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T O P I C    R E V I E W
marcsmart Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 06:40:39
Anyone know where the stats or profile of the main characters from the below series on the net?

Avatar Series
The Moonshae Trilogy
The Last Mythal Trilogy
The Rogues

Any help would ne great.
I can't find any magazines nor articles regarding FR in my country at all....Other than some of the novels, we have nothing -_-

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 21:15:04
Originally posted by Belthor

WOW! I used to think that I had a pretty good grasp on the english language. Whatever you're doing with the whatsis translating into the whosits, let the rest of us know if it works out for you.

No whatsits are involved. It's all whosits and thingies.
Belthor Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 19:37:28
WOW! I used to think that I had a pretty good grasp on the english language. Whatever you're doing with the whatsis translating into the whosits, let the rest of us know if it works out for you.
The Sage Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 01:07:23
Originally posted by Kuje


Well it doesn't matter anyhow. :) I decided to do something different instead of trying to get Microsoft to code the darn thing the way normal HTML is supposed to be coded, so I'll do it by hand and that way I know it works. :)

And, we highjacked this thread, so let's um, get back on topic? :)

Just before we do get back "on-topic"... I'd like to hear what you're trying now Kuje. Send me a PM... .
Kuje Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 00:32:57

Well it doesn't matter anyhow. :) I decided to do something different instead of trying to get Microsoft to code the darn thing the way normal HTML is supposed to be coded, so I'll do it by hand and that way I know it works. :)

And, we highjacked this thread, so let's um, get back on topic? :)
The Sage Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 00:24:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

No I idea what you just said. :) But no worries, I know how I want the files to look and it'll just take me a bit to code it all. :) I tried Microsofts save as HTML, but three of us can't figure out wtf Microsoft's code does to the HTML file and we couldn't get it to browse right. :)

Microsoft does all sorts of funky things to HTML files, if you give it a chance...

I heard of this program called FirstPage that's supposed to be both free and pretty good... I've never used it, though, so I can't say how good it is.

I've already tried FirstPage... even with those exotic updates you can download from the Evrsoft-supported beta-testing development section. Still the results remain the same. I still believe the problem resides within the actual coding of the HTML itself, rather than any fault in the transfer. One particular tag is likely the cause of the errors when uploaded to the web.
The Sage Posted - 26 Jan 2006 : 00:15:51
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by EvilKnight


You should program a VBA macro to autogenerate the HTML from the excel file. You could even put it out in a tab delimited format and parse it into HTML with java. If you have an example page layout of how you see the HTML I may be able to find some time to create a macro for you.


No I idea what you just said. :) But no worries, I know how I want the files to look and it'll just take me a bit to code it all. :) I tried Microsofts save as HTML, but three of us can't figure out wtf Microsoft's code does to the HTML file and we couldn't get it to browse right. :)

As I've said to you... I can transfer the spreadsheets into HTML format... but once uploaded to the web, is where the problems begin. There are just too many HTML tags that are coming up as unrecognised by *any* standard web browser -- even the mighty SageOS .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 22:43:32
Originally posted by Kuje

No I idea what you just said. :) But no worries, I know how I want the files to look and it'll just take me a bit to code it all. :) I tried Microsofts save as HTML, but three of us can't figure out wtf Microsoft's code does to the HTML file and we couldn't get it to browse right. :)

Microsoft does all sorts of funky things to HTML files, if you give it a chance...

I heard of this program called FirstPage that's supposed to be both free and pretty good... I've never used it, though, so I can't say how good it is.
Kuje Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 22:18:35
Originally posted by EvilKnight


You should program a VBA macro to autogenerate the HTML from the excel file. You could even put it out in a tab delimited format and parse it into HTML with java. If you have an example page layout of how you see the HTML I may be able to find some time to create a macro for you.


No I idea what you just said. :) But no worries, I know how I want the files to look and it'll just take me a bit to code it all. :) I tried Microsofts save as HTML, but three of us can't figure out wtf Microsoft's code does to the HTML file and we couldn't get it to browse right. :)
EvilKnight Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 21:43:06

You should program a VBA macro to autogenerate the HTML from the excel file. You could even put it out in a tab delimited format and parse it into HTML with java. If you have an example page layout of how you see the HTML I may be able to find some time to create a macro for you.

Kuje Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 16:27:45
Originally posted by marcsmart


Thank You so much~
That must have took you a long time~

I am not playing any of the campaigns (yet), :-] I just want to make a database of the characters I have read and list them on a website some day. (With the portrait, Deity Symbol and the character profile and history, stats etc)

It took me almost a year to create, aye. :) Now it'll probably take me the rest of this year to turn it into HTML. :) I finished the classes that start with A and I'm just waiting for Alaundo to get home from vaca and upload them. My goal is to get at least one class coded a week, but that might fall behind when I get to the fighters since there's over 2,000 of them. :)
The Sage Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 13:35:43
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

You need Excel to open it though until I finish turning it into HTML. :)

Incorrect. Microsoft offers a free Excel viewer on their website. You can download that and view (but not alter) Excel files, even if you've not got Excel installed.

Actually, I do remember that.

Thanks Wooly... That may help to correct a slight problem Kuje and I have been experiencing with the Excel-to-HTML conversion. I believe I have an idea on how to "get around" the problem using the free viewer.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 11:22:25
Originally posted by Kuje

You need Excel to open it though until I finish turning it into HTML. :)

Incorrect. Microsoft offers a free Excel viewer on their website. You can download that and view (but not alter) Excel files, even if you've not got Excel installed.
marcsmart Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 08:37:54
Thanks Kajehase!

Kajehase Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 07:59:04
Actually, the heroine of The Crimson Gold, Tazi Uskeveren, was statted out twice, first in an issue of Dragon Magazine, and then on WotC's website ( In the latter one she's a - Female Human Rogue 7.
marcsmart Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 07:17:34

Thank You so much~
That must have took you a long time~

I am not playing any of the campaigns (yet), :-] I just want to make a database of the characters I have read and list them on a website some day. (With the portrait, Deity Symbol and the character profile and history, stats etc)
Kuje Posted - 25 Jan 2006 : 06:44:18
The short stats, from 1e and 2e, for the characters from the Moonshae and Avatar novels can be found in my NPC doc. You need Excel to open it though until I finish turning it into HTML. :) Just do a search through it for the character names. Midnight is in the wizards tab. Cyric is in fighters. Adon is in clerics. Kelemvor is in fighters, I believe. Most of the Moonshae characters are in the ranger, fighter, and druid tabs, except for the bard and Deirdrie, who is in clerics, I believe.

The Last Mythal and Rogues, don't have stats, as far as I recall.

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