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 Known Saurial language odours

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Alaundo Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 20:16:33
Well met

Something I have been meaning to request for some time now, but was only recently brought to the forefront of my mind again by something mentioned by Wooly Rupert in a scroll today...

Likely drawing mainly from the Finder's Stone Trilogy, how many different emotion odours do we know are emitted from saurials, such as Dragonbait?

For example, woodsmoke was one type of emotion, whilst vanilla was another, etc etc. I don't recall any exactly at the moment, but have been meaning to find out all that I can on what has ever been printed.

Thank ye
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kaladorm Posted - 10 Apr 2006 : 21:18:52
Apologies, Mint is remorse :) I misunderstood it when Dragonbait meets Coral

Cinnamon - Love

Dragonbait makes reference to smelling Coral's hope, but I can't find exactly what scent it is atm
Kaladorm Posted - 10 Apr 2006 : 21:11:14
Vanilla - When Dragonbait uses his Shen Sight
Alaundo Posted - 10 Apr 2006 : 20:54:19
Originally posted by Kaladorm

Here's a few more, just got back from holiday and finsihed the Wyverns Spur and Song of the Saurials. There are loads more but I need time to research them in the book, these are ones I can remember offhand,

Mint - Grief

Freshly Mown hay - Arcane Spellcasting

Well met

Ahh, splendid, Kaladorm. Thank ye for remembering this scroll during thy reading
Kaladorm Posted - 10 Apr 2006 : 20:31:53
Here's a few more, just got back from holiday and finsihed the Wyverns Spur and Song of the Saurials. There are loads more but I need time to research them in the book, these are ones I can remember offhand,

Mint - Grief

Freshly Mown hay - Arcane Spellcasting
Wooly Rupert Posted - 31 Mar 2006 : 12:19:16
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Kuje

Well, sure. I see how I rate. :(

Well met

Oh fear not, Kuje, thou art rated highly My eyes had already wandered over to the tome on the shelf with anticipation. Wooly simply saved me the trouble of walking to the other side of the room and climbing the steps to the bookcase

Actually, it was the web enhancement. So I just opened a pdf.
Alaundo Posted - 31 Mar 2006 : 09:42:00
Originally posted by Kuje

Well, sure. I see how I rate. :(

Well met

Oh fear not, Kuje, thou art rated highly My eyes had already wandered over to the tome on the shelf with anticipation. Wooly simply saved me the trouble of walking to the other side of the room and climbing the steps to the bookcase
Kaladorm Posted - 31 Mar 2006 : 00:23:38
Just finished reading Azure Bonds, as far as I can remember, Woodsmoke,Violets, Roses and Baked Bread appeared consistently (as you say).
Lemons was mentioned once (as a citrus smell I think that Akabar noticed whilst Dragonbait was visiting Elminster), and I 'think' Brimstone may have been mentioned. Ham I think was also mentioned at the same time as Baked Bread once (which reminded Olive how hungry she was)
I don't recall Tar or Honeysuckle being mentioned during the novel.

I'm onto the Wyverns Spur now, and then Song of the Saurials, so if I find any more I'll let you know when I get back from hols
Kuje Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 23:33:16
Well, sure. I see how I rate. :(
Alaundo Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 23:24:30
Well met

Ahh Wooly, that is absolutely splendid! How I missed that list within that tome is beyond me. 'twas just what I was looking for.

Any updates to this list from the novels would be appreciated if anyone can recall them at some point.

I think it's worth placing this list in the library proper... ye never know when a saurial may stop by the library and need translating Let us just hope that if there's a smell of baking bread, then it's wafting from the Candlekeep Inn instead
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 20:31:13
From the Serpent Kingdoms WE:

Scent -- Emotion
Baked bread -- Anger
Brimstone -- Confusion
Ham -- Nervousness or worry
Honeysuckle -- Tenderness
Lemons -- Pleasure or joy
Roses -- Sadness
Tar -- Victory
Violets -- Danger or fear
Wood smoke -- Devotion or piety

I'm sure more scents were listed in the novels, but I'm about 10 miles from my novels right now...
Kuje Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 20:22:30
Hmm, I had a file that listed these..... I wonder where it went. :(

But the WOTC web enhancement for Serpent Kingdoms has a few of them.

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