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 Famous Monster Race characters in the Realms?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Roseweave Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 16:19:19
In the fics I've written(Nine Tales University) I've decided to name some of the buildings on campus after famous "Monster" types(which includes stuff like Drow I guess) that became renown heroes, since it's sort of the point of the University.

I can't really think of any though as I haven't read much in the way of books. Any suggestions?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 20:21:27
Ah, centaurs! Timoth Eyesbright, from the AD&D comic. There was another in Red Magic, as I recall, named Wynter.
The Last Zulkir Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 18:30:24
- Drow assassin chick worshipping Eilistraee that teams up with player character in Hordes of the Underdark (can't remember the name), if you keep her to your side through the end she ends up saving Waterdeep from Mephistopheles along with the player character, heroic enough?

Nathyrra, IIRC. If you want a slightly different name source, Lith My'athar could work. It was the Drow city from Hordes that resisted the Valsharess' conquest, close to Waterdeep and technically ruled by the clergy of Eilistraee. Canonicity is pretty hotly debatable for Hordes though, even moreso than most of the Neverwinter games, since it pretty explicitly uses the Great Wheel cosmology.
Demzer Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 18:06:26
If your'e including drows and IF you count videogames as canon:
- Viconia De Vir: IF a male good or neutral protagonist romanced her, she turns true neutral, abandons her faith in Shar after trying to establish a temple in Waterdeep, prevents a coup/invasion of Calimport and then defends Suldanesselar from drow attacks. All this after the end of Throne of Bhaal if i'm not mistaken, been a long time so i'm kinda fuzzy on the details.
- Drow assassin chick worshipping Eilistraee that teams up with player character in Hordes of the Underdark (can't remember the name), if you keep her to your side through the end she ends up saving Waterdeep from Mephistopheles along with the player character, heroic enough?

If you're just going for "not standard races" then there is a famous centaur fighter down in Tethyr that helped during the Reclamation War and is an officer in the army by the 1370s DR (name escapes me at the moment).

Also, famous non-standard races heroes list must include Boo ...

And since we moved to Rashemen ... Okku, friggin' spirit bear from Mask of the Betrayer, but i don't think he has many fans outside Rashemen and i don't believe Mask of the Betrayer is canon Realms since a bunch of gods die depending on player actions.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 18:05:31
Probably a stretch but, Clacker the Hook Horror?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 17:58:33
Originally posted by Demzer

Dragonbait, saurial paladin of Tyr.

Dang, how did I forget him?
Roseweave Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 17:22:20
anywhere really.

The Auditorium is already called after Scalesinger lol
Demzer Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 17:18:18
Shield of Innocence, orog paladin of Torm in Tethyr.

Dragonbait, saurial paladin of Tyr.
The Last Zulkir Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 17:05:46
If you're willing to accept NWN as canonical to a degree, you could run with Deekin Scalesinger. (Kobold Bard) It's an interesting topic, but that's pretty much the best I can recall offhand.
Crai Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 16:41:39
So you're looking for famous monster types (not player character races) ..... that ended up producing renowned heroes.

You mean within the canon Forgotten Realms historical timeline? And if so, in what area or geography are we talking?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 16:41:06
Realms fiction has focused almost entirely on using the "civilized" races as characters. There have been a few oddballs, like General Vrakk (orc), Aliisza (alu-fiend), Nojheim (goblin), and of course, dragons, but those unusual cases are few, far between, and rarely known as heroes, if they are known to the wider Realms at all.

I'm not really recalling any famed heroic monsters.

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