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 Binders & Ghazneths

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargos Posted - 06 Oct 2007 : 15:04:25

These seven ancient enemies of Cormyr, called ghazneths, woke up and started trashing the place. At the same time, an ancient red dragon (who was once an elfmaid), lead an army of goblins against Cormyr, following her own vendetta. After most of Cormyr was trashed, Nalavarra (the elf-dragon) and Azoun duked it out personally. Azoun killed the "Devil Dragon" (as she was called), but was mortally wounded in the process.

Ghazneths were difficult to defeat due to their spell absorbtion abilities.

1. Could Binders, whose powers are supernatural and not spells or spell-like, defeat ghazneths comparatively easily ?
2. How will it affect Cormyr if ghazneths are defeated soon after they appear ?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sanishiver Posted - 06 Oct 2007 : 22:19:37
Originally posted by Garen Thal

More generally, it doesn't really serve any purpose to analyze the stats of the ghazneths. They are walking, flying, attack-absorbing plot points, that can only be destroyed under very specific circumstances.
Advice from Sean Reynolds that's good and worth repeating, though I'll say if a Realms DM is running an Epic Campaign, it's worth the time to stat them out.

Originally posted by Garen Thal

It's not the physical defeat of a ghazneth that's necessary, but determining what it needs in order to put the being to rest.

This, I think, is a point worth building an adventure around for a non-Epic party.

Suppose a new Ghazneth returns to haunt Cormyr. The Regent, who would rightly fear how such could easily destabilize the Realm, sends forth the PCs (amongst others) to discover the secret this creature harbors that will be necessary to take it down. She might also want them to discover who (if anyone) helped to bring this creature into being to attack Cormyr.

Good looking out, Garen.
Garen Thal Posted - 06 Oct 2007 : 22:03:27
Ghazneths didn't absorb spells; they absorbed magic, from spells to magic items to persistent wards. The fact that a binder's abilities are supernatural rather than spell-like has no bearing on ghazneths' ability to absorb or ignore the effects of those powers.

More generally, it doesn't really serve any purpose to analyze the stats of the ghazneths. They are walking, flying, attack-absorbing plot points, that can only be destroyed under very specific circumstances. Even if they can be affected by supernatural abilities under the interpretation of the rules being used in a given game, they can't be permanently slain without the intercession of a ruling monarch of Cormyr or a legitimate Crown heir--none of which, I'd wager, are binders. It's not the physical defeat of a ghazneth that's necessary, but determining what it needs in order to put the being to rest.
Ranak Posted - 06 Oct 2007 : 21:11:43
Originally posted by Dargos

These seven ancient enemies of Cormyr, called ghazneths, woke up and started trashing the place. At the same time, an ancient red dragon (who was once an elfmaid), lead an army of goblins against Cormyr, following her own vendetta. After most of Cormyr was trashed, Nalavarra (the elf-dragon) and Azoun duked it out personally. Azoun killed the "Devil Dragon" (as she was called), but was mortally wounded in the process.

Ghazneths were difficult to defeat due to their spell absorbtion abilities.

1. Could Binders, whose powers are supernatural and not spells or spell-like, defeat ghazneths comparatively easily ?
2. How will it affect Cormyr if ghazneths are defeated soon after they appear ?

Binders are rare, described as loners in the Tome of Magic, and distrusted and at times hunted by clergy who mistrust their powers. I doubt any significant number of binders would spring to Cormyr's defense.

You can read more about Binders in the Realms there.

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