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 Scourge of the Realm, by Erik Scott de Bie

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 28 Aug 2013 : 21:38:26
For those of you who like reading about the Realms and are looking for more excellent fiction in the same vein (particularly during WotC's Sundering focus), check out this most recent book I'm announcing today: Scourge of the Realm

The quirky and awesome Broken Eye Books just announced that I would be writing a book for them (Scourge of the Realm,) as a stretch goal on their kickstarter:

Years ago, a band of heroes from all walks of life joined forces to rid the kingdom of Iavor from the evil tyrant Malagant, driving him from the realm and securing it for goodly folk everywhere. The barbarian leader of the group married the princess and became king, and his allies took on positions of authority in the kingdom.

But all was not well in Iavor, for power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now it falls to the Black Princess Sidion, daughter of the old evil queen, on the run from the barbarian king's hunters, to seek out some hope of restoring balance to the land. She must find the only man who ever defeated the former heroes: Malagant, the Scourge of the Realm.

For those of you who like my work and want to have this novel in your hot little hands (or cold big ones, whatever), pledge your support to BEB's Kickstarter. Their other offerings are amazing as well, including By Faerie Light (a dark fey anthology featuring my story "The Night Maiden" alongside the work of numerous authors whose names should look familiar) and some seriously great books from my good friend Clinton Boomer. Highly recommended!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 06 Sep 2013 : 15:13:06
Originally posted by Dark Wizard

Blah, I was going to jump in only if Erik's stretch goal made it. With the final cutting so close, I missed it.

I'm happy Erik made it in. Now I know his book will come out and I can grab it then.
Same here - I was watching it until the end, and then kinda missed the cut-off because I had to run out.

So glad this made it - its a company I plan to check-out in the near future; sounds like my kind of fiction.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 06 Sep 2013 : 04:27:14
Thanks guys! I appreciate all the support and good thoughts.

And I'm going to be BUSY this fall.

Dark Wizard Posted - 05 Sep 2013 : 23:24:56
Blah, I was going to jump in only if Erik's stretch goal made it. With the final cutting so close, I missed it.

I'm happy Erik made it in. Now I know his book will come out and I can grab it then.
The Red Walker Posted - 05 Sep 2013 : 20:53:50
Wow, hit the stretch goal for Erik's book by $5!

I got caught up late at the gym and was trying to raise my backing right at the end before the goal got met and my iPhonelocked up on me.....I was afraid it was going to be my fault ifwe didn't reach that goal. Now I'm just bummed I didn't get to fund at the level to get a hardback, but at least it is happening
The Red Walker Posted - 05 Sep 2013 : 19:31:04
39 minutes and $610 to Erik's book! Ahhhhh the suspense!
The Red Walker Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 18:26:43
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Call to Arms!

The Broken Eye Books kickstarter has just over 48 hours to raise just under $2k for basic funding, and another $2k for my novel. Can we do it?


I need to set a calander notice and check in with a hour two go, if its anywhere in the neighborhood of getting Eric's book , I will up my backing
The Sage Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 03:27:02
And quite happily backed!
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 17:01:16
Call to Arms!

The Broken Eye Books kickstarter has just over 48 hours to raise just under $2k for basic funding, and another $2k for my novel. Can we do it?

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 31 Aug 2013 : 23:00:09
Indeed! Scott is the publisher at Broken Eye Books. There are just a few days left and quite a few dollars to go. Come on, ladies and gentlesirs! It's way worth it.

The Red Walker Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 15:11:28
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by The Sage

You know, I've just carried out some quick re-fudging of my monthly budget, and I think I can work a pledge in for this project.

Erik's announcement of the book was a great selling point, but I've only just now realised that Scott Gable is involved too. So I definitely want to get on board with this.

Let me know if you can't swing it this month, I'm planning on upping my pledge anyway... so won't be a bother to make sure i get an extra book or two to send your way old friend.

I'll be much appreciative, RW, and certainly will cover any financial costs incurred for the lengthy shipping.

Thank you for this very kind offer.

You could come to GenCOn next year and pick it up!

PM me and let me know what funding level you were looking at and we will work it out as they do offer shipping anywhere.
The Sage Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 15:05:05
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by The Sage

You know, I've just carried out some quick re-fudging of my monthly budget, and I think I can work a pledge in for this project.

Erik's announcement of the book was a great selling point, but I've only just now realised that Scott Gable is involved too. So I definitely want to get on board with this.

Let me know if you can't swing it this month, I'm planning on upping my pledge anyway... so won't be a bother to make sure i get an extra book or two to send your way old friend.

I'll be much appreciative, RW, and certainly will cover any financial costs incurred for the lengthy shipping.

Thank you for this very kind offer.
The Red Walker Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 13:53:10
Originally posted by The Sage

You know, I've just carried out some quick re-fudging of my monthly budget, and I think I can work a pledge in for this project.

Erik's announcement of the book was a great selling point, but I've only just now realised that Scott Gable is involved too. So I definitely want to get on board with this.

Let me know if you can't swing it this month, I'm planning on upping my pledge anyway... so won't be a bother to make sure i get an extra book or two to send your way old friend.
The Sage Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 03:52:50
You know, I've just carried out some quick re-fudging of my monthly budget, and I think I can work a pledge in for this project.

Erik's announcement of the book was a great selling point, but I've only just now realised that Scott Gable is involved too. So I definitely want to get on board with this.

The Sage Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 03:44:35
Confound it! This had to come after I'd already reached my Kickstarter budget for August...

Sorry Erik.
The Red Walker Posted - 28 Aug 2013 : 21:45:34
Allright.....I'm in!

I made a quick pledge, but will read through all the levels later tonight to get where I need to be.

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