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 war of the spider queen

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zak Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 16:52:35

hey guys i am a R.A. salvatore fan and i've read his books up to the hunters blade trilogy.anyway i've recently picked up the war the spider queen books and i haven't been able to stop wondering about the D20 stats for these facinating characters.i realize that they were given official stats in the dragon magazines,but i have yet to find them anywhere and i mean anywhere!!!i've looked throughout the internet for the stats of the heroes of the war of the spider queen everywhere including some of my friends who frequented the hobby shop outside the base and i have yet to find one whom has i was wondering if it was at all possible to get them here?well anyway i hope you guys can help out a soldier whom likes spending his scarse free time reading FR novels and playing some good 3.5 DnD.thank guys.
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Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 03:53:46
Wow... that DragonDex is awesome!
Zak Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 02:17:43
I see that now.lesson learned .i was too exited and ran straight towards the general any case a brief summary of the relevant stats would give me something to work with as well if at all possible.thank you guys.
The Sage Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 02:01:27
We *can* post brief summaries of the relevant stat information... but posting the entire stat-block for each NPC would not only be a breach of copyright law, but a breach of Candlekeep's Code of Conduct as well.
Zak Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 01:57:53
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by The Sage

Not through legal means.

This is why I was hesitant to reply to this thread. He's basically asking for people to send him illegal info..... Which, as we know, most of us on Keep frown very deeply about.

ah i see.i didn't think it would be copyright infringement to simply post the relevant statistic for said seems i was wrong.well now i know better.ty however for the suggestions and replies.
Kuje Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 01:17:28
Originally posted by The Sage

Not through legal means.

This is why I was hesitant to reply to this thread. He's basically asking for people to send him illegal info..... Which, as we know, most of us on Keep frown very deeply about.
The Sage Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 00:59:25
Originally posted by Zak

ah yes,but i'd have to buy the megazine and all i want is the write up for the characters things tend to take forever to take here...ty however for the there any other way other than buying the magazine that i might be able to get the statistics for these characters?

Not through legal means. Really, your only option is to purchase the relevant issues. Or, alternatively, you could visit the widely successful NPC thread over on the FR WotC boards and look/ask for fan-created work-ups of the popular characters from the WotSQ series.
dwarvenranger Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 22:10:33
If my magazines weren't in my packout right now I'd hook you up bro. As is it'll have to wait till next month most likely, at least from me. One of the other guys here will probably hook you up though. Send me a PM if that doesn't happen.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 19:27:30
Originally posted by Kuje

Beyond that. I'm not sure what to say. If you need the issue #'s, Wooly has a link to the Dragondex. We let him post it because it gives him something to do. :)

I stick my tongue out at you, sir! (We need a good smiley for that!)

The link: The DragonDex
Zak Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 18:48:42
ah yes,but i'd have to buy the megazine and all i want is the write up for the characters things tend to take forever to take here...ty however for the there any other way other than buying the magazine that i might be able to get the statistics for these characters?
Kuje Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 18:30:42
Have you tried Ebay, Amazon,, Paizo's site (since they published them), Dragonstrove, or any of the other sites that sells D&D material?

Beyond that. I'm not sure what to say. If you need the issue #'s, Wooly has a link to the Dragondex. We let him post it because it gives him something to do. :)

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