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 choosing feats

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bayne Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 02:32:00
I'd like help on choosing my next feat... so far I have dodge, improved trip, improved grapple, urth's embrace, and im gonna choose one handed choke...what should i choose after that? (Btw it's a monk)
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bookwyrm Posted - 22 Jan 2004 : 04:21:34
Hardly the scroll to talk about it at the moment, but I don't feel like penning a non sequitor on the New Classes scroll for just one post . . . .

What I propose is that I send you my proposed list of class features. They won't have any need, exactly, to have a set-in-stone level/feature relationship, except for a few features. You add to them as you wish (it's not a complete class list yet anyway).

I'm busy too, so it'll be a few days. I've got classes starting again next week, and I'm finishing some advance work (which should have been done already ) which is part of the reason why I've been so quiet lately.
The Sage Posted - 21 Jan 2004 : 05:04:19
Actually Bookwyrm I would be very interested to work on something like this with you. Just give me a few days to put the final touches on my Monk PrC that I have been trying to finish (and post here), and I'll be ready to assist.

How do you want to begin...?
Bookwyrm Posted - 20 Jan 2004 : 07:56:58
Well, if Sage is interested, I might work with him to make a Fencer core class, using the customization I made to Jack Archer's fighter levels and adding the bits from Sage's PrC . . . again, if he's interested. (Are you? If so, send me some ethereal mail or something.)

If that happens, the fighter feats will become class features. Either way, Jack's feats are as follows:

Combat Expertise
Energy Substitution (electricity)
Eschew Materials
Imbue Weapon
Legendary Ability (INT)
Scribe Scroll
Single Weapon Style
Spellcasting Prodigy
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus (rapier)

Just in case you're thinking that's a lot for a level-nine character . . . you're right. Remember, five of those are traded from the Fighter's automatic feats.
Bayne Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:54:08
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

You might. Up to you.

Actually, I've only done two characters. Well, three, but I abandoned that one -- and you wouldn't be interested in a Calim****e fire wizard.

(Okay, "person from Calimshan." Jeez. This forum has the dumbest anti-swearing subroutine I've ever seen. That's the only "swear word" it actually catches.)

Now, with Jack Archer, I gave him a bunch of defensive feats. It's all geared around how he's a fencer. Not much use to you. However, I could list them . . . or I could get Sage's final okay (hint) and be able to post his whole sheet over on the appropriate scroll.

I'd like it if you would list his feats.
The Sage Posted - 18 Jan 2004 : 07:13:33
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Now, with Jack Archer, I gave him a bunch of defensive feats. It's all geared around how he's a fencer. Not much use to you. However, I could list them . . . or I could get Sage's final okay (hint) and be able to post his whole sheet over on the appropriate scroll.
Go right ahead . Two other players have already posted their own PCs on the WotC forums (I'll repost them here when I get time), so I don't think there should be much of a problem. It will be interesting to read what those who view Jack Archer think...
Arivia Posted - 18 Jan 2004 : 00:54:56
On the feats...
Well, it depends upon the campaign and the character. You might be looking to qualify for a particular PrC. In a high roleplaying campaign, you might take feats to enhance your character's background. Or, in a hack-and-slash campaign, you might simply be looking to be more powerful. I take all of that and the character into account when choosing feats.
Bookwyrm Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 18:59:52
You might. Up to you.

Actually, I've only done two characters. Well, three, but I abandoned that one -- and you wouldn't be interested in a Calim****e fire wizard.

(Okay, "person from Calimshan." Jeez. This forum has the dumbest anti-swearing subroutine I've ever seen. That's the only "swear word" it actually catches.)

Now, with Jack Archer, I gave him a bunch of defensive feats. It's all geared around how he's a fencer. Not much use to you. However, I could list them . . . or I could get Sage's final okay (hint) and be able to post his whole sheet over on the appropriate scroll.

Bayne Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 12:47:44
And, Bookwyrm, may I be so bold as to ask what feats you have chosen in the past?
Bayne Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 12:44:35
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Originally posted by Bayne

btw, on another subject, isn't it possible to multi-prestige class as long as one of them is not a guild?

Well, I've never heard of any rule against such -- except for those mentioned in the class descriptions. I know there's one in Sword and Fist that requires the character to take all ten levels before taking any levels in a different class. But that's an exception.

well, our DM is making that so for all prestige classes.
That doesn't seem to follow the rules, does it?
Bookwyrm Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 06:40:28
Originally posted by Bayne

btw, on another subject, isn't it possible to multi-prestige class as long as one of them is not a guild?

Well, I've never heard of any rule against such -- except for those mentioned in the class descriptions. I know there's one in Sword and Fist that requires the character to take all ten levels before taking any levels in a different class. But that's an exception.
Bayne Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 03:25:54
So what about the more experience they have any suggestions as to what I should pick, or has Tsynn done well in the options he's set out for me?

Also, I'd like to know all of the feats you all have chosen, the reasoning behind it, and for what are you aiming.
RogueAssassin Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 03:09:54
I mean what i say...if theres no low feat then there should be...

remember that one time that elf told that dwarf that he should shave and then he wound up in the tree with a crater where his man parts should be? wasnt that great? he didnt need em anyways always dancing and stuff...

Belfar Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 01:11:13
I don't believe there is a difference. He just gave dirty fighting the wrong name on accident. I think.
Bayne Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 20:02:19
Originally posted by RogueAssassin

Low blow...if a swift kick to the nuts wont stop someone
nothing will...


what is the difference between "low blow" and "dirty fighting"?
RogueAssassin Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 17:00:43
Low blow...if a swift kick to the nuts wont stop someone
nothing will...

Cherrn Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 15:23:18
Originally posted by Arteris

Is there a 3rd edition feat that allows a monk to sunder a weapon unarmed. I read about the one that could do that but I was unsure as to whether its 3rd edition or not.. If it is 3rd could you please tell me what book its in.. Thank you

It's Eagle Claw and it is in the 3rd ed book Sword and Fist as far as I remember :)
Bayne Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 11:07:41
I'm also interested in learning what you all have chosen for feats, both for current characters, and for past characters. Also, I'd like to hear the strategy behind choosing these feats, if you wouldn't mind.
Bayne Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 11:04:07
Originally posted by Arteris

Is there a 3rd edition feat that allows a monk to sunder a weapon unarmed. I read about the one that could do that but I was unsure as to whether its 3rd edition or not.. If it is 3rd could you please tell me what book its in.. Thank you

I think what you are talking about is eagle claw attack, but I do not know what book it is in.
Arteris Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 02:37:24
Is there a 3rd edition feat that allows a monk to sunder a weapon unarmed. I read about the one that could do that but I was unsure as to whether its 3rd edition or not.. If it is 3rd could you please tell me what book its in.. Thank you
Tsynn the Sanguine Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 05:36:52
Natha inlul 'bgualyizes abbil

It is actually called "Earth's Embrace" And it is first brought about in OA 3.0 I believe, in which the feat deals 2x open hand damage during a grapple, however in 3.5 complete warrior, it makes you deal an additional d10 of damage.

To my knowledge, the feat I suggested to you was "breaker blow", is an original feat designed on some D&D page or another...

Since we have set you on the grappling path, it would probably be best if you went towards "one-handed choke hold" as it allows you to pin someone and continue fighting others... and choke hold has the chance to make your unfortunate victim fall unconscious each round.

Should you take Power Attack, it will open up a few doors for you on other feats, not just the sunder line...

Power attack --> Sunder --> Fist of Iron --> Eagle Claw attack --> Empty hand mastery (Improved open hand damage)

Brain stopped thinking, so I'll have to get back to you

Bayne Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 02:54:10
Originally posted by Belfar

Well mobility is a good feat because it opens up other feats such as spring attack. I would probably need to know more about some of those feats. I don't think i've ever heard about urth's embrace or one handed choke. Elaboration please?

Urth's embrace is an oriental adventure feat, i believe, and i wouldn't try spring attack, because i have the anti-feat for that (yes i was dumb enough to take anti-feats)...btw, on another subject, isn't it possible to multi-prestige class as long as one of them is not a guild?
Cherrn Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 02:36:50
Well, as for a monk I have been pondering the idea of taking power attack, eagleclaw (makes you able to sunder weps with your fists), sunder, improved sunder (double damage when sundering). I like the fact that you can roll 2d20 damage at higher lvls when checking if you can destroy another wep ;)
Belfar Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 02:35:28
Well mobility is a good feat because it opens up other feats such as spring attack. I would probably need to know more about some of those feats. I don't think i've ever heard about urth's embrace or one handed choke. Elaboration please?
Bayne Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 02:34:27
Also, you can post about feats you find interesting, and how to plan choosing feats, the strategies that go along with it, etc
Bayne Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 02:33:18
I was considering clever wrestling as well, and maybe breaker blow...what do you all think?

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