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 Theres something sus about Priests in Elversult

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 12:48:48
Particulalrly the Churches on Temple Hill

Warning the following post contains spoils from novels Temple Hill and Realms of Elves

The 2 Churches on Temple Hill (Waukeen and Lathander)have had the following issues after the last few years

A Temple Of Grazzt moves into the Church of Waukeen (Realms of Elves story)

Temples start conning those seeking healing by taking money from them and then telling them there god hasnt deemed them worthy (Temple Hill Novel)

Sunlord Daelegoth Orndeir becomes the leader of the Church of LAthander and begins preaching his Risen Sun Heresey (Power of Faerun)

Now is it just me or is there something seriously up in Elversult?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ShadowJack Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 17:44:11
Certainly looks like to me that there is a conspiracy afoot in Elversult... I love the idea of an evil artifact having been hidden by Grazzt's ilk deep in the catacombs underneath Waukeen's temple. A long forgotten fact is that those catacombs connect to Lathander's temple and several other places in and around Temple Hill...
Dargoth Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 12:55:53
Originally posted by ShadowJack

Does anybody know when the events in Temple Hill took place? I really enjoyed the book but can not remember any dates from it. Good observation about the temples of Elversult, Dargoth. Perhaps we should contact a Harper Agent to look into it?

Risen Sun Heresy is 1374 and ongoing

Temple Hill novel was set in 1370

The short story about Grazzt was set in 1362
ShadowJack Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 12:43:11
Does anybody know when the events in Temple Hill took place? I really enjoyed the book but can not remember any dates from it. Good observation about the temples of Elversult, Dargoth. Perhaps we should contact a Harper Agent to look into it?
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 05:14:24
Originally posted by Dargoth

I wouldnt be suprised if some of Waukeens clergy had been corrupted by Grazzt during her absense, and not all of them would have returned to the fold after she returned (There is after all a former Waukeen cleric or Thay who now worships Bane) The crooked High Priest of Waukeen in Thomas Reids Scions of Arrabar could have been tainted by Grazzt.....

Eh, I think that's a bit of a stretch. Do remember that Waukeen has no problem with having evil clerics (specifically neutral evil).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 01:20:03
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

As far as Waukeen and different orders go, I can see an order that is vigilant for Graz'zt and his mechanations, but what about a heresy that says that Waukeen actually became the bride of Graz'zt during her imprisonment, and now teaches subtle control and subversion of government and perhaps other religions using monetary influence.

The Heresy of the All-Mighty Dollar... I like it!
KnightErrantJR Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 00:26:27
Yeah, now that you mention it, just because Graz'zt specifically had Waukeen captive, that doesn't mean that his cult in Elversult wasn't busy planting some seeds of heresy in every other temple in the city. Just because the cult is gone doesn't mean that the aftereffects of some subtle whispers haven't born some long surviving fruit. It definately fits with the Prince of Demons' modus operendi.

As far as Waukeen and different orders go, I can see an order that is vigilant for Graz'zt and his mechanations, but what about a heresy that says that Waukeen actually became the bride of Graz'zt during her imprisonment, and now teaches subtle control and subversion of government and perhaps other religions using monetary influence.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 17:24:01
I've an idea. I don't know about the timing of it, though, and I'm not familiar with the Temple Hill novel (I've not read it yet). But...

Erik says his short story happened in 1362. If the other stories are later, than maybe Graz'zt (or another nastybad) has some agent/representative in place that is using subtle whispers and cleverly planted bits of false lore to lead priests astray.

Heck, there could even be a fallen temple to Graz'zt (or another nastybad, again), somewhere within or deep under the hill. Or it could be an evil artifact. Lots of possibilities. You've got me thinking.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 16:13:50
Originally posted by kalin agrivar

you would think there would be a branch of the Waukeen faith based on hunting down Grazzt's cults and servants in avenging the imprisonment of their goddess...maybe with an associated PrC

Hmm. Speaking strictly for myself, that sounds brilliant.

Originally posted by Dargoth

but it does show the citys clergy seem to be prone to heresy.

Hmm. . . Indeed.

You can bet that some of those cultists were former Waukeen worshippers. . . . Graz'zt is a seductive bugger, isn't he?

Dargoth Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 15:49:05
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Not to nip enthusiasm in the bud, but I should note that the events of "The Greater Treasure" essentially shattered the Graz'zt cult in Elversult, with a dramatic shift in leadership to a new mistress who is a great deal more. . . *mobile* than the former. It is entirely possible the cult packed up and left (which might be why 'tis essentially deserted in the last scene).

Or perhaps not.

Also note that "tGT" transpires in 1362, before the return of Waukeen, which would probably herald the end of Graz'zt's occupation.

Or would it?

Ok -- I'll stop now.


but it does show the citys clergy seem to be pron to heresy.

I wouldnt be suprised if some of Waukeens clergy had been corrupted by Grazzt during her absense, and not all of them would have returned to the fold after she returned (There is after all a former Waukeen cleric or Thay who now worships Bane) The crooked High Priest of Waukeen in Thomas Reids Scions of Arrabar could have been tainted by Grazzt.....
Kalin Agrivar Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 15:40:15
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
Also note that "tGT" transpires in 1362, before the return of Waukeen, which would probably herald the end of Graz'zt's occupation.

you would think there would be a branch of the Waukeen faith based on hunting down Grazzt's cults and servants in avenging the imprisonment of their goddess...maybe with an associated PrC
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 15:11:39
Originally posted by Dargoth

The 2 Churches on Temple Hill (Waukeen and Lathander)have had the following issues after the last few years

A Temple Of Grazzt moves into the Church of Waukeen (Realms of Elves story)

Not to nip enthusiasm in the bud, but I should note that the events of "The Greater Treasure" essentially shattered the Graz'zt cult in Elversult, with a dramatic shift in leadership to a new mistress who is a great deal more. . . *mobile* than the former. It is entirely possible the cult packed up and left (which might be why 'tis essentially deserted in the last scene).

Or perhaps not.

Also note that "tGT" transpires in 1362, before the return of Waukeen, which would probably herald the end of Graz'zt's occupation.

Or would it?

Ok -- I'll stop now.

Chosen of Moradin Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 13:11:09
And Grazzt is involved, too?

Iiiiiiiiich! Really, some storm is coming, I could swear by my beard.

Chosen of Moradin, thinking in the interesting prospect of sending some followers of Tempus (or worse, Garagos) to Elversult.

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