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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Artemas Entreri Posted - 23 Oct 2011 : 22:07:55
Hey everyone! I found a cool FREE app i thought i would share with you fellow book lovers. It's called Goodreads and is a great way to keep track of books you have read/are reading/and want to read. The bar code scanner instantly tells you revies, prices, and categorizes the book wherever you want it. Pretty cool. Check it and and let me know what you think!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Quale Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 08:08:14
I did set up an account there when I had time at work, looking for obscure fantasy, but a lot of the ratings don't make sense. Even Amazon seems more objective.
The Sage Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 00:45:21
I'll largely read anything, or any genre outside those I'm most familiar with, once... except for zombie-based horror fiction. For whatever reason, I just can't ever find myself sustaining any level of interest when confronted with these story-types.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 22:19:29
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Same opinion here about most classics.....though Alexandre Dumas I did enjoy, Count of Monte Cristo especially.

Been meaning to read that one... Though I wasn't a huge fan of his Musketeers books. I didn't dislike them, they just didn't do too much for me, other than allow me to see how wildly most of the movies have diverged from the source!
The Red Walker Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 21:43:59
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.

99% of the time it does not scan the barcode on the rear cover of a book, so i have to scan the barcode on the inside of the front cover

Hmm. Well that was an interesting exercise in what really old books do I have that just have printed ISBN numbers and no actual bar codes on them. Haha. Hello ancient, water-damaged copy of 1984...I should really be replacing you.

And I learned that I've only read 3/4 of the books I own. I actually thought it was more like 1/2, so I guess that's better than I thought (bah, I could have padded those numbers if I hadn't left the Tolstoy with my mom...oh, how I hated Tolstoy ;) ).

Ha ha, Tolstoy is a PASS for me

Naever read Tolstoy. I stick with fantasy, sci-fi, and the occasional thriller. I avoid pretty much anything else. Especially the so-called "classic" books and authors. After having some of these inflicted on me, I've become convinced that the only reason they're "classic" is because everyone has been told this, and they simply go with it.

Same opinion here about most classics.....though Alexandre Dumas I did enjoy, Count of Monte Cristo especially.
Yoss Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 21:19:59
I was forced to read far too much Tolstoy in Russian and English-taught Russian lit classes that even if I had ever liked him (which I never did), it made me develop such a violent hatred for anything minus one or two post-religious crisis stories--and that's only because they were so godawful and hilariously BAD that I couldn't completely hate them.

I'd still put Catch-22 up as one of my favorite novels of all-time, but otherwise completely agree with you guys on "classic" status for about 95% of the books/music/movies out there that I've ever seen/heard/read hyped up as such.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 19:24:36
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.

99% of the time it does not scan the barcode on the rear cover of a book, so i have to scan the barcode on the inside of the front cover

Hmm. Well that was an interesting exercise in what really old books do I have that just have printed ISBN numbers and no actual bar codes on them. Haha. Hello ancient, water-damaged copy of 1984...I should really be replacing you.

And I learned that I've only read 3/4 of the books I own. I actually thought it was more like 1/2, so I guess that's better than I thought (bah, I could have padded those numbers if I hadn't left the Tolstoy with my mom...oh, how I hated Tolstoy ;) ).

Ha ha, Tolstoy is a PASS for me

Naever read Tolstoy. I still with fantasy, sci-fi, and the occasional thriller. I avoid pretty much anything else. Especially the so-called "classic" books and authors. After having some of these inflicted on me, I've become convinced that the only reason they're "classic" is because everyone has been told this, and they simply go with it.

Same here. It makes me wonder if people actually enjoy the "classics" or they just say they love them to fit in and seem intellectual. Most classics i have been forced to read have, in fact, sucked. Noteable exceptions were The Catcher in the Rye, The Chosen, Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Les Miserables.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 19:04:07
Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.

99% of the time it does not scan the barcode on the rear cover of a book, so i have to scan the barcode on the inside of the front cover

Hmm. Well that was an interesting exercise in what really old books do I have that just have printed ISBN numbers and no actual bar codes on them. Haha. Hello ancient, water-damaged copy of 1984...I should really be replacing you.

And I learned that I've only read 3/4 of the books I own. I actually thought it was more like 1/2, so I guess that's better than I thought (bah, I could have padded those numbers if I hadn't left the Tolstoy with my mom...oh, how I hated Tolstoy ;) ).

Ha ha, Tolstoy is a PASS for me

Naever read Tolstoy. I stick with fantasy, sci-fi, and the occasional thriller. I avoid pretty much anything else. Especially the so-called "classic" books and authors. After having some of these inflicted on me, I've become convinced that the only reason they're "classic" is because everyone has been told this, and they simply go with it.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 17:07:55
Originally posted by Yoss

Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.

99% of the time it does not scan the barcode on the rear cover of a book, so i have to scan the barcode on the inside of the front cover

Hmm. Well that was an interesting exercise in what really old books do I have that just have printed ISBN numbers and no actual bar codes on them. Haha. Hello ancient, water-damaged copy of 1984...I should really be replacing you.

And I learned that I've only read 3/4 of the books I own. I actually thought it was more like 1/2, so I guess that's better than I thought (bah, I could have padded those numbers if I hadn't left the Tolstoy with my mom...oh, how I hated Tolstoy ;) ).

Ha ha, Tolstoy is a PASS for me
Yoss Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 16:27:12
Originally posted by entreri3478

Originally posted by Yoss

I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.

99% of the time it does not scan the barcode on the rear cover of a book, so i have to scan the barcode on the inside of the front cover

Hmm. Well that was an interesting exercise in what really old books do I have that just have printed ISBN numbers and no actual bar codes on them. Haha. Hello ancient, water-damaged copy of 1984...I should really be replacing you.

And I learned that I've only read 3/4 of the books I own. I actually thought it was more like 1/2, so I guess that's better than I thought (bah, I could have padded those numbers if I hadn't left the Tolstoy with my mom...oh, how I hated Tolstoy ;) ).
Artemas Entreri Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 14:01:50
FYI goodreads is also a regular website and syncs with whatever you do on your smart phones, vice versa. You can even simply login with your Facebook account
Artemas Entreri Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 14:00:50
Originally posted by Marc

You get info about future releases, that's useful, but the reviews and ratings are too biased. I forgot about my account, one of my players has one.

many of the ratings are very biased, but my favorite feature is the recommendations based on what you rate books. It recommended many books that were already on my "to read" list, so i will probably trust it a little more when i see a title i hadn't considered yet
Artemas Entreri Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 13:59:37
Originally posted by Yoss

I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.

99% of the time it does not scan the barcode on the rear cover of a book, so i have to scan the barcode on the inside of the front cover
Marc Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 08:36:58
You get info about future releases, that's useful, but the reviews and ratings are too biased. I forgot about my account, one of my players has one.
Yoss Posted - 27 Oct 2011 : 04:28:34
I've never been able to get the scanner to work on that thing.
Nilus Reynard Posted - 26 Oct 2011 : 23:12:41
Nice find!

I will have to get that.

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