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 5e Aasimar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gyor Posted - 15 Oct 2015 : 03:05:15
Its been mentioned that the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide will have a side bar on Aasimar and it lead to wonder on the fluff side what Aasimar will be like on the fluff side in 5e, given that 4e mangled the Aasimar by merging it with the 4e Devas.

Could 4e Devas be a subrace of Aasimar?

In one of the Sundering Books they're is a Deva character who does refer to himself as an Aasimar and it just seemed to show even the Author wasn't sure how to handle the weird situation. To be fair in Kemps novels his Cambion character often gets refered to as a Tiefling and doesn't seem to care.

So what do you guys suspect will be the Aasimar's fluff status in 5e?

And what about the Aasimar's actual stats, will it be the same as the DMG or will there be variant Aasimar like there will be variant tieflings?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gyor Posted - 16 Oct 2015 : 23:52:44
Good point and I think the Aasimar side bar will address it somehow, at least I hope so.
Gurgle Gobblespit Posted - 15 Oct 2015 : 17:51:24
I think it's time they made Aasimar an (official) allowable Player Race. The DMG hinted of it as an "example additional race", but fell short of endorsing it.

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