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 Dragonlance 30th Anniversary!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Plaguescarred Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 11:48:58
Thirty years ago this March, the world of Krynn debuted in the Dragonlance series of adventures and novels. There have been quite a few twists and turns in the years since -- and today we offer a brief history of one of D&D’s most innovative settings!

I know there is a fair share of Dragonlance fans among scribes that will undoubtly rejoyce!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jorkens Posted - 22 Feb 2014 : 08:15:21
And a happy birthday to the setting, even though I haven't followed the development for years its still among my favourites.
The Arcanamach Posted - 22 Feb 2014 : 04:32:58
Well, Greyhawk was my first experience with DnD. I had a wild affair with Dragonlance afterwards though. The War of the Lance and Legends of the Twins were my first real forays into fantasy novel reading and I was hooked. Raistlin still ranks up there with my favorite characters of all time (maybe even THE favorite).

But nothing can touch the Realms as originally published in the late 80s/OGB days. NOTHING. And that's from someone who really enjoyed the Ravenloft, Dark Sun and Eberron campaigns (I liked the Planescape and Spelljammer line as well, just not quite as much).

Congrats to DL and DnD on their birthdays this year!
The Sage Posted - 22 Feb 2014 : 03:10:07
My, my... where does the time go?

DRAGONLANCE was my first foray into the world of role-playing games. And it was also my first sampling of TSR-oriented fiction as well.

I distinctly recall the somewhat awkwardly mild day I picked up both the first DL module and novel from the [then] very local book/gaming store. I looked at the covers of both sources and suddenly thought about all the different ways I could re-interpret this stuff using my [again, then] child-era imagination. [Dragons as big as a moon? Oh, little, little, Sage, you're never going to get away with that. ]

Happy birthday, DRAGONLANCE, you've brought inspiration and creativity for me during every one of those thirty years of your gaming life. .

Here's to the next [hopefully, Wizards pending] thirty years!
Arcanus Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 21:04:33
Raistlin is still my all time fave character.
Barastir Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 17:07:21
When I was younger I didn't mind DragonLance, although I had good friends who were great fans of the setting. Some years after that I started reading and looking their game materials (the classics, mostly), and now I think it is a very good setting. Congratulations to Weis & Hickman for their wonderful fantasy world.
Kris the Grey Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 17:02:42
Wow, Dragonlance at 30 and D&D at 40, this is going to be a crazy year at Gencon!

I too was a lover of all things Krynn before I was a lover of all things Realms. My first fantasy novels were the Chronicles of Narnia, but the first six novels of the Dragonlance Saga were my first introduction to D&D specific literature, and as you can see from my avatar they clearly had a pretty significant impact on me...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 16:31:43
Originally posted by Mournblade

After reading that article I must take that back!

My First TSR Novels were the Rose Estes Endless Quest books. One of my favorites was Villains of Volturnus for Star Frontiers.

The Endless Quest stuff was also my intro to TSR books. I don't recall any of the details, but I know I read Villains of Volturnus. I originally got into those books from a love of the Choose Your Own Adventure line; after reading all of those I could find, I branched out into similar books from other publishers. It was a while after that, though, before I got into the Dragonlance books.
Mournblade Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 14:23:00
After reading that article I must take that back!

My First TSR Novels were the Rose Estes Endless Quest books. One of my favorites was Villains of Volturnus for Star Frontiers.

Mournblade Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 14:20:25
I am terribly remiss in this regard.

My friends were all picking up Dragonlance, and I never bothered when I was in 7th grade.

There are a few worlds of D&D I know nothing about, like Eberron, but I don't feel like I missed anything by not following Eberron.

I only ever knew Dragonlance through RPG Source material, and never the novels.

The first TSR novel I ever read was Darkwalker on Moonshae. I could try to catch up with DL novels, but between my newborn little girl, FR reading, Star Wars, Marvel,and video games, I need the universe to add 3 more hours to the day.

Congratulations Dragonlance!

Plaguescarred Posted - 21 Feb 2014 : 11:53:37
Happy 30th anniversary Dragonlance! I started with Tales of the Lance in the 90's and had great adventures on Ansalon since then, which i continue to visit from time to time...

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