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 Pathfinder RPG Random Treasure Generator V3.0

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alphacentaurus Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 23:36:32
Pathfinder RPG Random Treasure Generator V3.0 is completed. French, Laptop and Mobile versions are added. Check it out and find some bugs !
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
alphacentaurus Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 13:53:10
Originally posted by Marc

Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by alphacentaurus

Pathfinder RPG Random Treasure Generator V3.0 is completed. French, Laptop and Mobile versions are added. Check it out and find some bugs !

Just wondering, is there a character generator out there somewhere for the pathfinder stuff? I got seriously spoiled by e-tools and the add-ons codemonkey made (granted, I can still do the stuff by hand, which I've been doing lately, but man it takes a lot longer).

There is Hero Lab and a few free ones (for example).

I mostly use an art object generator for treasures

I use Hero Lab for my PF games and it is incredible. Some minor issues but VERY hot.

Issues like: how to add masterwork items?
alphacentaurus Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 13:52:13
Originally posted by Dewaint

Uuups... missed the menu item on the left...

Any chance to get Realms related material some day? I may volunteer to help you get the stuff in there

Thanks for the info I'll note this
alphacentaurus Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 13:51:43
Originally posted by Dewaint


am wondering about the data used. It is based on PF sources only or do you also entered realm specific Special Materials and (magical) Items?


For the moment this is only PF stuff. With time I'll add more data...if I have the took 150+ hours to do this
alphacentaurus Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 13:50:43
Originally posted by MalariaMoon

Very cool - but I don't understand what the residual value tab is supposed to do

Residual Value is simply the coins and jewels part of the treasure.
You can then balance the ratio with the other slider
alphacentaurus Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 13:49:33
Originally posted by Farrel

I've been using this for some time now and it's amazing

It actually made me get the Pathfinder stuff... how's about that for an advert?

Thankyou very much!

WOW I succeded then ;p
Marc Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 12:21:16
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by alphacentaurus

Pathfinder RPG Random Treasure Generator V3.0 is completed. French, Laptop and Mobile versions are added. Check it out and find some bugs !

Just wondering, is there a character generator out there somewhere for the pathfinder stuff? I got seriously spoiled by e-tools and the add-ons codemonkey made (granted, I can still do the stuff by hand, which I've been doing lately, but man it takes a lot longer).

There is Hero Lab and a few free ones (for example).

I mostly use an art object generator for treasures
Varl Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 04:24:53
That's handy, even without playing PF. Set the controls to the level your game is currently at, hit generate, cut out anything inappropriate, and print.
Dewaint Posted - 31 Oct 2011 : 13:38:53
Uuups... missed the menu item on the left...

Any chance to get Realms related material some day? I may volunteer to help you get the stuff in there
Dewaint Posted - 31 Oct 2011 : 13:25:56

am wondering about the data used. It is based on PF sources only or do you also entered realm specific Special Materials and (magical) Items?

sleyvas Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 19:35:50
Originally posted by alphacentaurus

Pathfinder RPG Random Treasure Generator V3.0 is completed. French, Laptop and Mobile versions are added. Check it out and find some bugs !

Just wondering, is there a character generator out there somewhere for the pathfinder stuff? I got seriously spoiled by e-tools and the add-ons codemonkey made (granted, I can still do the stuff by hand, which I've been doing lately, but man it takes a lot longer).
MalariaMoon Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 12:29:00
Very cool - but I don't understand what the residual value tab is supposed to do
The Sage Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 02:35:56
Originally posted by Halidan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Who wants to find bugs as part of a treasure?

Why, Egyptians of course. (but only if they're scarab beetles)

And worshippers of Sheogorath. [A not-so-subtle Oblivion reference, there.]
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 19:10:08
Originally posted by Halidan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Who wants to find bugs as part of a treasure?

Why, Egyptians of course. (but only if they're scarab beetles)

Good answer!
Halidan Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 17:03:11
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Who wants to find bugs as part of a treasure?

Why, Egyptians of course. (but only if they're scarab beetles)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 05:27:29
Originally posted by alphacentaurus

Check it out and find some bugs !

Who wants to find bugs as part of a treasure?
The Sage Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 00:30:50

I don't often make use of random treasure generators, but I like the way this is set up. [Of course, the programmer in me has already seen ways in which I can tweak-and-tinker with this to "Sage-ify" somewhat.]
Farrel Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 00:26:02
I've been using this for some time now and it's amazing

It actually made me get the Pathfinder stuff... how's about that for an advert?

Thankyou very much!

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