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 Music that reminds you of Realms places/events

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 15:51:54
I figured this might be a nifty topic, possibly even aiding DMs in creating a nifty atmosphere for their games.

For instance, I was thinking of these tunes from various games in relation to these areas.

The Shaar: "The Veldt" from Final Fantasy VI
Zhentil Keep in its prime: "Troops March On" from Final Fantasy VI
Silverymoon: The town theme from Final Fantasy II
Myth Drannor restored: The theme of Troia from Final Fantasy IV
Cormyr: The town theme from Final Fantasy IV
Chessenta: "The Vengeful Spartan" from God of War
Mithril Hall: The theme of Ironforge from World of Warcraft
Citadel Adbar: King Giott's castle from Final Fantasy IV
Citadel Feldbar: The Baron Castle theme from Final Fantasy IV

Events involving evil-aligned dragons: The dragon battle theme from Baldur's Gate II
Battling a powerful fiend: "Battle to the Death" from Final Fantasy VI or "Battle with the Four Fiends" from Final Fantasy IV
Zhentilar attack on Shadowdale: "Peril" from Final Fantasy X

There are quite a few more I could think of, but I'd rather see other people's ideas instead.
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 07 Jun 2018 : 12:57:57
Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin for battle scenes.... and my phone's ringtone.... and I can't tell you a single other song by Led Zeppelin either.
Balmar Foghaven Posted - 07 Jun 2018 : 00:17:29
Oh, and even though it bombed hard, Sword Coast Legends offered quite an amazing soundtrack. And it doesn't hurt that the composer literally had the Sword Coast in mind while writing the music ;)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Jun 2018 : 20:42:35
Originally posted by Storyteller Hero

The music of Enya is great for the celestial realms.

speaking of being two steps from Hell...
Storyteller Hero Posted - 06 Jun 2018 : 17:10:26
The music of Enya is great for the celestial realms.

Balmar Foghaven Posted - 06 Jun 2018 : 14:14:51
Anything from Two Steps from Hell. Period.
Seravin Posted - 05 Jun 2018 : 22:57:26
When I first started reading Realms in the late 80s early 90s; I also discovered Stairway to Heaven by LZ. With the Celestial Staircases in the Avatar trilogy and the melancholy melody of the ballad I still think about Realms when I hear it.
TBeholder Posted - 05 Jun 2018 : 19:23:09
It depends.
Various songs ("The Queen of Argyll" etc) by Silly Wizard.
Power Play by Onslaught.
The Evil Rocks the Night by Scavanger.
bladeinAmn Posted - 14 Oct 2010 : 05:47:52
Juss decided to post in this thread after taking my time and thinking about it, developing atmosphere for campaigns run in these areas.

-Anarchy in the U.K. by Megadeth (Sex Pistols cover, I know) for Warlock's Crypt. This for the simple fact that this is a reckless and fun song done by a rather smart guy (Dave Mustaine) regarding politics and stuff, thus he knows the disorder and chaos that'd come about by anarchy. Similarly, anyone willingly going to Larloch's crypt is an idiot, surely marching to their deaths before even the chance of meeting Larloch. So this is the perfect song for that area! I remember Ed saying a long time ago that this area was specifically designed as an area that adventuring bands should always stay away from, no matter how powerful they become. And that's how it'll stay in my Realms!

-New Orleans is Sinking by the Tragically Hip for The Fields of the Dead. Not that current day New Orleans has much to do w/the FR area I mentioned, but the overall feel of this old song is akin to how I see the PC's feeling when in the midst of the area, especially regarding the war that happend there in 300-some DR between King Azoun I's forces, defeating the Valashar of Shoon army.

-Standing in the Dark by Platinum Blonde, for how I believe people feel upon becoming slaves to and in Thay.

-Sat in Your Lap by Kate Bush, regarding merchants, businessmen and other people who are well off along the Sword Coast, but are still jealous of folk they deem smarter than them, and then get into a cycle of bitterness and scheming unto harming those they're jealous of. The situation that started this theme is merchants refusing to acknowledge that Candlekeep (near Beregost, not the website here) is a private library and property, in their effort to try to persuade their way in, for to use the library to enhance their own prestige.

-NY State of Mind by Nas, for those who live in the slums of Athkatla (offering another perspective different from the brilliant music in BG2). They feel the oppression of the Athkatlan nobility taking their services w/o properly compensating them, having a government that doesn't much care about improving their standard of living, are in the city of the Shadow Thieves' main base of operations, are in the main concentration where much of the city's depradations happen (outside of Shadow Thief business, as there's only so much money they can make by doing things to poor people) like the happenings of the Copper Coronet etc, and feel the heat of the minor operaters and other organizations trying to get their peice of the pie in both the mainstream business dealings and the underworld happenings of this rich city.

-No Class by Motorhead, regarding how commoners feel about the Amnish nobility. I think this song is perfect b/c it depicts artificial people acting pleasant, and that's how it goes in Amnish business talks, and everyone knows it but no one among them says anything. What's more, its easy to envision the Amnish nobility feeling this same way vs. the commoner class, and even to thier noble counterparts!

-God Save the Queen by The Sex Pistols, for Dambrath.

-On a Plain by Nirvana for The High Moor, regarding the history of how it became such a desolate place in The Dark Disaster during the elven Crown Wars.

-Bound by the Beauty by Jane Siberry, for the Myrloch Vale in the Moonshaes.

-Copperhead Road by Steve Earle, detailing how the poor of the Moonsea Region live under the misrule of the tyrants there.

-Breakfast at Denny's by Buckshot LeFonque, for when a Halruann mage steps into a Thayvian Enclave along the Sword Coast (I can't really envision a Rashemi witch entering one, unless its to be violent!).
Dennis Posted - 10 Oct 2010 : 04:07:07
T he Unforgiven by Metallica for Shade Enclave
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 17:16:19
For some reason, two songs seem to come to mind right now-

"The Monster Is Loose" by Meat Loaf for the fall of Myth Drannor


"Heroes and Villains" by Powermann 5000 for, well, Faerun in general!

And on that note- I've got a new, related thread coming up in a few....
skychrome Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 17:05:24
I can't help it, but the theme from Waukeen's Promenade in BG2 frequently comes to my mind and I fully asociate it with Athkatla and Amn.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 16:21:01
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I challenge someone to find something Realms-related from this one:

And yes, I have made a point of buying the single of that tune!

Its obvious... Warlock's Crypt!!!
xaviera Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 15:38:30
Annbjørg Lien's 'Phoenix' (Fønix) for anyone coming out of the Underdark and seeing the sun again.

Alystra Illianniis Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 06:04:59
City of Shade- "Lost in the Shadows(Lost Boys Theme)"

Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 05:54:13
I challenge someone to find something Realms-related from this one:

And yes, I have made a point of buying the single of that tune!
Dennis Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 05:01:40
The reunion of Bareris and Tammith – You Found Me by The Fray

The battle of Cale and Rivalen in Shadowbred - The first opening song of the series Bleach

The Fall of Netheril – Last Desesperate Scream by Destruction
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 04:31:43
Very interesting, thus far. Keep 'em coming, if you care to, folks.
Dennis Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 20:52:52

The battle at the Keep of Sorrows during the War of the Zulkirs and the battle at the walls of Selgaunt at the last part of Shadowstorm - Smile Bomb (aka "Hohoemi no Bakudan") from the animated series Ghostfighter.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 20:04:31
Myth Drannor = Lothlorien theme from LoTR

Any sample catacombs = Resident Evil Theme
Dennis Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 19:34:29

The Seven Sisters, led by the Simbul, fighting some Red Wizards - Single Ladies by Beyonce.

Cleric Generic Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 19:15:05
Icewind Dale: Heard of Winter - Main Theme. I've most recently used it as the Silverymoon/Silver Marches theme to good effect, and it seems to evoke a good vibe for the besieged enclaves of civilisation up there.

Lord of the Ring: Fellowship of the Ring - A Journey in the Dark. Pretty much perfect for any Dwarven site, ruined or otherwise. The second half of the track is that orchestral surge you hear when Gandalf illuminates the hall of pillars in Moria.

There were a few more good examples, I'll try and pick them out...
Dennis Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 18:39:02

Halruaa - Fireflies by Owl City
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 18:32:25
Fighting any drow: the boss battle theme from FFVII- cause they're just THAT bad-a$$!!!

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