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 Faerūnian Anthems

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shadowlord Posted - 11 Apr 2004 : 16:21:20
In the United States, and I'm sure in almost every other country, we have a national anthem. The point is, would a kingdom such as Cormyr have a personal song/anthem?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sarta Posted - 19 May 2004 : 05:52:15
It's ok Sage that you aren't familiar with AC/DC. Your reasons are very good. However, for those of us who have been steeped in "contemporary" music it is even funnier when one considers that AC/DC is an Australian band and was/is much bigger where you live than they ever were here in the States, which is really saying something.

Regardless, it would not make a good anthem for either location due to far too many anachronistic phrases for Faerun and a complete lack of applicability to a nation.

To steer this post slightly back to topic and hopefully deflect a bit of Alaundo's wrath, I'd suggest that the topic of a national anthem for the Silver Marches would make an interesting plot hook.

The Marches are a rather recent nation, so it would seem to me fairly logical that one has not been chosen yet. It would also seem very appropriate that Alustriel would sponsor a contest for bards of the Marches to pen an appropriate anthem. A panel could narrow down the choices to a handful of suitable entries to be played at Midsummer in order for the gathered assembly to vote through applause.


SiriusBlack Posted - 18 May 2004 : 15:07:14
Originally posted by lowtech

um...Ill get back to ya'll when I'm a little more sober...

Aww, what's the fun in that?
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 18 May 2004 : 10:48:40
Sage and Bookwyrm, you have both demonstrated that you have no levels in rogue, for every seedy bar in the world has played this song at least a thousand times!

Either no levels in rogue, or Sage's feign radio music ignorance spell was up while he wrote his post (can't tell for sure, as I'm not high-level enough for Analyze Dweomer just yet...)
lowtech Posted - 18 May 2004 : 10:27:54
um...Ill get back to ya'll when I'm a little more sober...
Kuje Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 18:48:26
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Yes, I am...

I've only ever listened to classical and/or baroque music. Even when I was young, this was the only type of music my parents would listen to.... It's the only style of music that I've been raised on, and, I like to think that if I hadn't have become a programmer, I most likely would have gone into the musical discipline, majoring in Classical studies and styles.

Wow... I was raised listening to "oldies" -- stuff from the 60's and 70's. But then one day I got bored, and spun the dial on my radio... Now my tastes in music range so far afield that most people can't deal with them!

Just to make you feel better Wooly AC/DC is one of my wide range of music tastes that I enjoy. :) So yes I have heard of it.
Bookwyrm Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 17:08:29
Hey, I never heard of it either, and I'm younger than Sage.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 09:14:55
Originally posted by The Sage

Yes, I am...

I've only ever listened to classical and/or baroque music. Even when I was young, this was the only type of music my parents would listen to.... It's the only style of music that I've been raised on, and, I like to think that if I hadn't have become a programmer, I most likely would have gone into the musical discipline, majoring in Classical studies and styles.

Wow... I was raised listening to "oldies" -- stuff from the 60's and 70's. But then one day I got bored, and spun the dial on my radio... Now my tastes in music range so far afield that most people can't deal with them!
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 08:35:16
Yes, I am...

I've only ever listened to classical and/or baroque music. Even when I was young, this was the only type of music my parents would listen to.... It's the only style of music that I've been raised on, and, I like to think that if I hadn't have become a programmer, I most likely would have gone into the musical discipline, majoring in Classical studies and styles.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 08:26:42
Originally posted by The Sage

Ah, so it's a song. Contemporary music then, I assume.

It's no wonder then why I haven't heard it...

Are you serious? 'Tis a classic AC/DC tune, dating back to at least the 80's, if not earlier...
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 08:19:59
Ah, so it's a song. Contemporary music then, I assume.

It's no wonder then why I haven't heard it...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 08:10:46
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

I think what would be interesting to consider, is whether or not the Black Network have some form of tract (whether religious or political) which the ruling bodies use to instill pride in the Network's members...

How about Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap?

Wooly, I like your suggestion, but although I understand the phrasing of the words, I'm unfamiliar with the context it is taken from. Perhaps some explanation is in order?. Is it from a book?.

No context. It just seemed that given some of the activities of the Black Network and its members, that this song would be an appropriate anthem for them.

The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 07:57:45
Originally posted by Arivia

I'm not sure about gnomes, and orcs likely just have battle grunt series.

Well, when you consider the typical gnomish personae, and their almost unnatural attention to many technical and/or societal aspects, a series of litanies, whether repetitive or incantatory (maybe peppered with a few technical phrasings) would most likely be their focus. One thing we can be sure of though, is that it will be a long and tedious address.
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 07:48:55
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

I think what would be interesting to consider, is whether or not the Black Network have some form of tract (whether religious or political) which the ruling bodies use to instill pride in the Network's members...

How about Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap?

Wooly, I like your suggestion, but although I understand the phrasing of the words, I'm unfamiliar with the context it is taken from. Perhaps some explanation is in order?. Is it from a book?.
Arivia Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 07:40:45
Originally posted by The Sage

Hmmm...that's an interesting line of thinking...

Would multi-racial realms have one singular anthem? While I agree that the dwarven cities of the Silver Marches would be less likely to raise their own voices in a national Silver Marches anthem, how would some of the other races inhabiting the region look upon something like this?.

Considering the halfling's perspective on humanity, they would probably associate themselves with the humans, and sing along. But what do cultures that have significantly longer lifespans and/or histories think of this essentially human-trait?.

If they can get along well enough, I wouldn't see any problem for such, yes. The Marches is marred by what is (essentially) a rivalry between Harbromm and Alustriel, but a more unified region, could, yes.

Now, onto the topic of racial anthems. As Wood Elf Ranger suggested, dwarves are quite likely to have such an anthem, ranging from a battle chant to a ceremonial piece. Elves aren't likely in my eyes to have a unified anthem, they're more likely to take the opportunity to create a new piece of music. *gets an idea of a shelf of song scrolls-Elvish King XI, Elvish King XII...* I'm not sure about gnomes, and orcs likely just have battle grunt series.
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 07:16:23
Hmmm...that's an interesting line of thinking...

Would multi-racial realms have one singular anthem? While I agree that the dwarven cities of the Silver Marches would be less likely to raise their own voices in a national Silver Marches anthem, how would some of the other races inhabiting the region look upon something like this?.

Considering the halfling's perspective on humanity, they would probably associate themselves with the humans, and sing along. But what do cultures that have significantly longer lifespans and/or histories think of this essentially human-trait?.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 07:13:31
Originally posted by The Sage

I think what would be interesting to consider, is whether or not the Black Network have some form of tract (whether religious or political) which the ruling bodies use to instill pride in the Network's members...

How about Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap?
Arivia Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 06:59:13
(On-topic section of post)

I'd disagree on the Silveraen anthem applying to all parts of the Marches, especially the dwarven cities. The Marches is still having something resembling an identity crisis, after all. I can also see most of the city-states along the Sword Coast having one, with the possible exception of Waterdeep, where it could be used as the focal point for a noble feud or two.

(Off-topic section of post)

It's interesting that the comedy troupe the Arrogant Worms has a better version of our national anthem with "We are the Beaver" over "O Canada"
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 06:52:48
I'm not as sure about Waterdeep having an anthem as I am about the Silver Marches having some form of national song. It would likely serve to further unify the new realm, but also at the same time, capitalise on the essence of area's history.

I think what would be interesting to consider, is whether or not the Black Network have some form of tract (whether religious or political) which the ruling bodies use to instill pride in the Network's members...
Wood Elf Ranger Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 06:48:21
Silverymoon, actually the anthem would prolly be for the Silver Marches as a whole. But anyway I think their anthem should be about ALL races living and working together for a common goal and persevering in the face of adversity and of course hanging on to your home even when surrounded by a horde of orcs...

You might not think this at first but I believe that dwarven citadels would be the next most likely to have anthems. Of course most of them would be about fighting and drinking but still anthems nonetheless.
Bookwyrm Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 03:58:43
And just what's wrong with a republic, Sage?

::The Bookwyrm pauses, as he hears the sound of the radio in the other room, as "reporters" who are merely out for a story continue bashing the US president for what was, in this dragon's view, a rather well-done press conference.::

Um, no, I wasn't calling the US a shining example . . . .

Now, while I work on my gag idiot reporter spell, I believe that Shadowlord expressed concerns over the straying nature of this topic?

What songs do you think should belong to particular nations and city-states? I think that Waterdeep and Silverymoon might have an anthem, so what do you think they should be about?
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 03:04:11
Originally posted by George Krashos

Hey Faraer

"Waltzing Matilda" is a song about a sheep stealer who drowns himself rather than get caught by the police. Now whilst some have said that this song stands for everything Australian, I've always begged to differ given the above.

I'm glad you've said that George. I've always felt much the same way that you do. The theme of the ballad, and the undertones it suggests, while portraying a uniquely Australian flavor, is simply inappropriate to represent a nation, and the pride of it's people. The opinions over Australia's national anthem have always been a point of frustation with me, it's almost as annoying (and pointless) as the discussion about Australia becoming a republic...
Faraer Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 20:23:42
Now whilst some have said that this song stands for everything Australian, I've always begged to differ given the above.
I couldn't possibly comment.

Oh dear, "Waltzing Matilda" wouldn't have made it past the TSR Code of Ethics (which forbade portraying law-enforcement officials in a negative light)...
Shadowlord Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 19:01:55
As much as I hate to be rude, I fail to see what this has to do with my original question.
Kuje Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 18:03:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by George Krashos

I've actually been doing a list of the extant FR songs mentioned in the sources out there (as well as poems, plays, et. al.) I've also recently revamped Steven Schend's "Candlekeep Book Tables". Hmm, might offer them to Alaundo for the website ...

-- George Krashos

Now that I want to see! I still have the original "Candlekeep Collection" article parked on my HD.

::Jumps up and down while shouting, "Me to! Me to!"::
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 17:09:35
Originally posted by George Krashos

I've actually been doing a list of the extant FR songs mentioned in the sources out there (as well as poems, plays, et. al.) I've also recently revamped Steven Schend's "Candlekeep Book Tables". Hmm, might offer them to Alaundo for the website ...

-- George Krashos

Now that I want to see! I still have the original "Candlekeep Collection" article parked on my HD.
George Krashos Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 16:17:17
Hey Faraer

"Waltzing Matilda" is a song about a sheep stealer who drowns himself rather than get caught by the police. Now whilst some have said that this song stands for everything Australian, I've always begged to differ given the above.

I've actually been doing a list of the extant FR songs mentioned in the sources out there (as well as poems, plays, et. al.) I've also recently revamped Steven Schend's "Candlekeep Book Tables". Hmm, might offer them to Alaundo for the website ...

-- George Krashos
SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Apr 2004 : 20:39:41
Originally posted by Bookwyrm
America the Beautiful would have been so much better. Not to mention more appropriate.

I like the story behind our anthem and never have been a fan of America the Beautiful


At any rate, it sounds a bit odd, since the UK is now our closest ally, to have an anthem about how a British attack on the US failed.

It's very American to be friends with someone right after you've kicked them in the ...

What was that line from Bush's state of the Union speech? "The U.S. has no greater friend than England."

Anyway, back on topic, no cries for We Will Rock You as a fitting anthem for one of the FR nations? It was good enough for a medieval movie after all.
Bookwyrm Posted - 12 Apr 2004 : 20:32:51
That's okay. At least Australia doesn't have an anthem whose music is from an English drinking song.

America the Beautiful would have been so much better. Not to mention more appropriate.

At any rate, it sounds a bit odd, since the UK is now our closest ally, to have an anthem about how a British attack on the US failed.
Faraer Posted - 12 Apr 2004 : 19:06:03
"The Cormyte's Boast" (Volo's Guide to Cormyr p. 165) is a good candidate, depending on how the king likes it, not as a modern national anthem (Faerūn doesn't have the large orchestras) but in the tradition of semi-official patriotic songs. (Similarly, "Waltzing Matilda" would have been the Australian national anthem if the decision-makers were less stuck-up.)
SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Apr 2004 : 17:31:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Yeah, Wizards wouldn't go for it unless it was directly tied in to a prestige class...

LOL! I can see the next product is going to have the Waterdeep Band Leader Prestige Class that has the feat "Peform Anthem."

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