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 Most uninsurable person/place in Faerun?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mhamza Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 16:33:58
Title says it all, what do you guys think is the most uninsurable person/place in Faerun?, personally for me its Mystra, she dies so often you'd think you're reading game of thrones.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Masked Mage Posted - 29 Jun 2014 : 17:00:08
I'd say Elminster - he gets killed all the time and brought back again and again by either Mystra or an ally. And that's just life insurance. Imagine if you're talking to him about insuring his tower in shadowdale. Its been destroyed almost as many times as it has been mentioned in books.
BEAST Posted - 28 Jun 2014 : 04:24:20
Maybe kill off some of his own clones, just for some extra cash?
Veritas Posted - 28 Jun 2014 : 00:42:50
Manshoon's greatest victory would be raking in life insurance proceeds as both the insured and the beneficiary of the policy.
BEAST Posted - 21 Jun 2014 : 04:35:43
What about Manshoon? How would an agent even be able to identify exactly which specimen of Manshoon he has on his hands, at any given moment in time? And how many more would he have to account for, beyond the immediate one? Do the rates vary in all those different locales? Is the death of one a total loss? Or is there only a marginal depreciation of the overall entity that is Manshoon? With each additional death of a clone, does the relative value of each remaining clone appreciate? If the agent quoted a high premium, would he even survive Manshoon's wrath?
Delwa Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 23:42:28
Any gnome priest of Gond with access to smokepowder.
sleyvas Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 23:04:21
I can't see anyone wanting to insure someone in Veldorn, given the monster population..... Skullport could also qualify as an area that I'd bet insurers would steer clear of.
Ayrik Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 22:27:11
Thay. Founded with a bloody, hostile history. Then it just got worse. Every time it was mentioned in any Realmslore.
Seethyr Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 22:02:27
Sakkors/Thultanthor, what company in their right mind would insure a FLYING city that has made enemies of nearly ever other power group in the world? Yes, I have read the Sundering novels and I'm trying not to spoil anything here... ;-)
rangerstranger Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 20:47:02
I'd say just about any individual or even an entire Noble house in nearly any Drow City. Anyone headed to Myth Drannor pre 4e would be pretty uninsurable. Any Bhaalspawn as well.
rangerstranger Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 20:37:12
Originally posted by mhamza

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by mhamza

Title says it all, what do you guys think is the most uninsurable person/place in Faerun?, personally for me its Mystra, she dies so often you'd think you're reading game of thrones.

Three times in 1700 years is "often"?

For a deity it is, especially one as powerful as Mystra.

And twice in what, 27, 28 years!?
mhamza Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 19:08:27
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by mhamza

Title says it all, what do you guys think is the most uninsurable person/place in Faerun?, personally for me its Mystra, she dies so often you'd think you're reading game of thrones.

Three times in 1700 years is "often"?

For a deity it is, especially one as powerful as Mystra.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 18:32:56
Originally posted by mhamza

Title says it all, what do you guys think is the most uninsurable person/place in Faerun?, personally for me its Mystra, she dies so often you'd think you're reading game of thrones.

Three times in 1700 years is "often"?
idilippy Posted - 20 Jun 2014 : 16:49:01
Zhentil Keep and Myth Drannor I imagine would be near the top for locations. As for people, I'd think any adventurer intending to travel to Myth Drannor (pre-4e) or Undermountain probably voids any insurance they have.

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