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 Netheril mages : the still-living and the undead

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RodOdom Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 22:24:43
Here are some Netheril mages still in present-day Faerun:

Halaster of Undermountain

Shradin Mulophor in Skullport

Larloch the Lich of Warlock's Crypt (on the Sword Coast.)

The leaders of the Shadovar.

What other suriviors of Netheril are still walking around?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 21:14:57
Originally posted by Wizbane

mmmhh..does the "Old One" in the High Moor region (from Dragons of Faerun) count as a netherese wizard to be included in the checklist? I think he should.

I don't even try to spell his name out of my memory tough. C..??


Does my old buddy, The Terraseer, count, too? I think he (it?) could personally kick Shade back where it came from if he hadn't gone into hibernation a few years ago. Just wait a couple of centuries for him to wake up again ... then ... pow! ... "Straight to Selune, Alice!"
Wizbane Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 15:25:50
mmmhh..does the "Old One" in the High Moor region (from Dragons of Faerun) count as a netherese wizard to be included in the checklist? I think he should.

I don't even try to spell his name out of my memory tough. C..??

Na-Gang Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 13:29:28
Originally posted by The Sage

Did you see my reply above?

Yeah, sorry. I posted that in a rush before having to go out, without reading the 2nd page.

Sorry everybody...
The Sage Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 13:10:33
Originally posted by Na-Gang

Originally posted by Dargoth

The City of Opus/Selunarra is in the Gates of the Moon

Hello yes please, what is ^this. I assume it's another plane-shifted Netherese City which moved to Selune's Plane but is there any more info?

Did you see my reply above?

If not, here it is again -

Originally posted by The Sage

As for Opus, check out Lost Empires of Faerun for those details and the older 2e Netheril: Empire of Magic.

Na-Gang Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 12:34:38
Originally posted by Dargoth

The City of Opus/Selunarra is in the Gates of the Moon

Hello yes please, what is ^this. I assume it's another plane-shifted Netherese City which moved to Selune's Plane but is there any more info?
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 18:16:11
Originally posted by The Sage

CoR = Champions of Ruin.

As for Opus, check our Lost Empires of Faerun for those details and the older 2e Netheril: Empire of Magic.

Sorry to have taken so long to thank you for this info, Sage, but thanks. The computer system I usually use went blooey for several weeks and the amount of data needing to be sorted seems to have increased exponentially, not arithmetically.
The Sage Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 16:59:48
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Telies

This being my first post, I would like to express my wonder and gratitude to all those who have made this incredible lore repository possible. I am very very new to the Realms, but the sages and librarians here have brought Faerun to life for me most vividly.

Onto my question:

Those Netherese who became Shades during their sojourn in the Plane of Shadow- was this by a process similar to Toril archmagii becoming liches? Thus Netheres Shade Princes would be considered undead?
Or should they be considered "plane-touched", and thus be classified as outsiders?

My thanks in advance!

They are outsiders and or extraplanars, not undead. Lord Shadow even wants to turn into a lich. It's a brief line in one of the 3e sourcebooks.... I wanna say Lords of Darkness.

It is in Lords of Darkness -- pg. 82 -- under the "High Prince" entry.
Kuje Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 16:38:03
Originally posted by Telies

This being my first post, I would like to express my wonder and gratitude to all those who have made this incredible lore repository possible. I am very very new to the Realms, but the sages and librarians here have brought Faerun to life for me most vividly.

Onto my question:

Those Netherese who became Shades during their sojourn in the Plane of Shadow- was this by a process similar to Toril archmagii becoming liches? Thus Netheres Shade Princes would be considered undead?
Or should they be considered "plane-touched", and thus be classified as outsiders?

My thanks in advance!

They are outsiders and or extraplanars, not undead. Lord Shadow even wants to turn into a lich. It's a brief line in one of the 3e sourcebooks.... I wanna say Lords of Darkness.
sleyvas Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 15:37:42
>>young miss bleth was no ordinary vampire: she could live on blood, and she felt the >>usual "flush" while feasting, but she abhorred the act. instead, she thrived on love: at >>least once every tenday, she needs someone new to fall in love with her.

I love this idea. I wonder, does she acquire more "feeding" if one lover kills the other in a fit of rage. I once used a variant vampire who had to burn things (a vampyre). I got the idea when I read the stat block for a vampyre in the undermountain stuff (though I never saw the original monster entry, so the "official" creature could be vastly different). I had him be a painter who was turned, and now he can no longer paint without burning his work, so now he has become a disturbed artist of fiery death.
Telies Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 13:51:56
This being my first post, I would like to express my wonder and gratitude to all those who have made this incredible lore repository possible. I am very very new to the Realms, but the sages and librarians here have brought Faerun to life for me most vividly.

Onto my question:

Those Netherese who became Shades during their sojourn in the Plane of Shadow- was this by a process similar to Toril archmagii becoming liches? Thus Netheres Shade Princes would be considered undead?
Or should they be considered "plane-touched", and thus be classified as outsiders?

My thanks in advance!
silvermage Posted - 18 Mar 2006 : 00:36:31
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

I was reading about Aumvor the Undying in the 2E Lords of Darkness book, and I would like to know more about him. CoR stands for ... ?

Where is Opus nowadays? That was the domain of Chever the Penguin Arcanist, pushed into another plan by Selune at the same time Shar shoved Shade into Hell. Opus would be chock full o' Netherese Arcanists, too.

Minor details are provided on Opus anyway, but I wonder how well would Opus Arcanists match up against Shade Arcanists. It is mentioned there is a way to return Opus to Faerun, only for a final deathshowdown with Shade Enclave which may finally erase the true last vestiges of surviving Netherese civilisation.
The Sage Posted - 18 Mar 2006 : 00:33:25
CoR = Champions of Ruin.

As for Opus, check our Lost Empires of Faerun for those details and the older 2e Netheril: Empire of Magic.
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 18 Mar 2006 : 00:22:09
I was reading about Aumvor the Undying in the 2E Lords of Darkness book, and I would like to know more about him. CoR stands for ... ?

Where is Opus nowadays? That was the domain of Chever the Penguin Arcanist, pushed into another plan by Selune at the same time Shar shoved Shade into Hell. Opus would be chock full o' Netherese Arcanists, too.

Skeptic Posted - 16 Mar 2006 : 18:48:22
And no details are given.
Kuje Posted - 16 Mar 2006 : 18:37:56
Originally posted by Kajehase

It's mentioned in Lost Empires of Faerūn, if my memory serves me correctly for once.

You are correct. :)
Kajehase Posted - 16 Mar 2006 : 18:35:11
It's mentioned in Lost Empires of Faerūn, if my memory serves me correctly for once.
khorne Posted - 16 Mar 2006 : 18:02:49
Originally posted by At your Behest

No, actually she was captured by our most beloved Shadovar !

When and how did that happen?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Mar 2006 : 04:19:49
Originally posted by silvermage

If Malaug and his party migrated into the POS some years before the Fall of Netheril, similarly, the Shadovar also migrated into the POS at that time. If both groups stayed in the POS for a very long time, how came that they are so different with the Shades looking near-human without shape-shift abilities while Malaug and his children looked so distorted?

I'd say it's because the two groups used really different methods to adapt to life in the Plane of Shadows.
silvermage Posted - 15 Mar 2006 : 04:12:34
Originally posted by nbnmare

A couple more to add to the list:

The Night Parade are descendants of Netherese arcanists who emigrated to the Demiplane of Nightmares in -618 DR.

Similarly, the Maulagrym are descendants of a Netherese wizard, Maulag, who moved to the Plane of Shadow to study it (presumably along with several assistants, apprentices and servants). I'm not sure of the year, but it was some time before the Fall of Netheril.

In both instances, original members of the groups could yet survive...

The Night Parade are present in massive numbers but their reproduction is their weakness as they are reliant on something called the "apparatus". They certainly remind me of PS2: The Thing.

If Malaug and his party migrated into the POS some years before the Fall of Netheril, similarly, the Shadovar also migrated into the POS at that time. If both groups stayed in the POS for a very long time, how came that they are so different with the Shades looking near-human without shape-shift abilities while Malaug and his children looked so distorted?

nbnmare Posted - 14 Mar 2006 : 13:46:38
A couple more to add to the list:

The Night Parade are descendants of Netherese arcanists who emigrated to the Demiplane of Nightmares in -618 DR.

Similarly, the Maulagrym are descendants of a Netherese wizard, Maulag, who moved to the Plane of Shadow to study it (presumably along with several assistants, apprentices and servants). I'm not sure of the year, but it was some time before the Fall of Netheril.

In both instances, original members of the groups could yet survive...
At your Behest Posted - 03 Mar 2006 : 18:04:15
No, actually she was captured by our most beloved Shadovar !
Skeptic Posted - 03 Mar 2006 : 16:45:23
Tabra, apprentice of Ioulaum that "hides" in Bargewright Inn in the North. (See Volo's guide to the North)

Ooops.. someone already mentioned her.
At your Behest Posted - 03 Mar 2006 : 16:39:28
Well met!

Another one who is still around would be Arthindol the Terraseer.
Though he is a sarrukh, I remember him being called (netherese) arcanist.
At the very least he was avidly involved with the Netherese and his current whereabouts and his doings in the past are to be found in the Netheril-section of LEoF. That was reason enough for me to put him here.

tauster Posted - 03 Mar 2006 : 16:19:16
just to toss another idea around (completely non-canon, mind you):
I came up with a trio of npc's, one already introduced to my players, two soon to be revealed. all three are vampires: very much anne rice-style (evil tongues might call the older two "cheap copies of marius and pandora, just with netheril replacing the roman empire"). both are in khelbens or elminsters league: not in actual power but by using the same "meddling and manipulating" style, working on longterm goals and mostly through third parties. needless to say that although they are the least "visible" npc's to my players, both belong to my favourite characters.

...and to toss another idea around (though this one unrelated to all things netherese):
the third (younger) one is a member of cormyr's noble family (Bleth), living in (pre-destruction) tilverton. she was made a vampire by marius a few centuries ago, when she fell deeply, utterly, completely, madly in love with him - and was made immortal by the elder vampire in a fit of... well, vigorous lovemaking.

afterwards, marius regretted what he did to the lass, but (un-)naturally, it was too late. and while the beautiful aristocrat still loved him deeply, marius' heart belonged to his mate pandora. it broke jessica's (today, I would clearly chose another, more realmsian name! ) heart when he confessed that to her, and while introducing her to the art of living unrecognised among mortals, it turned out that young miss bleth was no ordinary vampire: she could live on blood, and she felt the usual "flush" while feasting, but she abhorred the act. instead, she thrived on love: at least once every tenday, she needs someone new to fall in love with her.

...which is a problem in several ways, the most prominent one being the inevitable crowd of broken-hearted lovers in her wake. she came up with a certain modus operandi: living in a larger city with lots of "transit traffic" and chosing her lovers mostly from travellers (merchants, caravaners, etc). today (1370/71 DR), she lives in tilverton, posing as the owner of a small trading house aligned to the Bleth family.

i found that inspiratin in van richtens guide to vampires, where alternatives to blood were discussed. i read "the vampire armand" a short time ago and had the idea of a good-aligned vampiric character back in my mind ever since. it was a small step to creating this, ...well... vamp.
to this day, three pc's have become her victims: a doomguide of kelemvor who fell in love with her without knowing that she was undead, and had very hard pangs of remorse when she revealed it to him - after saving his live against another vampire, shortly afterwards his "squire" (a young aspiring paladin of kelemvor, whose father was killed by said vampire and who to this day doesn't suspect her being a vampire) and a good aligned necromancer, who hates undead but repeatedly meets good aligned ones who challenge his moralities...
The Sage Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 04:39:54
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Most Netherese would hide from the Cultists, too.
I ventured this opinion to Ed, and he agreed. And said certain Netherese might try to manipulate Cultists by feeding them information, both true and false. Out of whim, out of decaying sanity,and to see if they could be forged into some sort of weapon or outreach organization (witting or unwitting).
The scary thing is,
Ed CHUCKLES a lot whenever I mention Netherese. As if he's got more up his sleeves than just his arms . . .

That's rather interesting... kind of a "manipulators having their own strings manipulated" and so forth.

So that, when treasure hunters or loremasters come across potential details about Netherese ruins... not only are they reading lore that has been tinkered with by Cultists, but by what disinformation surviving Netherese have fed the Cultists about these ruins.
The Sage Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 04:36:38
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Has Ed made any connection about the possibility of some of the surviving Netherese perhaps being members of the Cultists?

I don't believe anyone has asked him... His quotes on the surviving Netherese date back at least a year before LEoF.


In fact the reply from Ed you quoted above Wooly was from Feb '04.
Volo Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 01:40:02
Uh oh. THO is laughing her evil laugh. This is NOT good....
The Hooded One Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 01:28:50
Chuckle. Chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle.
Volo Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 01:26:44
The scary thing is that I read the description of the Waterdhavian mage, and I can't seem to clear away the thought that it might be Mirt....
The Hooded One Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 01:26:36
Most Netherese would hide from the Cultists, too.
I ventured this opinion to Ed, and he agreed. And said certain Netherese might try to manipulate Cultists by feeding them information, both true and false. Out of whim, out of decaying sanity,and to see if they could be forged into some sort of weapon or outreach organization (witting or unwitting).
The scary thing is,
Ed CHUCKLES a lot whenever I mention Netherese. As if he's got more up his sleeves than just his arms . . .

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