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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Avia Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 05:45:32
I have looked everywhere and have been unable to locate a place where I can learn to write Draconic using the Draconic alphabet. Plenty of info on the language, its history, usage, etc., but no instructions on how to actually write it. Is there a silver dragon out there who can help me?

Mod edit: Moved to a more appropriate location.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gavinfoxx Posted - 16 Dec 2010 : 00:55:33
Doesn't the 3.5e (or was it 3.0e?) book Draconomicon have a draconic alphabet in it?
Ayrik Posted - 15 Dec 2010 : 02:49:57
Yeah, though it's not odd for the draconic alphabet to be modelled on English A-to-Z when all the other races do it too ...
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 20:46:08
Yeah, I saw that one- not sure how accurate it is, though. In fact, after looking, I'm not at all sure it is accurate. I came up with very few good links for draconic naming conventions. Most of them were just variations of the word "dragon" in different languages. Reminds me of hat scene in Dragonheart when Bowen was asking the dragon his name and then decided to just call him "Draco" when he couldn't pronounce it.... "Instead of calling me dragon in YOUR tongue, you call me dragon in SOMEONE ELSE'S tongue!"
Ayrik Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 20:31:10


I'm curious, Avia - are you Judy Colella, author of The MacDara Chronicles?
Yes, I am. Have you read any of them?
I haven't read them. My impression is that they're young adult books - I'd heard about them at work, somebody said he'd bought these books for his daughter and she loved them. I was planning on giving them to my nephew, he's a bit nerdy and an hardcore Harry Potter fan. Incidentally, these books are awfully hard to find hereabouts.
Alystra Illianniis

... know where a gal might find a good draconic translator? Specifically, I'm looking for a copy of the one from Dragon #260, it was a name generator. The page with all the name tables on it tore out of mine years ago, and I'd like to find the table again.
Try the Elftown linky, Alystra. I'm not sure of the canon, but it's pretty interesting and links off to some similar stuff. I was looking for something similar a few weeks ago (one of my players has to babysit a little dragon) and Elftown was the best I could find. I don't have Dragon #260.
Avia Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 16:39:27
Never heard of a draconic translator - sounds cool. All I have at present is the word list in the Dragonomicon; I'd love to expand my vocabulary. I'll check around, though, and see if I can come up with anything.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 16:35:21
Hmm, since the subject came up, know where a gal might find a good draconic translator? Specifically, I'm looking for a copy of the one from Dragon #260, it was a name generator. The page with all the name tables on it tore out of mine years ago, and I'd like to find the table again.
Avia Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 15:09:56
Originally posted by Arik

Glad I could help, and it never hurts to be offered a pledge of future service by a dragon, lol.

I'm curious, Avia - are you Judy Colella, author of The MacDara Chronicles?

Yes, I am. Have you read any of them?
Ayrik Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 09:39:35
Glad I could help, and it never hurts to be offered a pledge of future service by a dragon, lol.

I'm curious, Avia - are you Judy Colella, author of The MacDara Chronicles?
Avia Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 08:47:23
Dear Ayrik,

You are wonderful! Thank you so much for all the information - it's exactly what I was looking for! I'll be using draconic in my spell books now, too (it seems rather easy to memorize, much more than the alphabet I was using before, anyway).

If I can ever be of service to you, just let me know!


Originally posted by Arik

Fonts are intellectual properties, subject to (sometimes very expensive) license/purchase fees, unless "released" into public domain. The official Lokharic font is, as far as I can tell, unpublished and unavailable for private use outside of WotC.

The WotC Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons article presents this image of the "Lokharic font" alphabet in the gallery; it is not a usable computer font, but can be printed then duplicated by hand.

A 3rd party Iokharic font is available, not "official" but quite similar and completely free. Another, called (V Shane) AOTA Draconic is quite excellent and costs less than three gold pieces. Alternately, Elftown presents an interesting version of draconic script.

You'll also find some fonts on the Candlekeep homepage, listed (near the bottom) under Alaundo's Library, in his Wondrous Treasures collection. Also, this site lists the "confirmed official" fonts used by TSR and WotC, along with links to many similar pages. Many of these are free downloads. Of course, you can always google.

Ayrik Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 08:19:05
Fonts are intellectual properties, subject to (sometimes very expensive) license/purchase fees, unless "released" into public domain. The official Lokharic font is, as far as I can tell, unpublished and unavailable for private use outside of WotC.

The WotC Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons article presents this image of the "Lokharic font" alphabet in the gallery; it is not a usable computer font, but can be printed then duplicated by hand.

A 3rd party Iokharic font is available, not "official" but quite similar and completely free. Another, called (V Shane) AOTA Draconic is quite excellent and costs less than three gold pieces. Alternately, Elftown presents an interesting version of draconic script.

You'll also find some fonts on the Candlekeep homepage, listed (near the bottom) under Alaundo's Library, in his Wondrous Treasures collection. Also, this site lists the "confirmed official" fonts used by TSR and WotC, along with links to many similar pages. Many of these are free downloads. Of course, you can always google.
Avia Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 07:44:26
Originally posted by Arik

Well met, Avia ...

Are you asking about the draconic language itself, or how/where it's used, or looking for a draconic font?

Probably a font. For instance, I'd like to be able to say, "Malsvir darastrix vutha tuor vaecaesin aesthyr maekrix earenk thurkear" using the proper draconic letters. I need to leave a message for the the elven Ambassador's secretary (who is also a silver dragon) warning him about the demands of a rather nasty black dragon that had the bad taste to show up in town recently. My thanks to you, Arik, for any help you may be able to render.
Ayrik Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 06:19:21
Well met, Avia ...

Are you asking about the draconic language itself, or how/where it's used, or looking for a draconic font?

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