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 Town of Daggerford Map

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ericlboyd Posted - 16 May 2012 : 13:18:47

I've been digging into The North: Daggerford. I was well aware of some of the many problems in that supplement, but I found a new set with respect to the map. Many of the locations from N5 - Under Illefarn were rather arbitrarily moved and the streets renamed for no apparent reason. Also, the bird's eye view found in the North poster map goes more than a little overboard in terms of the wall and the towers along the wall.

Has anyone taken the town map from N5, scraped off the numbers and then relabeled that map using the numbering scheme from The North" Daggerford?

I'm trying to find a map that has the feel of N5, but has the labels of The North: Daggerford, and then radically redo the descriptions that go along with that key.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ericlboyd Posted - 17 May 2012 : 14:38:58
Sent again. PMs turned on.
Markustay Posted - 17 May 2012 : 05:48:32
I received no PM (from you), and you have PMs turned off.

Just got home - all I got done earlier was pasting the North map back together from a pdf. I'll start stripping the other map tomorrow.
ericlboyd Posted - 16 May 2012 : 19:32:51
Originally posted by Markustay

I need to get some practice in with GIMP (no longer own PS), so I will give it a try.

EDIT: Since I am doing this from scratch right now, anything in particular you want changed/modified/moved?

Sent PM.
Markustay Posted - 16 May 2012 : 17:35:56
I need to get some practice in with GIMP (no longer own PS), so I will give it a try.

EDIT: Since I am doing this from scratch right now, anything in particular you want changed/modified/moved?

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