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 Are Favoured Souls a type of Chosen?

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Gyor Posted - 25 Aug 2013 : 01:21:28
I was wondering if Favoured Souls count as a lesser type of Chosen akin to the new lesser chosen popping up because of the Sundering. After all Favoured Souls are invested with a portion of thier Gods power kind of like the chosen.

On a related note does anyone remember the name of the Sharessan pregen from neverwinter nights, Mask of the Betrayer, the Half Drow Favoured Soul. It was something thrice blessed. I remember its the only pregen I ever liked enough to seriously play in a video game, because her back story was just so interesting and well thoughtout. Wished she'd appeared in a novel.
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Therise Posted - 10 Sep 2013 : 01:00:11
Originally posted by Razz

Favored Souls do not channel it from a deity. They are, essentially, their own channel to divine magic.

Actually, they do channel divine power.

Complete Divine, p.6:
The favored soul follows the path of the cleric but is able to
channel divine power with surprising ease.

They need not pray for specific spells like a cleric does, but Favored Souls do indeed channel their deity's power.

sleyvas Posted - 10 Sep 2013 : 00:44:33
Originally posted by Razz

Originally posted by sleyvas

You HAVE to follow a deity. Therefore, you don't follow your deity's ethos, bye-bye abilities. You also HAVE to stay within 1 degree of said deity's alignment... stray too far... bye-bye abilities.

Originally posted by Gyor

Its up to a deity how much leeway they give on how much ladutude they give when it comes to living by the deities ethos.

As the mortal does chose to be a Favoured Soul and this person is likely to figure highly in a Gods plans this is likely to be highly forgiving.

And Alignments do have some room to move as well.

Don't get me wrong a favoured soul of a good god slaughering childern and forcing goodly folk to grovel via command spells will likely lose his power until they atone, but a favoured soul who finds passive aggressive ways of rebelling usually won't.

Not according to Complete Divine and what has been outlined in the Class Chronicles link I gave. Favored Souls do not choose to be Favored Souls at all (the player makes the choice, but in-character, the character does not).

Again, Favored Souls do not get their spells from their deities. It specifically states that Favored Souls do almost always devote themselves to the deity that granted them inner divine power, but they are not beholden. The Power is theirs to wield now, unlike a Cleric, who MUST channel that energy from a deity.

Favored Souls do not channel it from a deity. They are, essentially, their own channel to divine magic.

Complete Divine is very specific... they HAVE to follow a deity. They can't follow an ethos. They HAVE to stay within one step of said deities alignment. So, Favored souls haven't discovered some amazing mysterious way to get around not doing what their deity wants them to do. The only difference is that unlike clerics, who must request and memorize their spells at a certain time of day, etc... the Favored Souls are given a lot more leeway on accessing their spells.... but only because they have such a limited selection to choose from that they're pretty much only going to have an attack spell, a healing spell, and maybe 2 other choices at any given level to choose from.
Razz Posted - 09 Sep 2013 : 23:35:29
Also please note that while Clerics have a sidebar stating what happens to Ex-Clerics, Favored Souls do not have an "Ex-Favored Soul" section at all. They are not as restricted as Clerics. Their only restriction is wide and general access to divine magic. Like a sorcerer to a wizard.

Razz Posted - 09 Sep 2013 : 23:34:05
Originally posted by sleyvas

You HAVE to follow a deity. Therefore, you don't follow your deity's ethos, bye-bye abilities. You also HAVE to stay within 1 degree of said deity's alignment... stray too far... bye-bye abilities.

Originally posted by Gyor

Its up to a deity how much leeway they give on how much ladutude they give when it comes to living by the deities ethos.

As the mortal does chose to be a Favoured Soul and this person is likely to figure highly in a Gods plans this is likely to be highly forgiving.

And Alignments do have some room to move as well.

Don't get me wrong a favoured soul of a good god slaughering childern and forcing goodly folk to grovel via command spells will likely lose his power until they atone, but a favoured soul who finds passive aggressive ways of rebelling usually won't.

Not according to Complete Divine and what has been outlined in the Class Chronicles link I gave. Favored Souls do not choose to be Favored Souls at all (the player makes the choice, but in-character, the character does not).

Again, Favored Souls do not get their spells from their deities. It specifically states that Favored Souls do almost always devote themselves to the deity that granted them inner divine power, but they are not beholden. The Power is theirs to wield now, unlike a Cleric, who MUST channel that energy from a deity.

Favored Souls do not channel it from a deity. They are, essentially, their own channel to divine magic.
The Sage Posted - 07 Sep 2013 : 03:50:41
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I, too, would love to see more of Liriel.


I still feel that's there more to tell of Liriel's story. Certainly, enough, I would hope, that Wizards would one day see the need to revisit her life in some future novel or anthology set.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Sep 2013 : 23:47:31
Originally posted by Drustan Dwnhaedan

Eheh, got a little distracted earlier and forgot I was going to put in my two cents worth. I've always thought of the favored soul as being something more than a cleric and less than a Chosen. (Hmm, I'm just repeating what somebody else posted, aren't I? Sorry, I can't help it if I think in a similar fashion to somebody else.)

In my opinion, you could do worse than to think like myself.
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 06 Sep 2013 : 23:27:19
Eheh, got a little distracted earlier and forgot I was going to put in my two cents worth. I've always thought of the favored soul as being something more than a cleric and less than a Chosen. (Hmm, I'm just repeating what somebody else posted, aren't I? Sorry, I can't help it if I think in a similar fashion to somebody else.)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Sep 2013 : 21:06:03
I, too, would love to see more of Liriel.
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 06 Sep 2013 : 18:35:48
Originally posted by Lilianviaten

Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

@Lillianviaten: you're not the only one begging for another Liriel novel. Heck, I'd beg for another FR book by Elaine, period!

Liriel is my favorite drow in the Realms, even more so than Drizzt and Jarlaxle. She definitely needs another trilogy.

Yes! I wasn't entirely satisfied with the end of 'Windwalker', and Liriel's just got too much potential to be given only one trilogy, and then never appear again. Er, hope that didn't sound like I dislike Elaine Cunningham's writing (she's easily my favorite FR author), I just really want her to bring Liriel back.
Gyor Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 11:22:01
Originally posted by Gyor

Its up to a deity how much leeway they give on how much ladutude they give when it comes to living by the deities ethos.

As the mortal does chose to be a Favoured Soul and this person is likely to figure highly in a Gods plans this is likely to be highly forgiving.

And Alignments do have some room to move as well.

Don't get me wrong a favoured soul of a good god slaughering childern and forcing goodly folk to grovel via command spells will likely lose his power until they atone, but a favoured soul who finds passive aggressive ways of rebelling usually won't.

Gyor Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 11:21:22
Its up to a deity how much leeway they give on how much ladutude they give when it comes to living by the deities ethos.

As the mortal does chose to be a Favoured Soul and this person is likely to figure highly in a Gods plans this is likely to be highly forgiving.

And Alignments do have some room to move as well.

Don't get me wrong a favoured soul of a good god slaughering childern and forcing goodly folk to grovel via command spells will likely lose his power until they atone, but a favoured soul who finds passive aggressive ways of rebelling usually won't.
sleyvas Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 04:12:11
Originally posted by Razz

From what I noticed about the Favored Souls are the following two:

1) They do not lose access to their divine magic no matter what. Even if they forsake the deities or switch their allegiance from the one that granted them the divine gift, they still can harness the Power. It was born/gifted into their souls, it probably cannot be ripped without destroying the soul itself entirely. Whereas Clerics follow rites, traditions, codes, rituals, prayer, and devotion along with spellcraft to please their deity into gifting them with specific divine spells in which to use to perform for their deities' desires, Favored Souls are outside of all of that entirely.

2) There doesn't seem to be any restrictions. With Clerics, if you are Good you are forbidden from casting an Evil spell and vice versa. There are consequences if you try to or even manage it, such as complete disconnection from your divine power entirely until you atone. It seems Favored Souls do not have this limitation, casting any divine spell as they wish if they have chosen to learn it (through levels) or magic items.

You HAVE to follow a deity. Therefore, you don't follow your deity's ethos, bye-bye abilities. You also HAVE to stay within 1 degree of said deity's alignment... stray too far... bye-bye abilities.
Razz Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 03:35:29
From what I noticed about the Favored Souls are the following two:

1) They do not lose access to their divine magic no matter what. Even if they forsake the deities or switch their allegiance from the one that granted them the divine gift, they still can harness the Power. It was born/gifted into their souls, it probably cannot be ripped without destroying the soul itself entirely. Whereas Clerics follow rites, traditions, codes, rituals, prayer, and devotion along with spellcraft to please their deity into gifting them with specific divine spells in which to use to perform for their deities' desires, Favored Souls are outside of all of that entirely.

2) There doesn't seem to be any restrictions. With Clerics, if you are Good you are forbidden from casting an Evil spell and vice versa. There are consequences if you try to or even manage it, such as complete disconnection from your divine power entirely until you atone. It seems Favored Souls do not have this limitation, casting any divine spell as they wish if they have chosen to learn it (through levels) or magic items.
Gyor Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 02:39:42
Actually I believe favour souls switching to another deity was rare because the deity had to agree to it and fallen favoures souls were seen as untrust worthy.

But that was just fluff, by raw you can switch deities. I get.what you mean with the Charisma and the favoured weapon. I kind of see the favoured weapon and other combat skills as coming instintively as the magic does, the way human babies are born with the ability to swim.
sleyvas Posted - 02 Sep 2013 : 22:08:09
Originally posted by Gyor

Originally posted by Razz

Favored Souls in the Realms are officially outlined here:

I like that description, it fits both the initial description of Favoured Souls and the Realms.

At those who see Favoured Souls as Zealots and Preachers I don't understand why? Why don't even have to pray for thier spells and they don't even get religion and the fluff given for them indicates some may actually resent being chosen.

As for the 5e realms its sounds like the new Chosen created for the Sundering are more akin to Favoured Souls, born chosen, and starting off with weak powers, then Chosen with the Chosen Template.

My main reason for saying they'd be more inclined to preaching/zealotry is their natural ability for it, since the class requires a high charisma. The reason I see them as a more active/militant arm is because the class gets weapons focus/weapon specialization. When it comes to them resenting being chosen, they MUST follow the tenets of a deity (even more so they must be devoted than a cleric, it that they cannot choose an ideal... granted this was never an option for clerics in 3e FR). There is nothing indicating that they cannot be denied their power by a deity if they don't follow his strictures. Nor is there anything indicating that they can't swap deities at the drop of a hat if they want to follow a different ethos. But, they must follow a deity's ethos.

Gyor Posted - 02 Sep 2013 : 21:44:45
Well Psion, Wizard, Warlock, Artificer, Sorceror and other classes are going be under Mage and in earilier stage Favoured Soul was going to be a subclass of sorceror. That before Sorceror was absorbed into Mage so all bets are off.
Therise Posted - 02 Sep 2013 : 20:03:34
Originally posted by Gyor

I wonder if Favoured Soul will end up a Mage tradition in 5e. And no I'm not kidding.

Cleric perhaps. It's sort of the "sorcerer" of the divine caster class.

Gyor Posted - 02 Sep 2013 : 18:55:48
I wonder if Favoured Soul will end up a Mage tradition in 5e. And no I'm not kidding.
Tyrant Posted - 30 Aug 2013 : 04:25:11
I doubt I would play one (I prefer Arcane Casters), but if I did I have an idea of how I would do it. I would play the character as deciding to use their powers for (good, evil, gathering loot, whatever the game in question best supports) once they discover them. The character would question why they were chosen to have them and what they are meant to do with them. They would be sure that they are meant to do something with their powers, they just aren't sure what exactly. As such, they would seek out sages, clerics, paladins, etc to help them understand the ways of the gods and the role of others like themselves in the plans of the gods. Maybe they discover their grand destiny, maybe they discover they have no destiny and the god that blessed/cursed them was just feeling bored that day. I think it would be more about what my character would choose to do with their powers and what they learn about them than what whichever god intended.

Alternatively, I would play as the Favored Soul of a god like Cyric and rebel against his favor, using my power to fight his clergy at every turn. A likely late game character revelation would be to discover that Cyric was hoping for just such a reaction as part of some insane scheme to test/cleanse his clergy and then be forced to decide what to do from there.

I would base these on the highlighted sections below:

"The Favored soul follows the path of the cleric but is able to channel divine power with surprising ease. She is able to perform the same tasks as her fellow divine spellcasters but with virtually no study. Favored souls cast their spells naturally, as much through force of personality as through study. Though this gives them extraordinary divine abilities no normal person could ever match, they see their gift as a call to action, and so in some ways may lag behind their more studious colleagues. Favored souls cast divine spells by means of an innate connection rather than through laborious training and prayer, so their divine connection is natural rather than learned. Mortals who perform great services to deities, devoting their lives and work to the cause of their god or goddess, sometimes become the Chosen of that deity. Being born a favored soul has both advantages and disadvantages. Like a cleric, a favored soul has access to her god's divine magic. Unlike a cleric, however, the magic of a favored soul is natural. As such, it is unlikely to be denied by her god. Because favored souls do not need to pray for their spells, deities don't need to The approve or disapprove each and every incantation. This and the many divine powers of a favored soul make members of the class quite powerful. Despite these powers, favored souls are often hindered by a sense of inescapable destiny that surrounds their births. They didn't choose their paths and may not want anything to do with their religion. In this way, the powers of a favored soul can be a burden rather than a blessing"
Therise Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 22:36:54
Originally posted by Gyor

Yes, the MMO is absolutely aweful, this is before that, using more or less 3.5 rules.

I've played a little of the Neverwinter MMO but haven't gotten very far yet. I have played more of the earlier NWN game, I liked it a lot but also didn't get very far into it.

As to how I would use a Favoured Soul in table top, I wouldn't make them all knowing about thier Gods will, but I make divine manifestations more common, after all this person has possibly no religious education, so has no guide as to her God's will except for instinct and manifestations as well as what ever scraps of knoweldge she has.

Also I'd have tension with high level clergy as they might treat her as a living relic and might be overly controlling and protective. Low level clerics would be in awe, same with Paladins and the like.

As for her relationship with her God, she can serve willing or she can rebel, but as long as her actions serve what ever plan that God has set out for her, it matters not.

So to use Joanna as an example, other Sharessin would see her more like a living holy relic, then a holy woman, common folk would touch her with reverence as someone with a piece of the divine.

Maybe when her powers first manifested she saw a glowing pairbof lips that explained what she was and that Sharess is the source of her powers.

She probably knows nothing about Sharess except what the manifestation told her. She undoubted would be thankful for Sharess' support and may have a vague idea of where to start serving. Sharess isn't pushy deity so that leaves her room to manvuer.

From thier it depends on the plotline of the adventure.

Actually, if we're talking about just NPCs, I think I'd handle a Favored Soul in very much the same way as you've described above. So I think we're similar in that way. But for a player's PC character, I just think it would be very difficult for them to roleplay. I'd probably allow it in my game if the person was experienced in roleplaying, and had a really good concept for their plans and how they'd respond as their deity would want. I'd also have to incorporate quite a bit of deity-related things for that person to experience. Which is fine, of course, especially if the player is really excited about the character concept.

Gyor Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 21:50:44
Yes, the MMO is absolutely aweful, this is before that, using more or less 3.5 rules.

As to how I would use a Favoured Soul in table top, I wouldn't make them all knowing about thier Gods will, but I make divine manifestations more common, after all this person has possibly no religious education, so has no guide as to her God's will except for instinct and manifestations as well as what ever scraps of knoweldge she has.

Also I'd have tension with high level clergy as they might treat her as a living relic and might be overly controlling and protective. Low level clerics would be in awe, same with Paladins and the like.

As for her relationship with her God, she can serve willing or she can rebel, but as long as her actions serve what ever plan that God has set out for her, it matters not.

So to use Joanna as an example, other Sharessin would see her more like a living holy relic, then a holy woman, common folk would touch her with reverence as someone with a piece of the divine.

Maybe when her powers first manifested she saw a glowing pairbof lips that explained what she was and that Sharess is the source of her powers.

She probably knows nothing about Sharess except what the manifestation told her. She undoubted would be thankful for Sharess' support and may have a vague idea of where to start serving. Sharess isn't pushy deity so that leaves her room to manvuer.

From thier it depends on the plotline of the adventure.
Lilianviaten Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 21:39:24
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

@Lillianviaten: you're not the only one begging for another Liriel novel. Heck, I'd beg for another FR book by Elaine, period!

Liriel is my favorite drow in the Realms, even more so than Drizzt and Jarlaxle. She definitely needs another trilogy.
Gyor Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 20:46:58
Reinstalled Neverwinter and its expansions. The name of the character is Joanna thrice blessed. First blessing when she was abadoned as a baby in the woods a woods man found her and adopted her giving her a loving home which given she's a half drow is amazing, second was when as a young teenager a disease swept her village killing everyone, she survived, and lastly her third blessing was when her magical powers manifested when she ended up in the Mere of Dead Men.

Clearly this girl is glass half full type of girl if she's calling herself thrice blessed.

Given her bio its doubtful
Therise Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 19:32:27
Originally posted by Gyor

Reinstalled Neverwinter and its expansions. The name of the character is Joanna thrice blessed. First blessing when she was abadoned as a baby in the woods a woods man found her and adopted her giving her a loving home which given she's a half drow is amazing, second was when a disease swept her village killing everyone, she survived, and lastly her third blessing was when her magical powers manifested when she ended up in the Mere of Dead Men.

Clearly this girl is glass half full type of girl if she's calling herself thrice blessed ;D

Is this in the Neverwinter Nights computer game? (The one before the Neverwinter MMO, I'm guessing?)

In general, I find that D&D translations to computer games (even MMOs) don't fully mirror tabletop play. Class choices really end up just being variant classes and often don't fully represent the underlying subtleties of a given class. That doesn't mean they're any less fun, just that you don't get the roleplaying depth of tabletop play.

In tabletop play, if I allowed someone to play a Favored Soul, they'd have to incorporate it into the story. I'd have them consider their actions and choices in accordance with "being a shard" of their god's essence, even if you take the less-literal interpretation of their origin (just as I'd ask that a Paladin act in ways that remain true to their alignment and deity's ethos). In most computer games, you usually get all the mechanical benefits and class features without having the definitional story elements involved.

Gyor Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 18:47:47
Reinstalled Neverwinter and its expansions. The name of the character is Joanna thrice blessed. First blessing when she was abadoned as a baby in the woods a woods man found her and adopted her giving her a loving home which given she's a half drow is amazing, second was when a disease swept her village killing everyone, she survived, and lastly her third blessing was when her magical powers manifested when she ended up in the Mere of Dead Men.

Clearly this girl is glass half full type of girl if she's calling herself thrice blessed ;D
Therise Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 18:05:19
Originally posted by Gyor

Interesting, I don't personally see it that way, but interesting.

I'm curious, how do you see Favored Souls? In terms of their utility, their purpose, and how they impact on story?

I'll admit, for certain stories and campaigns they might work well. But like Chosen templates, I see them as railroading both character and story development. In the case of a truly epic plot/adventure, where the PC and their deity's goals are paramount to the story, it works.

But for my group, and for myself as well, we tend to prefer campaigns that stay in the low-to-middle power levels. Lots of politics and wrangling, subtle but interwoven plots all over the place, those are what we prefer. On rare occasions we do sometimes do an epic story/adventure, but for the most part XP is slow (sometimes, weeks pass with no battles) and roleplaying is paramount. Negotiations, wheeling and dealing, interactions with nobles, magical research, and deeply connected and interwoven stories are our thing. Not good for a Favored Soul, really.

Gyor Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 14:36:50
Interesting, I don't personally see it that way, but interesting.
Therise Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 07:06:26
Originally posted by Gyor

Originally posted by Razz

Favored Souls in the Realms are officially outlined here:

I like that description, it fits both the initial description of Favoured Souls and the Realms.

At those who see Favoured Souls as Zealots and Preachers I don't understand why? Why don't even have to pray for thier spells and they don't even get religion and the fluff given for them indicates some may actually resent being chosen.

As for the 5e realms its sounds like the new Chosen created for the Sundering are more akin to Favoured Souls, born chosen, and starting off with weak powers, then Chosen with the Chosen Template.

If you're referring to my earlier post where I was contrasting a real-world priest with a real-world evangelist, it wasn't my intention to suggest that favored souls somehow were "preachers" of their faith. My intent there was solely to point out that Chosen have direct, regular communication with their deity and Favored Souls really don't - at least, so far as we know. Their faith is sort of an egocentric assuredness that they are doing the "right thing" when it comes to their deity and what it wants. But like a real world evangelist, their rigid devotion and strong adherence to what they believe limits them in many ways. Yes they have a strong faith. But at the same time, both evangelists and Favored Souls don't have much depth in their thinking (or uncertainty) and can often be at odds with the churches of their deity. They might even have nothing to do with their deity's church whatsoever. But even if they are apart from the church, they DO tend to constantly proselytize about their deity because they exist (i.e. if the god didn't agree with what they're doing at all times, why are they a Favored Soul?).

I dislike the concepts of both Chosen and Favored Souls, because I think they put deities too much in the foreground and tend to steal away personal choice of the player who plays the PC. Talking about why I dislike Chosen is a bigger issue that I won't get into here. But here's why I specifically dislike the concept of Favored Souls:

1. They're a "class level", and classes always imply choice. But at the same time, if you take the description at its word, they are -literally- a shard of a god's essence born into the world. Their very existence suggests not only destiny but also a lack of choice for players. They -must- often very narrowly act in accordance with their deity's real wishes (how this is determined is unclear), not just because of some church dogma, but because that is who they are and what they must do because of their origin. Limited choices, while also not actually knowing what their deity would want, isn't great for roleplay unless you use lots of signs and portents, or "inner nudges" and feelings.

2. If you instead take a far less literal meaning of the class description, it still ends up being kind of terrible for gods and their faiths, and what it all means, spiritually. If the Favored Soul is not literally a shard of the god's essence, then they're choosing to nurture and grow a "shard of faith" perhaps. At the same time, they are not even remotely required to follow the church dogma of their faith and can easily go against said doctrine with no penalty whatsoever. But they still have all those divine spells at hand, inherently from their deity. When that's the case, they can quite easily (or accidentally) create schisms within the faith, with heresies and beliefs that commoners might choose to adopt because the PC is a powerful "Favored Soul" after all. Even worse, it suggests that they are somehow "special snowflakes" that are better than regular clerics devoted to the same deity. Where you have choice and uncertainty with a Cleric, the Favored Soul just does what it wants whenever it wants, and need not follow any church tenets if they don't like them.

3. It's too "character defining" for a PC. Once you have a favored soul in the group, their story always has to involve them doing things the way their deity would want (at least for that character). It tends to be a railroading element because it's so definitional of what that PC stands for, and limits complexity. With a Cleric, they're never exactly sure what their deity wants, and in fact a good percentage of any cleric's time and activity need not be defined solely by their association with a particular deity. In some ways, being a "shard of the god's essence" (or whatever) is just as limiting on development as having a Marvel Comics mutant power, or even a 4E Spellscar. That "thing" becomes their defining quality and you can never escape it or put it on the shelf when the narrative might require it.

CorellonsDevout Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 05:58:23
@Lillianviaten: you're not the only one begging for another Liriel novel. Heck, I'd beg for another FR book by Elaine, period!
Gyor Posted - 29 Aug 2013 : 05:09:13
Originally posted by Razz

Favored Souls in the Realms are officially outlined here:

I like that description, it fits both the initial description of Favoured Souls and the Realms.

At those who see Favoured Souls as Zealots and Preachers I don't understand why? Why don't even have to pray for thier spells and they don't even get religion and the fluff given for them indicates some may actually resent being chosen.

As for the 5e realms its sounds like the new Chosen created for the Sundering are more akin to Favoured Souls, born chosen, and starting off with weak powers, then Chosen with the Chosen Template.

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