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Kaladorm Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 15:57:05
I've been thinking about the -10hp for death thing, and decided I don't like it very much :)

My main gripes are
1) Some 1st level characters can take more of a beating when unconscious than when they're conscious (think of a wizard with 4hp)

2) High level characters rarely fall unsconscious due to the large amounts of dmg, they just die

3)Everyone can only survive for so long unconscious, whether you're a weedy lvl 1 mage or a massive lvl 25 barbarian

I thought some more about how I would fix each of those problems, and thought I'd try this new system at some point

number of 'unconscious' hp = character level x con modifier.

This means the 'tougher' characters benefit more by being able to hang on to life a little longer. Higher level characters also spend about as much time unconscious as low level ones (as they take more dmg, get healed for more etc).

Any thoughts?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arivia Posted - 27 Jan 2006 : 03:36:36
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight
Really? where is this feat from? and how will I tweak it now... :) Perhaps DR 1/- ? :)

A whole horde of places. Libris Mortis and Complete Warrior off the top of my head.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 27 Jan 2006 : 01:22:51
Originally posted by Arivia

Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Level x Con mod seems like a good plan... I'll make it so IMC!

This just increased the value of the Endurance-Diehard feats combo!

I'll also add that IMC, Toughness gives you one bonus hit point per level...

You do know Improved Toughness(which doesn't have any feats as prerequisites) does that normally, right?

Really? where is this feat from? and how will I tweak it now... :) Perhaps DR 1/- ? :)
Faraer Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 23:31:37
Compare the unconsciousness and death rules from the original AD&D (quoting from my summary sheet):
If an attack brings a creature to –4 hit points or lower, it is dead.

When a creature is brought to 0 to –3 hit points, it is unconscious. In each of the next rounds 1 more point is lost until –10 is reached and the creature dies. This loss ceases when aid is administered.

A character brought to 0 (or fewer) hit points and then revived will remain in a coma for 1–6 turns, must then rest for a full week.
Fletcher Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 21:30:30
You could always try letting you characters go to the following negative scores before dying:
For fighter classes Con+lvl

Fore rogue/cleric classes con+1/2 level.

For arcane classes Con+1/4 level
Belthor Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 19:18:15
Paul I really like your idea. It seems to make more sense that some of the others that I've heard. Until I can convince our DM that my HP are affected the same way that my golf score gets better;(the lower it gets, the better off you are), maybe we could try your idea. Sounds fun anyway.
Arivia Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 18:52:50
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Level x Con mod seems like a good plan... I'll make it so IMC!

This just increased the value of the Endurance-Diehard feats combo!

I'll also add that IMC, Toughness gives you one bonus hit point per level...

You do know Improved Toughness(which doesn't have any feats as prerequisites) does that normally, right?
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 18:39:11
Level x Con mod seems like a good plan... I'll make it so IMC!

This just increased the value of the Endurance-Diehard feats combo!

I'll also add that IMC, Toughness gives you one bonus hit point per level...
KnightErrantJR Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 18:22:21
I thought of something like that at one time, but I never really worked out the mechanics. When I restart my campaign in a few months, I may throw this in the list of things for my players to check out and see if they like. Thanks Paul.
PaulSKemp Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 18:08:52
Here's what we've always done: At the end of any round in which a PC has negative hit points, the player must make an ability check against Constitution, the DC of which is equal to the number of negative hit points.

So the player of a PC at -3 must roll a three or higher on a d20 (modified by Con modifier) or the PC dies. The player of a PC at -15 (note that -10 does not equal death) must roll a 15 or higher (modified by Con) or the PC dies.

We find this adds a lot of tension to combats. It also creates a situation where even someone with very few negative hit points could die (perhaps rolling a "1" on the d20) or someone with very many may still live (perhaps rolling a twenty). It also encourages aid to get to the person very quickly, since the check is made each round until the character is stabilized.

We don't care overmuch that this may give a character more "negative hit points" than ordinary hit points (in the case of, say, a first level wizard). Hit points are an abstraction so we've found that thinking about them in those terms is not useful. Instead, we go for what works and what adds drama. YMMV.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 17:50:04
I personally just like to modify it to -Con instead of -10. While some characters have tons of hit points, part of this is suppose to represent handling one self in combat situations. When it comes to mortal wounds, I think it just comes down to how healthy you are. Just my take, but -con does make "healthier" types like fighters and barbarians seem a bit tougher, though if you have the rare wizard with an 18 con, he is going to hang on pretty well also.
Firhyanda Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 16:09:18

I think that’s a better then average idea but how would that effect coup de grace and things like strangulation with garrote or an assassin’s death attack? How would this change spells like death watch and or save or die spells is it just bonus hit points based on con and level if so does it constitute power creep?

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