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 Black Unicorns and Red Wizards?!

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Arteris Posted - 07 Jun 2004 : 05:47:25
Ok I was reading the entry for Lurue in the FR Faiths and Pantheons book and it says she hates Malar for helping the Red Wizards create Black Unicorns... Unfortuneatly I dont have the Monster Compendium FR and even if I did I wouldnt be sure if they would be in there. So can anyone tell me there STATS... Kinda sorta maybe...

If not thats cool cause I know typing or even finding links to a creature or persons STATS takes a while so if you could point me in the direction were I could find out about them that would be cool too. Thanks
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tethtoril Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 15:12:03
Hmmm, does it seem this scroll has outlived its usefulness? The latest posts are completely out of bound from the original question - which has been answered in several ways. Let us allow this particular writing to fade into the shelves of the keep to be revived by some other scribe looking for information on black unicorns and red wizards.
Capn Charlie Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 04:40:47
Oh, the gnome artificer and list of gemstones alone proved to be highly useful to me.

I will admit though that I will likely retire the book for the most part after I acquire the PGTF.
SiriusBlack Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 04:20:40
Originally posted by Arivia
Surprisingly, I prefered Magic over Monsters. Any reason why you didn't like it?

Been too long to recall the reasons I didn't enjoy Magic of Faerun. I could try to remember by loading up the PDF for this tome, but why put my computer or myself through that ordeal. I will say this, in the X number of years since it's been out, after an initial read, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've referenced the tome. Moreover, those occassions were to answer another poster's question on this or another board (most often about moonblades). Thus, there's one element that probably shaped my perception about MoF, I just didn't find much in there to use in my FR world. But, alas, I'm glad others did...quite a large amount of others in fact given the numerous characters I've read that apparently are wielding double vorpal moonblade scimitars of mass destruction in other campaigns.
Arivia Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 03:32:44
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Arteris

>.< Oh well, my friend and I are going to go halves on the Faerun Monster Manual and Magic of Faerun anyways. Thanks very much everyone

I wasn't a big fan of Mof, but the Faerun Monster Manual was great. Let us know what you think of each product after you two purchase them.

Surprisingly, I prefered Magic over Monsters. Any reason why you didn't like it?
Arteris Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 00:50:22
Will do ^.^
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Jun 2004 : 03:47:58
Originally posted by Arteris

>.< Oh well, my friend and I are going to go halves on the Faerun Monster Manual and Magic of Faerun anyways. Thanks very much everyone

I wasn't a big fan of Mof, but the Faerun Monster Manual was great. Let us know what you think of each product after you two purchase them.
Arteris Posted - 10 Jun 2004 : 23:46:55
>.< Oh well, my friend and I are going to go halves on the Faerun Monster Manual and Magic of Faerun anyways. Thanks very much everyone
Lady Kazandra Posted - 10 Jun 2004 : 09:56:10
It should be noted that you now have to pay a fee, to register at the site that the Sage is talking about. I'm not sure he's realised that...
The Sage Posted - 07 Jun 2004 : 09:40:42
There is a friendly online resource where you can obtain these, and other similar FR creature stats Arteris. However, I will have to send the site address to you by ethereal mail. This is mainly because registering to the site is by invitation only...
SiriusBlack Posted - 07 Jun 2004 : 06:06:21
They can be found on pages 83-84 in Monsters of Faerun.

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