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 Anyone here attending NYCC this weekend

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mournblade Posted - 04 Feb 2009 : 18:55:01
Hello all,

I don't know who is from the new york area. Is anyone going to the New York City Comic Con this weekend ?

I am going to be there with my beautiful wife

Anyone else going? Anyone want to meet?

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mournblade Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 18:09:53
NYCC was fantastic.

Ofcourse I kept missing the panels I wanted to go to.

WOTC had a good booth, but I didn't spend much time there. it was $E all over the place. There was plenty else to do, and I decided not to spend three hours playing $E.

Wotc revealed a good bit at thier panel, I am just finding myself increasingly uninterested in anything having to do with $e.

I realized this when my wife excitedly told me the designers were at the WOTC booth. I talked to them all last year enthusiastically, but this year I felt it was better to avoid.

Not much to report since the link above gave out all the information.

Brimstone Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 07:59:13
Originally posted by scererar

just read a bit about it at this blog

Has a couple of snapshots of the 4E Gnome from the upcoming PHB2

-Interesting article. Thanks for posting it.

scererar Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 04:56:37
just read a bit about it at this blog

Has a couple of snapshots of the 4E Gnome from the upcoming PHB2
Lord Karsus Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 02:57:48
-Ended up not going, partially due to my own procrastination, and partially due to my reluctance to go to any type of convention things. Instead, me, my sister and my girlfriend went to go see Hamlet that was advertised as as Japanese Noh, but actually was just in Japanese, in a dancing, avant-garde type of way at THIS PLACE.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 18:35:21
Originally posted by Garen Thal

I offer a service whereby I will gladly accept a fully-funded trip to GenCon in exchange for a thirty-minute autograph session on Wednesday evening or Monday morning. ;-)

Maybe not fully-funded, but I could definitely by you a meal!
Garen Thal Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 18:34:10
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Originally posted by Garen Thal

I should be there on Saturday for the afternoon, if things work out. Run!

Dang it! I can't make the 1100 mile trip to get my Pathfinder Adventure signed now...
So sorry.

I offer a service whereby I will gladly accept a fully-funded trip to GenCon in exchange for a thirty-minute autograph session on Wednesday evening or Monday morning. ;-)
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 18:03:32
Originally posted by Garen Thal

I should be there on Saturday for the afternoon, if things work out. Run!

Dang it! I can't make the 1100 mile trip to get my Pathfinder Adventure signed now...
Garen Thal Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 16:20:09
I should be there on Saturday for the afternoon, if things work out. Run!
Lord Karsus Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 15:56:06
-Yeah, we'll be there, then, I guess.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 05 Feb 2009 : 14:48:27
Originally posted by Dagnirion

-I'm going maybe. I need to talk to my girlfriend about it.

Sounds like a plan.
Lord Karsus Posted - 05 Feb 2009 : 04:03:32
-I'm going maybe. I need to talk to my girlfriend about it. I saw the guest list, though. The Bushwackers? The Storm Trooper who said, "These aren't the Droids we're looking for"? How can anyone *not* want to go!?
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 05 Feb 2009 : 03:44:00
Here's hoping that the economic stimulus package goes through (and the rumored $2500 check that comes with it)!
Markustay Posted - 04 Feb 2009 : 22:51:31

How beautiful is she?

Just joking.. I wish I had the cash to go to a con right now, but things are tight. I'm hoping to be able to make it to Gencon this year, but I seriously doubt it.

Not on a fixed income.

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