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 Half-Orc City

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Xysma Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 17:27:02
I seem to remember a half-orc city in the Realms, but I can't remember the name of it nor can I find it in my FRCS. Help!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KnightErrantJR Posted - 11 Aug 2006 : 15:34:43
Hm, a city of half-orcs and they can't manage to spell their own city the same way twice . . . just kidding . . .
The Sage Posted - 11 Aug 2006 : 15:28:03
Aye... FR9.

Note also that the city KEJR refers to is spelt "Palishchuk" in The Bloodstone Lands -- whereas in The Great Glacier, it is spelt "Palischuk."
KnightErrantJR Posted - 11 Aug 2006 : 15:20:44
The old Bloodstone Lands (FR9?) had a mention of the city in it as well, and of course the town is the setting for at least part of Promise of the Witch King.
Jorkens Posted - 11 Aug 2006 : 08:42:48
The town has a quick mention in The Great Glacier supplement, one of the few useful details in that product.
Alaundo Posted - 11 Aug 2006 : 08:40:34
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Palischuk in Vaasa is a city of primarily half-orcs, if that is the one you are thinking of.

Well met

Could ye point to where this is detailed in particular, KnightErrantJR?
Xysma Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 17:43:10
Originally posted by Xysma

I seem to remember a half-orc city in the Realms, but I can't remember the name of it nor can I find it in my FRCS. Help!

That is the one, thanks KEJR.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 17:41:59
Palischuk in Vaasa is a city of primarily half-orcs, if that is the one you are thinking of.

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