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 The Elder Eternal Evils

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RedStrike Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 08:52:47
Hello everyone, I have heard of the Elder Eternal Evils of FR, so what are they and why are they called the Bane of The Gods? Are they more powerful than Lord Ao himself?
27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 05 Jul 2005 : 17:02:40
Ah I see this topic has come up again. Always interested to read up on these three. I find them quite fascinating.
Shadovar Posted - 05 Jul 2005 : 04:09:43
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Shadovar

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by RedStrike

Hello everyone, I have heard of the Elder Eternal Evils of FR, so what are they and why are they called the Bane of The Gods? Are they more powerful than Lord Ao himself?

They are not more powerful than Lord Ao, and according to the 'Champions of Ruin', even some epic-level characters might be able to defeat them

Defeat the Elder Eternal Evils and take over their portfolios?

Aye, though it might require the sponsorship of a deity to achieve that. I don't think that any mortal should be able to absorb that energy/essence on their own

If one managed to defeat an Elder Eternal Evil, it would be best not to take Dendar's portfolio which seemed rather not too good an idea.
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 18:33:02
Taking the portfolio of something without a portfolio is a really interesting trick...

Chosen of Moradin Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 18:31:16
I favor the balancing force theory, myself.

I echoing this. That said, I prefer the "mithological" aspect of the Elder Ones showed in the Powers and Pantheons, and ignore the "epic monstuosities deserving to be wiped out by epic characters" thas was showed in the Champions of Ruin.
Kentinal Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 18:00:33
Hmm called bane of the gods because they interfer with deities plans.

A balancing force of nature though certainly could be part of the explaination. The forses that stive against nature and those pesky mortals and deities that seek change.

It appears that none of them can be killed just from time to time contained or driven away.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 17:55:14
Originally posted by Shadovar

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by RedStrike

Hello everyone, I have heard of the Elder Eternal Evils of FR, so what are they and why are they called the Bane of The Gods? Are they more powerful than Lord Ao himself?

They are not more powerful than Lord Ao, and according to the 'Champions of Ruin', even some epic-level characters might be able to defeat them

Defeat the Elder Eternal Evils and take over their portfolios?

Taking the portfolio of something without a portfolio is a really interesting trick...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 17:52:02
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by TymoraChosen

Maybe Lord Ao is following the instructions of another divine being greater than Ao? Perhaps this maybe why Ao had not put his hand into the business of fighting the Elder Eternal Evils.

I have always thought that the Elder Eternal Evils were meant to be near-divine beings, whose origin were veiled in myths, and possibly were created to challenge the gods themselves. Or to play the role of the 'balancing force' to the deities?

I favor the balancing force theory, myself.
Asgetrion Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 16:59:48
Originally posted by Shadovar

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by RedStrike

Hello everyone, I have heard of the Elder Eternal Evils of FR, so what are they and why are they called the Bane of The Gods? Are they more powerful than Lord Ao himself?

They are not more powerful than Lord Ao, and according to the 'Champions of Ruin', even some epic-level characters might be able to defeat them

Defeat the Elder Eternal Evils and take over their portfolios?

Aye, though it might require the sponsorship of a deity to achieve that. I don't think that any mortal should be able to absorb that energy/essence on their own
Shadovar Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 15:35:38
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by TymoraChosen

Maybe Lord Ao is following the instructions of another divine being greater than Ao? Perhaps this maybe why Ao had not put his hand into the business of fighting the Elder Eternal Evils.

I have always thought that the Elder Eternal Evils were meant to be near-divine beings, whose origin were veiled in myths, and possibly were created to challenge the gods themselves. Or to play the role of the 'balancing force' to the deities?

Perhaps acting as a balancing force to the deities might be an answer, I think.
Shadovar Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 15:34:21
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by RedStrike

Hello everyone, I have heard of the Elder Eternal Evils of FR, so what are they and why are they called the Bane of The Gods? Are they more powerful than Lord Ao himself?

They are not more powerful than Lord Ao, and according to the 'Champions of Ruin', even some epic-level characters might be able to defeat them

Defeat the Elder Eternal Evils and take over their portfolios?
Asgetrion Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 15:21:10
Originally posted by TymoraChosen

Maybe Lord Ao is following the instructions of another divine being greater than Ao? Perhaps this maybe why Ao had not put his hand into the business of fighting the Elder Eternal Evils.

I have always thought that the Elder Eternal Evils were meant to be near-divine beings, whose origin were veiled in myths, and possibly were created to challenge the gods themselves. Or to play the role of the 'balancing force' to the deities?
Asgetrion Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 15:17:47
Originally posted by RedStrike

Hello everyone, I have heard of the Elder Eternal Evils of FR, so what are they and why are they called the Bane of The Gods? Are they more powerful than Lord Ao himself?

They are not more powerful than Lord Ao, and according to the 'Champions of Ruin', even some epic-level characters might be able to defeat them
SomeDude Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 06:32:04
On a side note, what is Dendar's relationship with Io (The big dragon deity, not Ao)?

On another side note, this one much less relevant, the people of Toril would be living in darkness 24/10 not 24/7, right?
DeathRage Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 01:55:10
If Dendar swallows the sun and the folk of Toril perishes, well I think the deities will do well to get as many peitioners to their realms before the Chaos Hound gets to them, if the deities are to fight the Elder Eternal Evils.
Shadovar Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 01:37:35
Originally posted by Thureen Buroch


Shar is the goddess of Darkness, if Dendar consumes the sun then the people of Toril will live in Darkness 24/7

I don't think they'll be living anymore (for the most part).

Dendar versus Ubtao? Who will win will decide the fate of Toril.
Thureen Buroch Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 17:45:22

Shar is the goddess of Darkness, if Dendar consumes the sun then the people of Toril will live in Darkness 24/7

I don't think they'll be living anymore (for the most part).
VEDSICA Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 15:58:59
Was not Dendar mentioned in The Serpent Kingdoms trilogy?????
Kuje Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 15:49:56
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Shadovar

There are three of the Elder Eternal Evils, they are Dendar the Night Serpent, Kezef the Chaos Hound, and Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf-Eater. The last elder eternal evil favors elf flesh a lot but can be combated provided one is armed with the correct spells but certainly not death magic.

You may certainly wish to try this link.

In addition, seek out the recently released Champions of Ruin tome for more extensive lore on the Elder Eternal Evils at work in the Realms.

As well as Powers & Pantheons, the Evermeet novel (for the elf eater), one of the novels that came out after the Time of Troubles novels (for Kazaf).
Dargoth Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 11:34:41
Ive always thought that Dendar screams servant of Shar

Shar's beef with Sylune is over the sun and Dendar will one day consume the sun

Shar is the goddess of Darkness, if Dendar consumes the sun then the people of Toril will live in Darkness 24/7

Shars Dogma includes "To them everything deserves to perish" which Id read as making Shar clergy a "Doomsday cult" again Dendar holds the most potential for destroying Toril.

Theory: Dendar was created from Shar in the same way that Mystryl was created from Selune.....
The Sage Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 10:47:05
Originally posted by Shadovar

There are three of the Elder Eternal Evils, they are Dendar the Night Serpent, Kezef the Chaos Hound, and Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf-Eater. The last elder eternal evil favors elf flesh a lot but can be combated provided one is armed with the correct spells but certainly not death magic.

You may certainly wish to try this link.

In addition, seek out the recently released Champions of Ruin tome for more extensive lore on the Elder Eternal Evils at work in the Realms.
TymoraChosen Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 09:27:06
So it seems Lord Ao had some kind of secret agenda up his sleeves...
Kentinal Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 09:19:56
It is clear that AO does not favor good over evil. There are examples of this Mystra being told to allow evil deities and creatures access to the Weave.

No deity can be understood fully by mortals, the more powerful a deity is the less is known about and thus harder to understand any of their actions.
TymoraChosen Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 09:19:36
Maybe Lord Ao is following the instructions of another divine being greater than Ao? Perhaps this maybe why Ao had not put his hand into the business of fighting the Elder Eternal Evils.
Shadovar Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 09:12:32
Hmm.. I have been wondering why Lord Ao allowed the existence of the Elder Eternal Evils, maybe he wants to maintain the balance of good and evil, life and anti-life. Still, I am certain there are novels where these evils are mentioned,

Prince of Lies, Evermeet: Isle of Elves, and The Coral Kingdom, and The Druid Queen, these novels did mention about these evils too.
silvermage Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 09:07:07
Strange that Lord Ao allowed the existence of these Elder Eternal Evils, I wonder why he did not vanquish them for all time given his so mighty powers, greater than the combined might of Toril's gods.
TymoraChosen Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 09:02:20
Well, there is something else as well about the last eternal evil, but somehow the first two spelling of its name is wrong but still it is also known as the Elf eater, here is the link:
Shadovar Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 08:56:21
There are three of the Elder Eternal Evils, they are Dendar the Night Serpent, Kezef the Chaos Hound, and Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf-Eater. The last elder eternal evil favors elf flesh a lot but can be combated provided one is armed with the correct spells but certainly not death magic.

You may certainly wish to try this link.

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