another deity entering her realm.

Yeah, I know it's kinda Spider-Man/Venom-ish, but it still seems to me to be plausible.

I like that. In fact, I like that a lot!

As an alternate take, perhaps the Karsestone created a "hole" in the Weave, or some kind of "blank" area that neither Mystra I nor Mystra II were ever able to properly detect. Cyric could've made use of that "hole," thanks to Shar's manipulation. Magic of Faerûn established the basis of the Shadow Weave as the "gaps" in the Weave itself. It could be that the Karsestone, tainted by Shar's influence, exploited the principle of the Shadow Weave as "gaps" in the Weave and allowed Cyric to pass through into Mystra's realm without being detected.
Dalor Darden Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 03:23:06
I like the idea of Shar with the Karsestone.

And to get even with Halaster for not serving her...she gave him visions of something to come that she knew he would try to stop but couldn't...and so he died and she had her revenge.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 03:03:15
I just had a thought... Here's some things we know:

Halaster apparently sensed the coming of the Spellplague.

Mystra, apparently, didn't.

Cyric somehow snuck into Mystra's own home and killed her.

Shar has the Karsestone -- the petrified heart of someone who was, for an instant, the deity of magic.

My thinking: Some property of the Karsestone, specifically related to it belonging to a former deity of magic, allowed Shar to use it for the cloaking of various things. Because of it, Mystra was blind to the threat of the Spellplague, and she was blind to another deity entering her realm.

Yeah, I know it's kinda Spider-Man/Venom-ish, but it still seems to me to be plausible.
Hawkins Posted - 23 Oct 2007 : 16:44:05
Originally posted by Neriandal Freit

Remember, Mystra has always be called a Lady of Mysteries. It is possible that she knew this would happen and set certain events in motion to protect magic at the end of it, even if it cost her her life.

She could have hinted something to Hal, and he decided to attempt a stop while she knowing fair well that he would die in his attempt. It's possible to say this then (so much speculation!) that she needed to be "with soul" of him to set him on his quest rather than a mortal, psychical form.

Now that wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Good point!
Neriandal Freit Posted - 23 Oct 2007 : 03:30:06
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by dalor_darden

By the way...if Halastar knew the Spellplague was going to in the seven stars did Mystra NOT know it?

That is a damn good question, and hopefully one they will answer in detail at the very least by the publishing of the 4e FRCG (but I am vainly hoping for sometime before).

Remember, Mystra has always be called a Lady of Mysteries. It is possible that she knew this would happen and set certain events in motion to protect magic at the end of it, even if it cost her her life.

She could have hinted something to Hal, and he decided to attempt a stop while she knowing fair well that he would die in his attempt. It's possible to say this then (so much speculation!) that she needed to be "with soul" of him to set him on his quest rather than a mortal, psychical form.

Now that wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Pharaun Mizzrym Posted - 22 Oct 2007 : 23:18:59
I love Halaster I did'nt know he was dead:( I guess i should have paid attention to the spoiler warning
Matthus Posted - 22 Oct 2007 : 09:10:56
It was hinted in Undermountain that Halaster was working on something as said, but in my understanding it was also implied that the PC’s could continue this work and still better might even succeed. If this event was a harbinger of the Spellplague – there might be a chance that in an ongoing campaign the players might prevent the disaster

(Yes - I know, that 4e will give the details – but as many scribes here, I’m looking for possible straws to catch )

Edit Note: There still might be some typos
Hawkins Posted - 22 Oct 2007 : 05:36:54
Originally posted by dalor_darden

By the way...if Halastar knew the Spellplague was going to in the seven stars did Mystra NOT know it?

That is a damn good question, and hopefully one they will answer in detail at the very least by the publishing of the 4e FRCG (but I am vainly hoping for sometime before).
Dalor Darden Posted - 22 Oct 2007 : 03:12:03
I was really sad to see him die. Being essentially one of the last survivors of fallen Imaskar, he was pretty valuable to Mystra...holding all that lost lore and all.

By the way...if Halastar knew the Spellplague was going to in the seven stars did Mystra NOT know it?
Kuje Posted - 18 Oct 2007 : 16:02:42
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by glitter

Halaster hasn't been killed because of the symptoms of the spellplague but by other wizards who corrupted one of his experience.
Though I've yet to purchase the new Undermountain tome, it's my understanding that Halaster's death was a precursor of sorts to the forthcoming events of the Spellplague.

The entry about Halaster's death in Grand History would also seem to indicate this was the case.

Indeed, from what WOTC has said, Halaster's death is related to the Spellplague. I believe they said he tried to stop it.
The Sage Posted - 18 Oct 2007 : 13:12:33
Originally posted by glitter

Halaster hasn't been killed because of the symptoms of the spellplague but by other wizards who corrupted one of his experience.
Though I've yet to purchase the new Undermountain tome, it's my understanding that Halaster's death was a precursor of sorts to the forthcoming events of the Spellplague.

The entry about Halaster's death in Grand History would also seem to indicate this was the case.
glitter Posted - 18 Oct 2007 : 10:46:49
Originally posted by Kuje
But the summary is that she DID NOT make him a Chosen but she made him something or she had plans for him.

I understood just like you, the word "chosen" hasn't been written AFAIK

Originally posted by Kuje
I guess, now, those plans never happened or if they were related to the Spellplague then that is a pretty crappy reward for Halaster. :)

Halaster hasn't been killed because of the symptoms of the spellplague but by other wizards who corrupted one of his experience.
Wandering_mage Posted - 17 Oct 2007 : 02:29:30
I really hope there is more to Halaster still. That dude has so much history its like he is Elminster's cousin or something. Imagine those family reunions and shieldmeets.
Kuje Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 19:43:24
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

At the end of Elminster in Hell, Mystra gave Halaster a spell to cast his madness on Asmodeus right as Asmodeus was going to kill the Simbul. Also, it is hinted at during the events of Elminster in Hell that she made him one of her chosen. Is there an official ruling by Ed on this? It just seems tragic that he died (mentioned in Expedition to Undermountain and the Grand History of the Realms) so shortly after regaining sanity and gaining the favor of his deity.

Yes, check my logs. :)

But the summary is that she DID NOT make him a Chosen but she made him something or she had plans for him..... I guess, now, those plans never happened or if they were related to the Spellplague then that is a pretty crappy reward for Halaster. :)

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