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 Coat of Arms / Amn & Tethyr

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lameth Posted - 12 Jun 2008 : 20:03:30
Where can I find the Coat of Arms / Flags from Amn and Tethyr?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Xal Valzar Posted - 24 Oct 2014 : 23:07:15
what are your plans with Amn?
George Krashos Posted - 24 Oct 2014 : 17:22:48
When I think about it, I'm not sure that I was right way back in 2008 when I mentioned the possibility of Ed giving us this info.

I'd ping him on his thread to see what the answer is.

-- George Krashos
Duneth Despana Posted - 24 Oct 2014 : 14:09:11
I've been looking and looking to see if I could find Ed's answer about Amn's crest, but to no avail. Can anyone remember?
George Krashos Posted - 18 Jun 2008 : 04:16:17
Have a look at my lineage of the kings of Amn in "Grand History of the Realms" which was based on Steven's extensive notes.

-- George Krashos
Lemernis Posted - 17 Jun 2008 : 20:35:01
This reminds me that for the NWN2 PW I'm involved with, which is set in Amn, I'm going to flesh out what the Amnian royalty was like.

What we've done with this project is we've taken where Steven left us at the close of Lands of Intrigue and are writing Amn's history, collaboratively with the players, thenceforth. We've fleshed out a number of things that weren't fully developed in LoI. But we always strive to base our own custom content on Steven's world as faithfully as possible. To do our best to imagine what various aspects of the world would be like based on what Steven laid out.

In this gameworld there is an underground movement in Amn to restore the monarchy. These royalists are appalled at the failure of the Council of Six to protect Amn from the Sythillisian Empire so swiftly and decisively conquering half the nation during the invasion of 1370. They long for a return to the days of Amn's grandeur under a great king such as Imnel. This of course means an end to the Council of Six, and they have to take care not to jeopardize the country any further. They need to choose their allies very carefully.

It seems to me that Amnian royalty would be a blend of Calishite and northern influences... probably favoring the Calishite system of caliphates or emirates. The Calishite cultural roots would be strong, I would think, since the founders of the nation were military officers from Calimshan. However they blended in a lot of northern influences with many Cormyrians and Westies settling the region from the nation's earliest days.

In 1370 there would be many descendants of former royalty. Since Amnian royalty would have been the wealthiest and most powerful citizens in the land, probably most of them would be among the most powerful merchant families since the formation of the Council of Six. And I would imagine some of those former royal families would have been ruined by rivals when the last king died and the monarchy ended and the scramble for power that ensued (i.e., without the king to support them any longer).

But anyway, I do intend to write up something for what Amnian royalty might have consisted of (up to 1276 when the last king was assassinated), complete with some coats of arms, and I'll be happy to share it here. It's just one FR fan's musings about what it might be like, but it'll be there for gamers to use if they like.

Steven Schend Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 13:27:23
Yeah, many apologies, but I ran out of time long ago before doing up the coats of arms for noble families in Tethyr (and the nigh-extinct noble houses in Amn). That would be quite the project, even just in figuring out which noble houses survived the Black Days (precious few) and which ones in Amn survived the fall of the monarchy, etc. Then to detail said houses, both fallen and extant (since you can always find items and such with blazons and shields on them, whether there's a living relative who claims that mark or not).

In short, it's a lot of work that's never been done up front. I'll scurry amongst my notes and if anything pops up, I'll post it. That said, you may be just as well off finding a basic book on heraldry and developing what you need on your own.

who suddenly thinks that among the various published bits about Lord Hhune and his current wife you might find a few bits of Tethyrian heraldry....
Lameth Posted - 13 Jun 2008 : 15:43:54
In the Lands of Intrigue box set I couldn`t find anything about it.
Ergdusch Posted - 13 Jun 2008 : 15:43:28
Originally posted by George Krashos

Ed's "Ecology of the Sea Lion" article in an old Dragon Magazine noted that Tethyr's coat of arms featured sea lions.

To be found in Dragon Magazine #107, according to the Dragondex.
George Krashos Posted - 13 Jun 2008 : 12:16:21
Given the plethora of dynasties and rulers that Tethyr has had throughout its history, I thunk that its coat of arms has changed more than a few times. Ed's "Ecology of the Sea Lion" article in an old Dragon Magazine noted that Tethyr's coat of arms featured sea lions.

I seem to recall that Ed's previously told us what Amn's "flag" is but I can't recall where or when offhand.

-- George Krashos
Ergdusch Posted - 13 Jun 2008 : 09:04:30
Have you checked in the Lands of Intrigue boxed set already? It's a free download at WotC, too.

And you might want to search through Ed's replies. I was going to do this for my 'Looking for all infos on Tethyr'-thread but have not come around to do it yet.

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