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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Valaxaxath Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 01:39:17
Anyone else a bit surprised that this race wasn't included in the binder article in the class chronicles over at the wizards website"? Also, is it just me, or does the race also seem to have a good background to produce warlocks as well? Being descended from a mad wizard who stole the mantle of a god after all.. if that background doesn't scream "magic in the blood" I don't know what would.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Valaxaxath Posted - 03 Aug 2007 : 20:28:05
Originally posted by EytanBernstein

It's being included in an upcoming article for a different class. I think it'll be a cool surprise.

Excellent! For some reason, I always liked the concept of the karsites. Also, Mortagon, karsites can't be sorcerors... they're unable to use any arcane or divine magic at all. Psinoics, and spell like abilities only(hence why I felt warlocks would be a good fit for them).
Mortagon Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 10:04:03
It's being included in an upcoming article for a different class. I think it'll be a cool surprise.

I can't wait, I just love your articles on the realms.
EytanBernstein Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 07:28:08
It's being included in an upcoming article for a different class. I think it'll be a cool surprise.
Mortagon Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 04:18:50
I to found it strange that it was not included in the article about binders, but maybe Eytan will do a follow up?

As for the warlock thing, i rather picture them as being sorcerers since warlocks are more about fiendish or chaotic blood.

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