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 Which god for a doppelganger ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marco Volo Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 09:04:43

I've been reading Monster Mythology (from Ad&d), I can't find this information :

Which god for a doppelganger ?

Somebody can help me ?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gyor Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 01:47:11
Sharess, Mask, and Baravar Shadowcloak manifest via Doppelgangers, so they'd be the common deities, along with the Primordial Bazrim Gorag.
Irennan Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 23:17:34
I think Leira would do well, post Sundering or pre ToT. As Aldrick said, Cyric before the Sundering or after the ToT (he no longer is the deity of illusions after the Sundering).
Aldrick Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 23:00:16
If I had to make a quick judgment it would probably be Cyric or Shar. Cyric as the deity of lies, intrigue, and illusions. Shar as the goddess of secrets and darkness. Both of these deities could have a particular resonance for a generic doppelganger. However, what matters more is the specific character.

For example, I could imagine a doppelganger who develops an affinity for a particular identity which is fiercely loyal to a particular city. Perhaps over time this doppelganger becomes the head of the secret police of this city, using his abilities to hunt down enemies of the state, and others that would cause the city harm. Such a doppelganger could worship Helm, as he would see himself as a guardian and a protector.

Another example could be a doppelganger who develops a desire for avenging murdered individuals. A deeply devout doppelganger who perhaps worships Kelemvor and Hoar, and sees himself as a balancer of the scales of justice. He would move throughout the Realms, listening around for stories of those recently slain, learning all he can about them, and taking their identities. Once he has their identities, he would hunt down their killers, so that the last thing that they see is the face of the person they killed just before they die. A form of poetic justice.

The point is that the character matters more than the race of the individual when it comes to who they would worship.

KanzenAU is also right. The doppelgangers are related to the batrachi in the Realms. However, I think it is unlikely any doppelgangers in the Realms would have any knowledge of this or the batrachi deities. As a result, the deities a particular doppelganger worships is going to be tied to whatever culture they find themselves integrated into as children and adults.
Markustay Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 17:49:01
There is a very good reason why we've never heard of a 'Doppleganger god'...

They aren't called 'The Unseen' for nuthin'.
George Krashos Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 11:50:30

Or maybe an aspect of Leira or Mask?

-- George Krashos
KanzenAU Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 09:48:57
I'm far from an expert, but I think dopplers are linked to the batrachi... so maybe Ramenos? Good question.

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