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 How do the dark eight compare to the lords of hell

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 06:56:10
Just over all, how do the dark eight, compare as far as influence and strength, against the other lords of hell, as far as an origination .
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shemmy Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 23:16:47
Originally posted by Lilianviaten

What I would love to have seen 4e explore is what happened to the dynamic between pit fiends and archdevils in light of the Blood War ending. It always seemed to be that the Blood War gave pit fiends a level of influence that was nearly on par with the Lords of the Nine. The absence of the Blood War should have shuffled the power structure within the Hells.

I will also be interested to see if any author deals with the shifts in power structure that result from Asmodeus losing his divinity. The Brimstone Angels novels foreshadowed this event, and the return of Azuth makes it a near certainty. It's time for someone else to rule the Hells anyway.

Unfortunately that only made sense within the 4e core world, where the different back stories for the Abyss and the Hells made a stop in the Blood War rational. Within the main planar continuity outside of the PoL setting, not so much, and I'd prefer to view it as all a case of 'mortal sages interpreted less Blood War influence on Toril and with respect to Toril's gods as a global pause, whereas in reality it never did, and continued to rage on with the same intensity'.

I'd really like to see as much continuity of planar lore as possible as 5e touches on the planes, and some things I've seen so far are positive in that direction, but there are also some things that just don't make any sense at all (altered 'loth origin story, 5e tieflings lacking the diversity of classic tieflings and excluding all but devil-blooded origins in the PHB).
Lilianviaten Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 22:57:45
Originally posted by Shemmy

Originally posted by The Masked Mage

I would say they really don't compare. Think of them as military generals, and the lords of the nine more as governors or feudal lords. The eight are the servants of the nine.

This, except that the Dark Eight only directly answer to Asmodeus. They and their organizational structure operate parallel to the various lords of the nine. They don't directly compare and have radically different spheres of influence.

What I would love to have seen 4e explore is what happened to the dynamic between pit fiends and archdevils in light of the Blood War ending. It always seemed to be that the Blood War gave pit fiends a level of influence that was nearly on par with the Lords of the Nine. The absence of the Blood War should have shuffled the power structure within the Hells.

I will also be interested to see if any author deals with the shifts in power structure that result from Asmodeus losing his divinity. The Brimstone Angels novels foreshadowed this event, and the return of Azuth makes it a near certainty. It's time for someone else to rule the Hells anyway.
Mirtek Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 20:00:56
From a perspective of personal power any LotN could easily cursh any of the D8. For a perspective of politial power no LotN (except Asmodeus) would dare to do so
Shemmy Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 18:52:30
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

I would say they really don't compare. Think of them as military generals, and the lords of the nine more as governors or feudal lords. The eight are the servants of the nine.

This, except that the Dark Eight only directly answer to Asmodeus. They and their organizational structure operate parallel to the various lords of the nine. They don't directly compare and have radically different spheres of influence.
The Masked Mage Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 18:21:25
I would say they really don't compare. Think of them as military generals, and the lords of the nine more as governors or feudal lords. The eight are the servants of the nine.

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