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 Gencon 2009?

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Matt James Posted - 14 Oct 2008 : 13:00:51
It's never too early to plan, right?

I plan to hijack my big bro' again and watch him do his magic. Besides, getting lore questions answered is MUCH better in person than over e-mail or Everquest 2!

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kes_Alanadel Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 04:01:24
I'll be there (badge came in the mail today!!!), and like Kuje, the only things I have definitely planned are Saturday afternoon and evening. If it works out, I'd be interested in the Pathfinder game.
Matt James Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 00:58:04
We can plan to do the adventure on Sunday if everyone wants. Other than that, I don't have my schedule in front of me. I'm assuming I will be running into many of you during the seminars anyways ;)
Kuje Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 20:52:33
I'll be around except on Sat afternoon and Sat night. Going to see Tut on Sat afternoon and the costume ball on Sat night.

If someone wants to plan a meet and greet, or whatever, ya'll better start getting the details worked out. A month isn't that far away!

As I said, it seemed to work out better if we meet outside the con, least six, or so, of us found each other last year.
Garen Thal Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 20:04:43
I'll be there.

Scribes should be aware that the 'Realms Block' this year is Friday from 2pm to 6 pm: Spin a Yarn with Ed Greenwood followed by The D&D World of the Forgotten Realms (what used to be called "Secrets of the Forgotten Realms," up until last year).

I'm booked pretty solid on Friday, and most of Thursday, but Saturday and Sunday are fairly open for any folks that want to chat, quiz, or query. If you're foolish enough to buy anything I've written, I'm even happy to sign it! :P
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 19:58:57
I'll be there. The Realms seminar and a couple of lunches are the only things I have to schedule around. Somebody holler about what and whether on bringing characters and so on.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 19:43:35
Good point, Erik.

I volunteered with Paizo for Thursday night and Sunday afternoon and I have a game on Friday night...
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 19:35:25

Assuming we're talking about sometime other than Thursday afternoon.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 19:05:55
One month to go!

So, let's get a roll call of Scribes attending (and who's interested in the Candlekeep adventures being prepared)!
Brian R. James Posted - 27 May 2009 : 15:16:08
Right on guys. This is going to be fun!
Matt James Posted - 27 May 2009 : 10:54:34
Anyone is welcome to bring a legal character based off of the Living Forgotten Realms guidelines. I have included a link to a zip file that wizards has for character creation. It's nothing crazy.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 27 May 2009 : 00:39:56
Originally posted by Matt James

Anyone can bring a 5th level character, I will just include some pre-gen ones for those who just want to snatch up a character and run with it :)

Cool. I've got a wood elf cleric of Solonor Thelandira I've been playing around with; a 4E Sy-Tel'Quessir archer-priest strikes me as having a lot of "harmony," if that makes any sense.

That said, I'll probably do what I usually do in these situations and bring "one of each" (in 4E that'll translate to a leader, a controller, a defender, and a striker), so I can fill in the gaps.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 26 May 2009 : 21:54:45
Hmmm... For the Pathfinder/3.5 conversion, I will provide pre-generated characters as well. Being that I volunteered to GM, I should be getting a NDA'd photocopy of the final rules prior to the con, so they will be built with the final rules.

If you bring your own, I'd recommend attending their seminar (Pathfinder RPG Conversion & Creation Q & A) to get characters up to date to the final rules.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 26 May 2009 : 21:53:41
If you don't mind, Matt, I'll make a few as well.

(Including one for myself, if I end up playing . . .)

Did we decide on the standard module that everyone's going to run, or are we going to have different DMs running different ones?

Matt James Posted - 26 May 2009 : 21:49:08
Anyone can bring a 5th level character, I will just include some pre-gen ones for those who just want to snatch up a character and run with it :)
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 26 May 2009 : 16:09:28
Originally posted by Matt James

hmm, I am leaning towards pre-gen characters and bumping this adventure to level 5. These projects can snowball quickly :)

Well, if you're taking requests could you make sure one of them is a Spellscarred Warforged Shaman from Akanûl, please?

In all seriousness, if it would save you any work, I for one can roll up one or more fifth level characters using the DMG rules for starting at higher level. Or I'll happily play whatever I'm handed.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 26 May 2009 : 04:36:17
Pre-Gen characters usually work best for me at Cons too. That way you know what they can do and have no surprises.
Matt James Posted - 26 May 2009 : 03:50:28
hmm, I am leaning towards pre-gen characters and bumping this adventure to level 5. These projects can snowball quickly :)
Matt James Posted - 22 May 2009 : 18:35:41
Chugging along with the adventure module. It would actually be a great place to start a new Realms player on as well considering CK is probably the best place to begin :)

As I said, this will be a level 1 module to keep things simple and to the point. As well, long-time Realms fans will appreciate going through it. If it turns out to be well received, I will do follow-up adventures that will play off of the same storyline.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 May 2009 : 21:37:28
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

All in favor of Erik's nominating himself to be in charge say 'Aye'!

Eep! [hides behind Matt]

Matt James Posted - 19 May 2009 : 21:30:33
This will be a non-ticketed event. We just link up, find a place to play and have at it!
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 19 May 2009 : 20:49:08
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

(Which is not to imply that I'm in charge! Just here to help.)


All in favor of Erik's nominating himself to be in charge say 'Aye'!

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 May 2009 : 20:42:20
Originally posted by LucianBarasu

I've made a promise to a few friends on and off this board that i'd try my damnest to be there. I cannot let them down.

Better not, ya big lug.

Originally posted by Christopher_Rowe

Is this going to be something we'll need to sign up for through the GenCon site? Or buy a ticket for or whatever?

From my own experience putting pick-up games together and whatnot (and because it's past deadline for events to be submitted), it's most likely that this will be an informal/no tickets thing--the trick is getting everyone together and finding a place to play.

(Which is not to imply that I'm in charge! Just here to help.)

Christopher_Rowe Posted - 19 May 2009 : 20:35:38
Is this going to be something we'll need to sign up for through the GenCon site? Or buy a ticket for or whatever?
LucianBarasu Posted - 19 May 2009 : 20:31:40
With Tymora's wink and tickle on my wallet, I should be there this year.
I am hoping to be home in time to go.

I've made a promise to a few friends on and off this board that i'd try my damnest to be there. I cannot let them down.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 May 2009 : 20:26:52
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

One word, Erik:


1d4 investigators a round? What what?

Ahem. (Spam count +1.)

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 19 May 2009 : 19:22:19
One word, Erik:

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 May 2009 : 19:08:58
Not that you should necessarily take my schedule into account, but I am otherwise occupied Thursday 1-6 p.m., then Friday 11 a.m. through the seminars (of course).

Playing shortly after the Realms seminar might be the easiest, actually, because then everyone will be in one place, right? (In deference to Ashe being eaten by octopus demons that night.)

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 19 May 2009 : 18:41:29
I also just volunteered to be a GM Volunteer for Paizo at the Con for a couple of slots (See Here). Specifically Thursday from 6pm-10pm and Sunday from 8am-Noon.
Kuje Posted - 19 May 2009 : 18:06:39
Okies. :) Well, ya two figure it out and let us know. :)
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 19 May 2009 : 15:25:23
LOL, Friday's the only night I have a game scheduled... Munchkin Cthulu from 9-11 pm.

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