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 Has WOTC banned Amazon from selling their stuff?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 00:59:06

I had a look at my Amazon cart today and got the following message

We're sorry. The item X is no longer available from the seller you selected. We've moved it to the Saved Items section of your Shopping Cart. page.

This message appeared for 4 Wizards of the Coast products

Arcane Corridors (TIle set)
Road of the Patriarch by RA Salvatore
Shadowbred by Paul Kemp

The seller mentioned in the message is Amazon not one of the third party stores using their site. All 4 arent even out yet so they cant be out of stock!

I couple of weeks ago a guy who owns Auggies (an Online store that sells single minis) was told by WOTC that they are cutting him off and refusing to supply him with anymore WOTC products on the grounds that hes not making 50% of his sales over the counter from a Bricks and Mortar store

Now as Amazons doesnt have a B&M store and 100% of their sales are over the internet it makes me wonder if Wizards are refusing to sell to them to..........

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 18 Oct 2006 : 21:17:39
I just got dragon magic, complete mage, lies of light, and war of the dragon queen miniature boxed set. Must've been a glitch.
martynq Posted - 18 Oct 2006 : 12:22:20 have been having trouble getting hold of Complete Psionic for me for about two months now. Dunno if this may be related.

However, Dragon Magic, PHB II and Twilight Tomb all arrived safely last week, so this is unclear...

Reefy Posted - 13 Oct 2006 : 22:57:39
*breathes a sigh of relief* I've just checked and there seems to be no problems of stock listed on
Ergdusch Posted - 13 Oct 2006 : 07:56:55
Dargoth Posted - 13 Oct 2006 : 01:24:36
Hmm seems it was some sort of weird tech glitch Ive managed to get all the items back in my cart
AlacLuin Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 22:02:46
Originally posted by Hoondatha

I knew some people over at WotC were intellectually challenged... but I never dreamed of this.

Unless WotC is thinking of opening their own gaming stores? I'm still hurting from the closure of Gamekeeper. But even so, that wouldn't change the fact they would need Amazon, and I seriously doubt they'd open stores worldwide.

It's only been a few years (2 or 3 IIRC) since WotC closed all their stores.
I doubt they would change their mind this fast a plan on opening them again.

Now it they had an on line distribution.

It looks like it was only a glitch anyway as Wooly suggested.
Reefy Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 20:35:32
Given my nearest FLGS is 30 miles away and none of my local bookstores really stock FR novels, I do a lot of my purchasing via Amazon. What a ridiculous idea.
Kalin Agrivar Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 17:00:49
Originally posted by sleyvas

I don't know, maybe they aren't selling as much in Barnes & Noble and such anymore because we're all just buying online. However, it would seem stupid of WotC, because sales are still happening.

it wouldn't be WoTC's first decision that appeared to be unwise...
turox Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 16:58:43
Originally posted by Dargoth

Now as Amazons doesnt have a B&M store and 100% of their sales are over the internet it makes me wonder if Wizards are refusing to sell to them to..........

Well a few years ago when a new mall opened in our area (Broomfield, CO) they did have a store in there called "Wizards of the Coast" I went in there and everything was so pricey that I didn't buy anything except dice , it felt like it was endorsed by WoTC as they only sold stuff WoTC put out.(Minor quirk I have is to buy 1 thing from a new hobby store I enter).
I tried looking in the phone book for it and it wasn't there so it must not have hung around. So maybe they are thinking of going back to something like that. Must have been a management descicion.
sleyvas Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 15:04:41
I don't know, maybe they aren't selling as much in Barnes & Noble and such anymore because we're all just buying online. However, it would seem stupid of WotC, because sales are still happening.
Ergdusch Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 08:15:37
So far all my WOTC novel are ordered via amazon. If this was to be true, it would be a sad day indeed...

Hoondatha Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 05:15:22
I knew some people over at WotC were intellectually challenged... but I never dreamed of this.

Unless WotC is thinking of opening their own gaming stores? I'm still hurting from the closure of Gamekeeper. But even so, that wouldn't change the fact they would need Amazon, and I seriously doubt they'd open stores worldwide.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 02:51:42
It appears to just be a glitch... Seriously, WotC would be shooting themselves in the foot to disallow sale of their products thru a major seller like Amazon.
Kuje Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 01:48:20
A few people are having issues with this.

Enworld has a thread:

Specifically page 3.

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