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 Baldur' Being Updated

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zerak-Tul Posted - 28 Feb 2012 : 23:03:56

If you look through the source code you'll also note subtle hints that something new is on the way, possibly a re-release of some sort of the classic games.

A few days ago, someone noticed that Baldur's Gate related items were appearing in the Steam registry, hinting at the fact that the games might be released there. See this forum thread there, link;

And over on Reddit there's a discussion tracking the various hints hidden in the source code of the site, which seem to change frequently. Link;

Praying to Tymora that it's something like a HD re-release, or even the fabled BG3, though I'll settle for the games released with some compatibility with modern OSs and hardware.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lily M Green Posted - 24 Mar 2012 : 20:51:37
Originally posted by Bakra

Originally posted by Hoondatha

Except that the original BGII and, especially, BG, can't run on many modern computers. It's still one of the best CRPG's ever made, and if they're going to update it to run on modern computers and make a big enough splash to get people talking about it again, I think it's all to the good. People talking, and paying money, would make it much more likely that a BGIII would get made.

The Dungeons & Dragons Anthology released this past December runs perfectly on my computer system. And my system is only two years old using Windows Vista. One of my friends newer system (one month old) using Windows 7 ran the game perfectly this last weekend. Now running one of the old Gold Box games is impossible without an emulator.

Yep, as I mentioned in the other scroll the game downloads from (& even the original game discs & DVD's versions) run fine on Windows Vista & 7. But bring on the enhanced versions.

TBH I think as far as rulesets go I think if BG III does come to fruition they'll stick with 2ED or at most move it to 3/3.5ED... unless they're planning to move the storyline post spellplague, in which case they might find themselves with a backlash. (No offense intended to those who like the post Spellplague realms but - in my experience - the general reaction in the wider BG community isn't all that positive towards it).
Salacar Posted - 24 Mar 2012 : 18:33:32
It will be on PC, it's their prime focus, with the iPad app coming afterwards.

My heart almost jumped out of my throat when I read that iPad article earlier, but thankfully I managed to find confirmation that it'll be out for PC first =)
Light Posted - 24 Mar 2012 : 18:28:18
Originally posted by Kilvan

"sigh", it seems like this WAS an iPad apps after all...

It has also been confirmed for PC by one of the developers via twitter. has got me worried whether it really will be on PC or not.
Kilvan Posted - 24 Mar 2012 : 17:18:59
"sigh", it seems like this WAS an iPad apps after all...
Lord Karsus Posted - 20 Mar 2012 : 22:32:58
-Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas blew the previous Fallout games out of the water, so if the Baldur's Gate series can do that...
Salacar Posted - 20 Mar 2012 : 22:14:20
Aye, it's a real shame that many new gamers are put off by dated graphics, they're missing out on something great. Hopefully the remastering of BG 1 and 2 won't change anything/not much of the story, so I can finally talk about it with the people I've been bugging to play it for years :3

BG, ME and Diablo? Yeah, it's been a good year ^_^
Here's hoping that Valve will announce Half-Life 3 at the fast approaching E3, where they're confirmed to make an appearance.
Light Posted - 20 Mar 2012 : 21:00:22
Did you know that a Baldur's Gate III was being made way back just after the release of Throne of Bhaal but it got cancelled in 2002 (or some such year). It was, IIRC, called Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound. In fact, it's a very similar story to the Fallout series which also had the third game cancelled but the series got resurrected a decade later. If Fallout can make a comeback so too can Baldur's Gate.

EDIT: Salacar, I laughed when I was reading that article and saw this: "I truly believe that the story and the characters behind are timeless and will have no problem reaching a new generation."

I thought, yes, that's probably true...but the graphics won't. Honestly, buy it for a niece, nephew, son, grandson or friend who is 15 or so and the first thing they'll say is that the graphics are #*#!.

EDIT: Come to think of it Diablo III is coming out soon too. Funny, the three series that are often said to have saved the CRPG genre have/are all made/making a comeback...all with the number 3 on the end.
Bakra Posted - 20 Mar 2012 : 13:47:34
Originally posted by Salacar

I will admit, if it's made with the 4th edition rules I'll not be as excited =(

Kilvan Posted - 20 Mar 2012 : 12:49:08
Originally posted by Salacar

I will admit, if it's made with the 4th edition rules I'll not be as excited =(

I'd look forward to learn the 4th ruleset without reading and rereading the handbooks.
Salacar Posted - 20 Mar 2012 : 09:19:15
I will admit, if it's made with the 4th edition rules I'll not be as excited =(
Lord Karsus Posted - 19 Mar 2012 : 22:28:06
Originally posted by Salacar

Rejoice my fellow Baldur's Gate fans! It has been confirmed that Baldur's Gate 3 is indeed Beamdog's long-term goal!

-Wonder what that'll be about. Wonder who it'll be worked out, in regards to the rules.
Salacar Posted - 19 Mar 2012 : 22:25:48
Rejoice my fellow Baldur's Gate fans! It has been confirmed that Baldur's Gate 3 is indeed Beamdog's long-term goal!
Bakra Posted - 19 Mar 2012 : 15:42:14
Originally posted by Hoondatha

Except that the original BGII and, especially, BG, can't run on many modern computers. It's still one of the best CRPG's ever made, and if they're going to update it to run on modern computers and make a big enough splash to get people talking about it again, I think it's all to the good. People talking, and paying money, would make it much more likely that a BGIII would get made.

The Dungeons & Dragons Anthology released this past December runs perfectly on my computer system. And my system is only two years old using Windows Vista. One of my friends newer system (one month old) using Windows 7 ran the game perfectly this last weekend. Now running one of the old Gold Box games is impossible without an emulator.
Eldacar Posted - 18 Mar 2012 : 08:04:53
Yes, IWD let you have a full party of six. I never took all of them, though. More often I just stuck to four or five, because it meant I could get much more XP that way. In BG and BG2, on the other hand, I usually took the full party of six, because the characters were fleshed out with banter and interjections for conversations.
sfdragon Posted - 18 Mar 2012 : 02:48:43
Lord Karsus Posted - 18 Mar 2012 : 01:01:19
-Icewind Dale gets a kind of bad rep, but I have to say, I like the amount of customizability that you had. You could create, from scratch, what, a six member party?
sfdragon Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 20:56:25
ther eis an iwd remeake already released on the nwn2 modules....
Eilserus Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 18:14:50
I'd love to see a return of BG in some form. It was the first game I ever bought after my old man gave me a 333 AMD for graduating high school in 98. Man I was hooked and boy did the girlfriend get jealous for a week or two. hahaha. Oh and I could be crazy, but I'm pretty sure the guy that voices Minsc, did some work in SWTOR. On the planet Tattoine, there's a Mandalorian camp and I swear its the same guy cuz when I heard him talk I was thinking "WHERE'S BOO!".

The first Neverwinter Nights was pretty epic, but nothing beat BG2. Loved that stuff. Irenicus. Having my 3 archmages blow up any resistance my dwarf fighter couldn't cut down himself. Ahhhh, good memories. :)

I'll probably buy the new enhanced edition, especially since my BG1 CD's were cracked in a move a few years ago and I never replaced them. It'd be sweet if they used this money to help fund BG3. Give us back Minsc, Boo and Jaheira!
Lord Karsus Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 16:48:34
Originally posted by Eldacar

Originally posted by sfdragon

besides diablo 3 will be out in may so...

Even though you have to have a permanent online connection to play it at all? Even in single player? And that by reports you won't be able to reach the "highest point" of a character without buying artifacts and the like in their online store?

It worries me, the route that game companies are taking.

-Yeah, I don't like the trend, either. When I buy a game, I don't want to have to pay additional money to be able to play it. Additional content is one thing, and I'm more or less fine with that, but things like subscription fees, or items/whatever you kind of need to have? No thank you. It's more profitable for them, though, so I see no reason why it won't get worse.

Originally posted by Zireael

@ LK: They never said they were going to redo everything in a new ruleset.

-Right; because that'd be too much of a hastle. Touching up is one thing, completely rewriting the game's coding is another.
ZeshinX Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 16:25:07
Well, I'm glad I was wrong.

Eagerly looking forward to this. I'm glad their leaving it mostly alone, though I'll happily accept some graphical tweaks to make the BG games work without the need for a few widescreen patches and UI scalers. Some added content (and finished up or re-introduced cut content) is also a nice little bonus.

For those who who may not be aware, there is a BG remake being made using the NWN2 engine. It's entirely a fan-made mod for NWN2, so it'll use NWN2 3.5E ruleset (for those not too keen on the 2e rules BG originally used). It looks quite fantastic and the team working on it seem determined to make it an outstanding recreation of the original BG (+ TotSC). A link to the NWN2 forum thread about it:
Zireael Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 15:53:48
@ Eladrinstar: The game will still be based on 2e. They aren't gonna fix what's not broken, said Trent Oster. But there's hope that such minor tweaks might be done.

@ LK: They never said they were going to redo everything in a new ruleset.
sfdragon Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 12:50:46
anti pirate trash.....

I dont buy things from their stores so....
Eldacar Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 07:18:11
Originally posted by sfdragon

besides diablo 3 will be out in may so...

Even though you have to have a permanent online connection to play it at all? Even in single player? And that by reports you won't be able to reach the "highest point" of a character without buying artifacts and the like in their online store?

It worries me, the route that game companies are taking.
sfdragon Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 04:56:16
I'd like to play TOR too.... but I don't care to much for pay to paly games..... so I'm sol.

besides diablo 3 will be out in may so...
Eldacar Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 01:47:28
Originally posted by Mournblade

What an underwhelming wait. An ENHANCED version of Baldur's gate? I already played it 30 times. Why not just go full into Baldur's gate 3? Unless this is a precursor to that. I can still play Baldur's gate on an old PC I have.

What does ENHANCED mean?

I bet Sarevok will scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" when he is defeated and make all the fans mad.

They're updating the UI, rendering, graphics, adding some new content, upgrading the engine from the ToB version to something else. They're keeping the isometric 2D interface for the most part, they're not changing any of the original content at this point (but are adding new stuff for new characters), they're keeping mouse & keyboard controls (no support for controllers - point and click only), and some other stuff. They're also restoring some unfinished content that was cut from the game and have been prowling around the BG & BGII mod sites (Gibberlings etc.) to see what players have been able to do with the game.

It's only upgrading the Infinity Engine, however, so I seriously doubt that it would upgrade to the point where you'd need a top of the line modern PC to run it.
Lord Karsus Posted - 17 Mar 2012 : 00:33:47
Originally posted by Zireael

They say they're going to recode Infinity Engine. And that plot is going to be improved, especially in the transition from BG 1 to BG 2. And there'll be some additional, plot content and new joinable NPCs...

-That seems to be more or less touching things up, with the insertion of some new content. That's far from redoing everything in a new ruleset. A new ruleset might also make for some funky in-game stuff, storywise, too. I never got past the first ten, fifteen minutes of the game, but there are some 2e rules that don't exist in 3e or 4e (especially 4e) that I would assume would make the story ("set" in 2e rules) kind of not make sense anymore.

Originally posted by Mournblade

I would buy it for the console, I doubt I would buy it for the PC. I gave up on the PC once the video card race really started to be an issue. I like to know my games will run without conflicts.

-Same here, and it sucks. I would like to play, say, The Old Republic, but my computer doesn't have the video components to handle it, so I'm SOL.
Mournblade Posted - 16 Mar 2012 : 23:51:34
Hopefully they release it for the console as well. If it is like the dragon age engine there is no reason they can't. I would buy it for the console, I doubt I would buy it for the PC. I gave up on the PC once the video card race really started to be an issue. I like to know my games will run without conflicts.

Kilvan Posted - 16 Mar 2012 : 21:28:13
Lets not forget that same graphic engine =/= same graphics. I think the Unreal engine is 15 years old now. And since most of the "graphics" were simple pictures, it'll be easy to take the source pics and make them HD.

I hope for new skins, both for PCs and monsters. Having a single skin for all Baatezus was kinda lame.

At least they are not touching the music!

I think we just have to wait and see.
Eladrinstar Posted - 16 Mar 2012 : 21:12:50
They should let Mazzy be an actual Paladin this time, and let the Druids be their real alignments instead of all TN as they were required to be.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 16 Mar 2012 : 20:57:46
Originally posted by Hoondatha

Except that the original BGII and, especially, BG, can't run on many modern computers. It's still one of the best CRPG's ever made, and if they're going to update it to run on modern computers and make a big enough splash to get people talking about it again, I think it's all to the good. People talking, and paying money, would make it much more likely that a BGIII would get made.

Well said, Hoondatha. I for one am really looking forward to what all they are up to with it and seeing sneak peeks behind the curtain.

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