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 Your favorite realmsian magic item

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bladewind Posted - 22 Aug 2009 : 12:53:04
What magic item do you like best in the realms as printed in novels or sourcebooks?

Which item did you get to use in a campaign that you still remember fondly?

Personally I am fond of the magic spellbooks in the Pages from the Mages tome. I like magic staffs with blasting powers such as the Staff of Thunder and Lightning aswell.

Still have fond memories of my ex-smith swordsman's greatsword, Flametongue. He claimed being the fastest greatsword wielder of the Swordcoast He got pushed into a portal to the Barrens of Doom and Despair by a Nighthag without his trusty blade though
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 20:52:29
Originally posted by Arik

Nevron's necklace - the one where he stored demon spirits - is pretty much nifty. Though sometimes an annoyance when it 'talks' at the moment when you desire silence.

It seems like most items of significant power come equipped with a cantankerous personality.

Having a personality makes them considerably interesting, albeit betimes doubly irritating.
Ayrik Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 11:48:34
Nevron's necklace - the one where he stored demon spirits - is pretty much nifty. Though sometimes an annoyance when it 'talks' at the moment when you desire silence.
It seems like most items of significant power come equipped with a cantankerous personality. If you think having an overly garrulous necklace is bad, just wait until you also find a helmet that sulks and preens for attention, then a braggadocious sword that dreams of glory and garumba ... and then the lot of them constantly drag your poor character into their endless bickering. Or they gravely insult the king's talking shoes.
Knight of the Gate Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 06:52:23
I always dug the paraphanalia of the Night King: The Fangs and Sangraal of Orbakh. Such cool stuff.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 06:34:42
Over on Marvel, I used to use the Mod's Missile of Nuking +5, LOL!!!
Dennis Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 05:50:04
Originally posted by The Sage

You won't find it in any published Realms source, but... the Staff of the Irritated Moderator +5.

But didn't you have the Harp of the Singing Moderator?
The Sage Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 05:05:16
You won't find it in any published Realms source, but... the Staff of the Irritated Moderator +5.
Dennis Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 03:27:50
Nevron's necklace - the one where he stored demon spirits - is pretty much nifty. Though sometimes an annoyance when it 'talks' at the moment when you desire silence.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 03:18:43
Khazidhea(sp?) was a great weapon, too! Does anyone know what ever happened to it? Last I recall, it was in the hands of that one drow From the Hunter's Blades books, but I don't know if he has lost it since, or if he still has it.
Dennis Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 02:57:39

The darkswords are cool, too. Cut through almost anything - even the hardest and highly enchanted metal.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 21:19:25
Elminster's Eversmoking pipe... What els??
Thauramarth Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 21:16:48
There's many magical items that I love, but one that suddenly jumped out as a favourite, on the strength of Elaine Cunningham's writing: the Singing Sword!
ZeshinX Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 20:31:35
I'm partial to Spellblades. +2 weapon (typically longsword or short sword), provides immunity to one spell which can be redirected at the caster or stored for later discharge. I originally read about them in the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set.

Great item for mid-level adventuring.
Dennis Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 07:01:35
Not really a favorite, but I find it quite interesting: Thakoril's Seat. To trap and make vulnerable any powerful and almost impregnable being surely has a unique appeal...


Originally posted by Bladewind

If someone is interested in reading a story like that I recommend picking up Karen Miller's the Kingmaker/Kingbreaker duology, the Innocent Mage and the Awakened Mage. A very well written and funny tale about the fisherman Asher who discovers he can wield the same magics as the long time invaders royal bloodline.

Hmm, they're actually in my LNTR (List of Novels To Read). I already bought them, together with The Prodigal Mage. After Darkvision, they're next.
Ayrik Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 23:01:43
The farmer-magic idea reminds me of a Dragonlance tale. I can't recall the title.

The tale involves a gully dwarf obtaining (stealing) some of Raistlin's spell books/scrolls and burning them off one after another while pretending to be a powerful wizard. Until, through absolute incompetence, a planar Gate opens and Very Bad Things start to happen. Fortunately, Raistlin arrives just in time, fixes the magical mess, reclaims his stuff, and delivers a winning smile and a happy ending (instead of unhesitantly blasting the foul thieving runt into dust). Assuming I haven't remembered the details incorrectly.
Bladewind Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 18:15:12
Originally posted by bladeinAmn

Originally posted by Bladewind

So what would the effect be if say farming commoner with a pitchfork #3 found a Nether Scroll and he manged to read it somehow? Phenomenal Cosmic Power (gain 20 free levels of sorcerer?)?

I figure that situation qualifies the farmer into becoming a 'wild mage.' Though instead of being a student of wild magic, the farmer is more a product of it, be it willingly or reluctantly!

Heh, thanks for answering this one year pending question.
I agree this would be the most fun option. A true rags to riches story could unfold about such a character. A farmer-mage's motivations in the stale game of intrigue between archmages in Fearun would make for an awesome tale.

If someone is interested in reading a story like that I recommend picking up Karen Miller's the Kingmaker/Kingbreaker duology, the Innocent Mage and the Awakened Mage. A very well written and funny tale about the fisherman Asher who discovers he can wield the same magics as the long time invaders royal bloodline.


Glad that Volker rezzed this scroll. Quite nice to see these new favorites.

Elminsters pipe is an example of the simple and elegant "household" magic item. Another household magic item you could find scattered around realmsian homes could be a "Broom of Dancing" or a "Decanter of Endless Water". The latter I mentioned in passing during my Chessenta campaign, as an open and discarded decanter was the sole cause of the existance of a huge marsh near Cimbar.
_Jarlaxle_ Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 15:21:21
I'll take the Candle of Invocation ;)
Ayrik Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 15:15:24
Dagger of Sounding from (2e) PHBR2/Complete Thieves, a magical spy telescope with Clairaudience, and a pocket full of caltrops with Continual Darkness cast on them. No reason in particular.
Markustay Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 15:08:41
I couldn't possibly pick a favorite.

El's pipe does come close though. Its just so out-of-the-ordinary, unlike Khelben's staff, which while cool, is still just another staff.

Originality always gets extra points in my book.
Matt James Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 15:03:01
Horreb Ritual Cube!
Cleric Generic Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 08:18:42
Gotta love Elminster's ever-smoking pipe. Also, the Rashemi witch masks are pretty funky.
bladeinAmn Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 06:58:44
Originally posted by Bladewind

So what would the effect be if say farming commoner with a pitchfork #3 found a Nether Scroll and he manged to read it somehow? Phenomenal Cosmic Power (gain 20 free levels of sorcerer?)?

I figure that situation qualifies the farmer into becoming a 'wild mage.' Though instead of being a student of wild magic, the farmer is more a product of it, be it willingly or reluctantly!
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 03:17:53
My faves? Hmm, Guenhwyvar has to top my list. Love big cats, especially panthers, (one of my totem animals!) and what could be better than an item that is also an ally/friend? Jarlaxle's hat and eye-patch are up there, too. (I would have both- can't take one without the other!) And finally, any elven Telu'kirra. Love those Lore Gems!!
Ionik Knight Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 03:12:36
I think the Tel'Kirras are very cool, but my favorite item that I actually got to use was the Ollamh Harp.
Marquant Volker Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 19:29:11
*Casts Scroll Ressurection*

For me its the "Elminster's eversmoking pipe", along with a plain harper's Harp (and pin) are the Heart and Soul of the Realms, as i loved them at least
Bladewind Posted - 27 Aug 2009 : 12:32:33
So what would the effect be if say farming commoner with a pitchfork #3 found a Nether Scroll and he manged to read it somehow? Phenomenal Cosmic Power (gain 20 free levels of sorcerer?)?
Alisttair Posted - 27 Aug 2009 : 11:45:34
Nether Scrolls!!
Quale Posted - 26 Aug 2009 : 12:18:33
I like the ''learning'' type of artifacts, like Imaskarcana, the Nether Scrolls and that dragon scales. Tough I'd change them mechanically, more like legacy items.
Thauramarth Posted - 25 Aug 2009 : 07:15:22
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Thauramarth

So many to chose from, but the Nether Scrolls would probably float to the top of the list, in one way or the other!

I've spent some time fleshing out the Nether Scrolls in my Realms. Several theories surround their origins, but my current favourite suggests that they are the product of magical works conducted in an alternate reality, and that accidentally found their way to the Realms.

Why, Sage, how about sharing some of that? Having a night to sleep on it, I have a better idea why I like them: it's not so much because of their alleged powers, but mostly because, as an artifact, it's totally integrated in the Realms' history. I never defined what it's actual powers are, but I use it as a catch-all explanation for any "special" magical abilities some of the NPCs in my Realms may have - "Aye, that machine was inspired by one of the Nether Scrolls." A convenient (if easy) way of explaining the origin of some special ability, and yet make sure that the PCs do not get it (unless they find one of the Nether Scrolls - I just make sure they do not feature on the Random Treasure Tables ).
The Sage Posted - 25 Aug 2009 : 00:49:21
Originally posted by Thauramarth

So many to chose from, but the Nether Scrolls would probably float to the top of the list, in one way or the other!

I've spent some time fleshing out the Nether Scrolls in my Realms. Several theories surround their origins, but my current favourite suggests that they are the product of magical works conducted in an alternate reality, and that accidentally found their way to the Realms.
skychrome Posted - 24 Aug 2009 : 23:19:58
Originally posted by Bladewind
Skychrome those magic orbs are Ioun stones, nay? I believe Riven and the Sojourner used the higher end ones... the vibrant purple prism and the lavender ellipsoid Ioun stones.Really good Ioun stones, better known in ancient ages as Congenio's Pebbles (see 2nd ed Netheril: Empire of Magic).

Indeed, I am pretty sure they are Ion stones. Nothing unusual, but I liked that the Sojourner used a whole bunch of the high end ones orbiting him like the moons of Jupiter. Nice mental image!

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