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 Advice: Is this item able to be made?

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MaginX Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:19:37
I have a character that I want to throw cards as damaging.
There is a 0 Level spell called Launch bolt.

What I want is Gloves that can make a card then aid in giving me the ability to throw it with enough speed to do damage similar to a Xbow bolt.

I know this can be homebrew so any ideas will be helpful.
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Hawkins Posted - 28 Mar 2013 : 16:52:07
Originally posted by MaginX

The minor creation spell would create the cards or replace them. I also would need a way to boost it to more than just 3 a day.

What I proposed above would be 3 cards per use unlimited uses per day. Minor creation would need to be incorporated if you wanted to have an unlimited amount of cards.
MaginX Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 23:11:52
Oooo I like the card glove. The character already can create illusion cards of what ever he see or wants. It was a built in mechanic for a Homebrew game. special ability just for my illusionist.
sleyvas Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 21:01:01
Another idea is that he has cards that are essentially use-activated magic items. Throwing them activates them, thus causing a certain magic effect. That magic effect may be to cast a magic missile, fire off a ray of frost, create an acid splash, cast color spray, etc... Then have it that his glove basically summons the card to hand from the special pouch built on the back side of the glove (similar to how a quiver of Ehlonna can automatically bring to hand whatever you need). This would be like a somewhat modified glove of storing, in that it would say hold a maximum of a deck of cards, but you can call whichever card you want to hand. These gloves would also thereby be useful for a cheater as well.
Kilvan Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 20:01:44
He'd better have levels in rogue, a staff and a french accent
MaginX Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 19:19:31
How about a full hand of 5 thrown out dealing 1d4+1 (5 cards at least 2 always hit).
I m not trying to do a full fledged gambit. He is a entertainer that uses cards in his show and also when he cast spells. as part of the hand movements he flashes a card and makes it disappear when he cast the spell. He is on the path of Mystra so I think he would have her symbol on his cards. He has Craft Scribe for card making and Craft metalworking for other reasons.
Bladewind Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 17:34:06
A character of mine build with pathfinder can throw anything and add arcane damage to it with his current feat selection and arcane spells. Carrying a pouch with sling bullets allows him to draw ammuntion as a free action, "charge" it with magic as a swift action and full attack with them by throwing them at his enemies.

Drawing a card from a deck of cards might be a tad more tricky, and could concievably cost a move action to do. Taking quick draw could help in that case. But I'd allow drawing of cards as a free action.

A plain playing card would count as a dimintive object, doing 1 damage and would be unable to confer extra damage from ranged attacks by characters with high strength. Smaller cards would be unable to do damage by themselves (fine objects dont do damage when thrown against anyhting). The magic charge could allow these cards to do 2 (up to to 6 at 20th caster level) damage per hit.

Not an effective strategy, but if you want a Gambit build, this comes very close.
The Red Walker Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 17:21:38
Originally posted by MaginX

The minor creation spell would create the cards or replace them. I also would need a way to boost it to more than just 3 a day.

something like Jarlaxle's endless supply of daggers from his bracers?
Thrasymachus Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 17:13:41
For damage are you looking at shurikens as a base to work from?
Kris the Grey Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 17:10:48
If you are looking for a card based class/kit/what have you, you might also consider Pathfinder's 'Harrower' prestige class as a model for other things your card based character might someday do.

Here's the summary:
MaginX Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 17:04:13
The minor creation spell would create the cards or replace them. I also would need a way to boost it to more than just 3 a day.
Hawkins Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 16:48:33
Originally posted by MaginX

So I could use Magic Stone and Minor creation on a Deck of cards. I will keep this in thought. Its a 3.5 game so it be nice if this was one of his main forms of attack for ranged.

You might rename magic stone something else, like maybe casting cards. You might want to choose a different creature type that they do more damage to (check the bane magic weapon property for ideas), or just ignore that bit as well. It strikes me as something that would be a level 1 spell on the Bard and Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists. Unless you do not have a deck of cards on hand, I do not know why you would need the minor creation spell.
MaginX Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 16:09:57
So I could use Magic Stone and Minor creation on a Deck of cards. I will keep this in thought. Its a 3.5 game so it be nice if this was one of his main forms of attack for ranged.
Hawkins Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 16:03:09
I would use the spell magic stone as your template, substituting "cards" for "pebbles." Each use would enchant 3 cards. For at will, the cost would be about 2,000 gp (1,000 gp to craft).
The Red Walker Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 15:49:47
Would the cards be "metallic" and is the shape of the flexible? I could easily see something that would fling a square or hexagonal metallic "card"

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